Video Lesson Travelling to Unusual Homes
Listening and speaking based on the video content B1+
Aims – by the end of the lesson the learners will be able to speak about their idea of home,
different types of homes,
define advantages and disadvantages of a specific type of homes,
express their opinion about travelling to a specific place(Turkey), by a certain type of transport (hot –air balloon) , giving their own reason
extract specific information from the video content
A Trip to Cappadocia (BBC)
BEFORE watching
T asks the 1st question to stimulate the schema and introduce the topic.
SS discuss the questions in small groups AAA, BBB, CCC, collect answers and share with other groups ABC
1 viewing. SS answer the questions: Who? What? Where?
2 viewing .SS discuss their answers in pairs
SS are grouped to discuss some of the questions.
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