Урок " Освіта в Україні та Британії"

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Розробка уроку засвоєння нових знань по темі "Освіта в Україні та Британії"
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Form 10. Lesson 20.

Schools in Britain and Ukraine. Asking for an opinion.


- to improve students’ listening and speaking skills; to focus students on talking about school education I Great Britain and Ukraine, about changes in the educational system of Ukraine;

- to motivate students for becoming independent listeners; to develop students’ personal and social transferable skills; to activate linguistic guess; to expand students’ vocabulary;

- to provide a stable and welcoming atmosphere in the class; to develop self-esteem and mutual esteem; to encourage understanding and tolerance to others; to form reliable attitude to studying.

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson students will be able:

- to talk about schools and education;

- to compare different points of view;

- to express motivated agreement or disagreement.


1. Introduction. Our topic today is “System of education in Great Britain and Ukraine”. By the end of the lesson you should be able:

- to recognize and understand the words and word-combinations in the text;

- to understand the differences between Ukrainian and British schools;

- to make a conclusion about a system of education of Ukraine and Great Britain;

- to develop listening, speaking reading and writing skills.


2. Warm – up ( microphone).

I have some questions to you.

1. Do you like to study?

2.When did you start school?

3. What is a school?

4. What’s your favourite subject? Why?

5. Do you feel at home at your school?

6. Would you like to study abroad? Why?

7. What do you like in the system of education of Ukraine?

8. What don’t you like in our education?

9. Do you think there should be private and state schools? Why?


2. Speaking. Do ex. 1, p. 72.

What do you know about schools in Britain? In pairs, do the exercise. Choose the correct answer and your results comparing with your partner’s answers. Later you’ll have a possibility to check up your answers.

Key: 1a/b, 2c, 3b, 4c, 5a.


3. Vocabulary work.

In pairs, identify the definition and translation of the words on the board.

-courses – a set of classes leading to an exam – курс навчання

-independent – not influenced or controlled – незалежний

- opportunities – possibility to do smth – можливості

- advanced – at a higher level – високого рівня

- junior – level of school – молодший

- available -  able to be used – доступний

- public – expensive private – приватний

- compulsory – smth you do because of a law – обовязковий

- boarding – a school where students live and study – школа-інтернат

- comprehensive – completed – загальноосвітній.


4. Listening. Do ex. 3, p. 72. Listen to the text and check your answers.


5. Listening & Vocabulary practice

a) pre-listening activity. Read and translate the words on the board.

- primary school

- secondary school

- mixed school

 - state school

- boarding school

- A-level

b) while-listening activity

c) after-listening activities. Do ex. 4, p.72. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


6. Speaking. Now, your task is to share your opinions about British schools. What new facts have you learned? Exercise *Onion Rings*.


7. Reading. Ex. 5, p. 73

a) before-reading activity.

What kind of school do you study at? What do you like about your school most? What do you like least?

b) while-reading activity. Read and fill in the gaps in ex.5, p.73.

c) after-reading activity. Agree or disagree.

1. Schooling starts at the age of 6 (T)

2. There are 4 levels of education in Ukraine. (T)

3. General secondary education is not compulsory. (F)

4. The stages of schools in Ukraine are: infant, basic and senior. (F)

5. Grades 5-9 are called basic school. (T)

6. 10-12 grades are senior. (T)

7. Basic school finishes at the end of the 9th form. (T)

8. The middle school curriculum is single for all schools. (F)

9. There are no private schools in Ukraine. (F)


8. Group work. Divide into 2 groups. One group makes up a scheme of the English system of education, another one makes up a scheme of the Ukrainian system of education. Presentation of the schemes.

9. Speaking. Imagine you have an exchange pupil in or school. Ask him questions about education in Great Britain.

10. Summary. Do ex. 6, p.74.


11. Homework. Write a short composition “What does school education mean to you?” or make up a comparative scheme of school education in Ukraine and Britain.








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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
10 грудня 2019
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