Урок з англійської мови з використанням ІКТ. 5-й клас.
Тема: Я і моя родина.
Мета: Розширити та вдосконалити знання учнів з тем «моя родина, професії»;
Навчити розповідати про свою родину;
Активізувати уміння вживати та розуміти лексичний та граматичний матеріали у мовленні;
Формувати навички діалогічного мовлення на рівні мікродіалогу з опорою на зразок;
Удосконалювати навички аудіювання та читання;
Розвивати вміння працювати в парах;
Розвивати фонематичний слух, увагу, мовну реакцію, творче мислення;
Виховувати позитивне ставлення до іноземної мови та почуття поваги і любові до близьких людей.
Обладнання: презентація, аудіо записи, картки.
Хід уроку:
І Початок уроку
1. Привітання.
Teacher: Good morning, my dear pupils! I am glad to see you!
Pupils: Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you too!
2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. (слайд1)
Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. The topic is “all about my family”. We will talk about your different relatives and professions. We will work in pairs and play.
3. Мовленнєва та фонетична зарядка.
Teacher: Do you remember any proverbs and poems about family?
Pupils: Like father, like son.
I have a mother, I have a father,
I have a sister, I have a brother.
Mother, father, sister, brother
Hand in hand with one another!
Teacher: Which sound have you heard?
Pupils: th | |
Teacher: Read some more proverbs on our topic. How can you understand them? (слайд2)
4. Перевірка домашнього завдання.Writing.
Повторення лексики з теми:
Parents, children, relatives, pets, cousins, grandchildren
Словниковий диктант:
Mother, father, cousin, daughter, grandparents, husband…
II Основна частина
Teacher: How many professions do you know? Name so many jobs as you can.
Pupils: teacher, dentist, builder, lawyer, engineer, vet…
Teacher: Can you hear any job that someone in your family does?
(Adam is babysitting for his little brother. They are reading a book about jobs.
“What does the teacher do? What does the vet do?” -The little boy wants to know.
An architect makes plans for houses. A teacher teaches children. A secretary works in an office. A dentist repairs your teeth. A doctor helps sick people. A nurse helps the doctor. A postman brings letters. A vet helps sick animals. And a policeman catches burgles.
“I*d like to be a policeman!”- says little Billy.)
Pupils: My mother is a doctor. My aunt is a vet. My brother is a policeman.
My father is…
About jobs (слайд5)
Act out your own dialogues (слайд6)
4. Flash mob. Sing and act a song “if you are happy and you know it” (слайд7)
If you*re happy and you know it clap your hands. (Clap, clap)
If you*re happy and you know it clap your hands. (Clap, clap)
If you*re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you*re happy and you know it clap your hands. (Clap, clap)
5. Speaking. Play the game “a snowball” (слайд8)
Vocabulary: big, tidy, friendly, funny, nice, great, happy, ideal, active, clever, best, strong, curious, kind, special, beautiful, unusual, wonderful, helpful, healthy.
Look at the photo. What kind of family is it? (слайд9)
Teacher: Continue the sentence “My family is…” with one adjective from the box. Then repeat and add one more word in order.
Pupils: My family is big. My family is big and happy. My family is big, happy and healthy…
6. Speaking and Writing. (слайд10)
We must be thankful for our families, relatives and friends. Love, help, care to each other. Let*s make and write a poem about family.
“My nearest and dearest,
I love you very much
Forgive me
Take care
Thank you forever…”
III Заключна частина (слайд11)
Your home task is to make a family project.
Thank you for your good job. You were great, active, smart. Well done! Your marks are…
The lesson is over. Good bye! Be happy!