Урок “Planet Earth” Vocabulary practice

Про матеріал
Мета: • активізувати лексичний матеріал з теми “Environment” • удосконалювати вміння і навички усного мовлення. • розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію, навички критичного мислення та увагу • розвивати навички самостійної роботи з матеріалом та роботи в парах • виховувати в учнів вміння творчо та логічно мислити • підтримувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови
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Topic: Planet Earth                                               

Vocabulary practice 


Geographical features

1 Work with a partner. Name one famous example for each of the words.

  beach • desert • forest ice cap • island • jungle / rainforest • lake • mountain • mountain range • ocean / sea • river • valley


2 Look at the names. What are the geographical features?

1. Sahara …………………………………          5. Titicaca …………………………..

2. around the Amazon ……………………         6. The North Pole ……………………

3.The Andes ……………………………...         7. Mallorca …………………………..

4.Ipanema …………………………………


3 Put the letters in order to find different geographical features.

1. leungj    …………………….            5. lidnas …………………….

2. trsofe     …………………….            6. cabhe …………………….

3. tesdre    …………………….            7. layvle …………………….

4. mintoanu …………………….         8. naceo …………………….


4 Match the definitions with some of the words below. There are unused words.

     beach • desert • forest ice cap • island • rainforest • lake • mountain • mountain range •

ocean • river • valley

1 a long line of very big hills

2 a long turning flow of water

3 an area with a lot of trees, plants and animals

4 an area with a lot of sand, but not many plants and almost no water

5 a piece of land with water all around it

6 an area between two hills

7 similar to 5 across, but here it rains a lot

8 an area next to the sea with sand, where some people go to spend their holidays

9 a big, cold area that covers the land and sea around the North and South Pole


The environment

5 Work with a partner. Match the definitions with some of the words below. Some words are used twice.

drought flood  • global warming  • greenhouse effect • melt  • nuclear disaster  • oil spill  • ozone layer  • pollution  • recycle  • save  • waste

1 when heat can not escape from the atmosphere and the temperature on Earth goes up


2 when ice turns to water ………………………….

3 a long period of time when there is no rain ………………….

4 the part of the Earth’s atmosphere which protects the earth from the sun

5 the process of making the air, water or land worse, with chemicals, for example ………………….

6 a large quantity of water that suddenly covers an area ………………….

7 the increase in the temperature on Earth ………………….

8 an accident with nuclear power, usually causing radioactivity ………………….

9 an accident when oil comes out of its container, for example at sea ………………….

10 when you stop using something or use very little ………………….

11 when it doesn’t rain and there is no water  ………………….

12 the thing which protects the earth from the sun  ………………….

13 when you use things in an unnecessary way     ………………….

14 when you save old things to use the materials again    ………………….

15 when it rains a lot and rivers get too big    ………………….


6 Listen to four descriptions of environmental problems. Match each description with the suitable word from ex. 5

1 ………………………………..                               3 ………………………………..

2 ………………………………..                               4 ………………………………..


7 Complete the environmental words with the missing vowels (a, e, i, o, u).

a dr __ __ ght                                                              e  __ z__n__   l__ y__ r

b fl __ __ d                                                                  f  r __ cycl__

c gl__ b__ l     w__ rm__ ng                                       g  s__ v__   w__ t__ r

d  gr __  __ nh__   __ s__   __ f__  __ ct


8 Complete the text with the words below.

    droughts floods • global warming  • ozone layer • recycle  • save  • waste

(a) ………………………. is getting worse – temperatures keep going up because of the hole in the

(b) ………………………. There have been (c) ………………………. where water has destroyed towns. There are (d) ………………………. where it hasn’t rained for a long time. But many people   (e) ………………………. water – they use too much. It’s important to (f) ………………………. water and (g) ………………………. things like bottles.


Vocabulary extension

9 Complete the sentences with these prepositions.

          after  • out  • away • down • in • up • out 

1. We throw ………… too much rubbish these days.

2. Soon we are going to run …………of oil for energy.

3. If we cut ………… too many trees in the rainforest, it can cause problems for the environment.

4. We are building more houses in the countryside and some plants and animals are dying …………

5. The government needs to invest money ……… renewable energy sources.

6. If we don’t look ………… the environment, we won’t have a good life in the future.

7. Companies need to come ………… with new ways of producing cleaner energy.



10 Work with a partner. Ask and answer these questions.

1 How is global warming affecting your country?

2 Where and when do you have floods or droughts in your country?

3 How do people waste water and electricity in your country?

4 What do you do to save water or electricity?

5 What products or materials do you recycle?


Audioscript ex 6


Girl: Isn’t it terrible what’s happening in the village?

Boy: I know, it started raining on Sunday and it just hasn’t stopped for days.

Girl: Yeah, and with all that water, lots of people are leaving their homes. It’s just too dangerous to stay there.

Boy: Yeah, and have you seen how the water just carries away all the cars? Scary! Really scary.



Teacher: OK and what’s this? Well, it’s a region of the upper atmosphere, between about 15 and 30 kilometres in altitude. It has quite a lot of ozone and the ozone absorbs the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. But the big problem is the hole right here, over the Antarctic and the Arctic. This hole is caused by CFC gases and other gases.



Man:  Well, it’s stupid, isn’t it?

Woman: I know, they always tell us to sort our rubbish and to recycle it, but then they don’t give us anywhere to put bottles and glass.

Man:  That’s right. And in the end there’s no alternative. You have to put all the rubbish in the same bin.



Woman: It’s so hot today, though, isn’t it?

Man:  Certainly is. They say it’s the hottest day of the year. Well, no, not of the year, the hottest day in the last ten years.

Woman: And they say it’s going to get hotter.

Man:  One day this is all just going to be desert, believe me.



1 червня 2020
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