Урок "Подорожі Україною та світом. Прислухайся до моєї поради"

Про матеріал
Тема "Подорожі навколо світу та Україною" Мета: Тренування у вживанні тематичних ключових лексичних одиниць в усному мовленні. Знайомство і тренування виразів про те, як попросити поради, надати пораду й сприняти ії. Учні демонструють свої навички і уміння працювати з прислів'ями до теми, з группою сінонимів до слова "подорож" і визначають відмінність в словах за дефініціями. За допомогою аудіофільму, тексту для аудіювання, роздаткового наочного матеріалу, граматичних вправ, складаючи діалоги і працюючи в парах і групах, учні спрямовані на виконання інтегрованої змістовної лінії: Громадянська відповідальність - уміння планувати траекторію власного життя.
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Focus Intermediate

Module 3 (3.6) Going places /Travelling

Asking for and giving advice


  • to practice Vocabulary: Transport / Travelling (collocations, compound nouns, phrasal verbs) in speaking and training exercises.
  • to develop Listening skills (to understand the main points of the conversation

           and be able to ask for and give advice due to the future travelling);

  • to keep on developing students’ skills to work in pairs in order to make up a dialogue on the proposed topic.

Інтегровані змістовні лінії:  Громадянська відповідальність: Уміння планувати траєкторію власного життя.

Resources: CD,  Video 12, photocopiable activities 13


  1. Organization Moment

Glad to see you. It’s time to start our lesson.

  1. Warm-up   How are you feeling?

Are you exhausted?

I did a lot of homework at the weekends and was preparing for a project (a test in chemistry)

Are you sad?

My pet is ill.

Are you happy?

Of course, I managed to be at my favourite singer’s concert.

Are you confident?

Personally, I visited an art centre and saw the exhibition of modern paintings by…

Are you bored?

Surely not, it’s my favourite lesson. I love English very much.

Are you depressed?

I’ve got a bad mark in maths, it influences me greatly.

Are you excited?

I’m waiting for a football match with my beloved football player.

Are you surprised?


Are you worried?

I couldn’t find my mobile and had to go to school without it. I can’t live without it.


  1. Well, what is the title of the module we are dealing with just these days?  - Going places/ Travelling. By the way, name the synonyms to the word Travelling. – trip, journey, cruise, voyage 

What are the targets of our lesson? – Today we continue practicing Key Words, compound nouns, collocations, phrasal verbs in different kinds of activities: in Listening, in Speaking (making up a dialogue about how to ask for advice and give some advice about travelling), we are going to watch the Video, work in groups and in pairs to practice your skills.

  1. Brainstorm. Practicing proverbs about travelling

First of all, you surely remember the Key proverb which serves as an introduction to our theme. Let’s remember it.  - The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.

Teacher: How do you understand the proverb? What is the book compared with?

Students: Travelling is compared with the book. The more pages you read the more useful and interesting information you get to know, much more educated you become.


Teacher: What other proverbs about travelling are worth learning and being remembered?


Students name the proverbs they have found as homework.


  1. Travel broadens the mind.
  2. Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.
  3. Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.
  4. One’s destination is never a place, but always a new way of seeing things.
  5. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
  6. Don’t tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you travelled.
  7. Travel, in the younger thought is a part of education, in the elder, a part of experience.
  8. Travelling leaves you speechless, but then it turns you into a storyteller.
  9. Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.

Teacher: What do all these proverbs mean? Why do so many people all over the world enjoy travelling?

Students’ answers:

  • Travelling is a good chance to see amazing sights.
  • We can broaden our knowledge about the world.
  • We make a lot of new friends all over the world.
  • We can do a lot of outdoor activities and practise a lot of skills.
  • We meet with some challenges and learn to solve some problems and get a good life experience.
  • We have a chance to find out cultural traditions and customs of the countries.
  1. Vocabulary practice
  1. Teacher: By the way, what means of travelling can you name?


On land one can travel by train, car, motorbike, bicycle, bus, lorry, on horseback.

On water people can travel by ship, rowing boat, hovercraft, speedboat, on a raft.

In the air you can travel by airplane, glider, helicopter, on a hot-air balloon, on a parachute.


  1. Pair work: work in pairs and match the collocations, phrasal verbs and compound nouns with the definitions.

1 deal with

  1. spend the night

2 go away

  1. arrive (unexpectedly or after a delay)

3 move on

  1. leave your home (for a holiday)

4 set off

  1. leave a place (to go to another place)

5 stay over

  1. to get to a place which is far

6 stop over


  1. the place where your passport is checked when you leave or enter the country

7 turn up

  1. take action (to solve a problem)

8 reach your destination

  1. to not be late to do something

9 go through passport control

  1. begin / start (a journey)

10 catch a bus


  1. visit somewhere (on your way to another place)

Answers: 1g    2c     3d     4i     5a     6 j    7b     8 e    9f    10h

  1.  Photocopiable activities 13

Aim: to practise collocations, phrasal verbs, and other words related to travel.

Type of activity: interview.      Materials: one worksheet per student.

Task: 1) Ask students to read the questions and complete the gaps with the words in the box. 2) Check with the whole group. 3) Students answer the questions for themselves. 4) Then they interview their partner and take notes of their answer.






Your partner

1 Have you ever travelled on a(n) __________ bus?




2 Can you usually ____________ any problems you have when travelling?



3 Do you get nervous when you go through __________ control?




4 Do you usually __________ a bus to school?




5 What is the first thing you do when you __________ your destination?



6 Would you like to work at sea on a(n) __________ ?




7 How often do you __________ on holiday?




8 Do friends or relatives ever __________ at your house and surprise you?



9 Have you ever travelled by __________ ?



10 When you travel somewhere, do you like to __________early

or do you usually leave at the last minute?




  1. Grammar Practice (used to/would for repeated actions in the past


Teacher: Let’s remember Grammar Focus and tell me what for we use ‘used to/would’.

  • To talk about repeated actions in the past.

Teacher: Some minutes of practice. Make up sentences using   when I was younger

                  in the past,  as/ when I was a child, in my childhood

1 I enjoy listening to jazz now, but … jazz when I was younger. (I didn’t use to listen to)

2 I sometimes drink black coffee now, but … it in the past. (I didn’t use to drink)

3 He prefers to read adventure novels, but … them as a child. (he didn’t use to like)

4 I don’t love travelling by train now, but … in my childhood. (I used to do it)

5 She doesn’t eat tomatoes because of her allergy, but  … them in the past. (she used to eat)

6 I’m not very shy now, but  … shy when I was a child. (I used to be)

7 I come home from a sports club late at night now, but … home late at night when I was

   younger. (I didn’t use to come)


Task: Watch the Video – it’s a grammar animation - and roleplay the situation. Divide the roles of Rob, Kate, mother and father, write down the notes and then tell what they say about their past habits.

Used to & would





1 I used to love my family holidays. Where was it?







5 You used to be nice.







8 We didn’t use to have computers when we were younger. What did we use to do?











4 You used to be blond.

You used to be cute.


6 Look at that sand castle. We used to love playing outside when we were younger.





10 I used to be so frightened. I’d hide under the covers.


2 In a little town Devon. We used to go there every year when you were little. We would stay at B&B near the beach.















11 We used to have little fish and chip restaurants.

 It used to be quiet.

 We used to enjoy going on canoes.






3 Look at Rob. You used to have curly hair.





7 You would play outside even if it was cold. You didn’t use to come in until it was dark.


9 We’d watch films on TV. Then your farther would read to you every evening. (Harry Potter)



  1. Speaking and Writing

SB p.43, ex.1 Imagine you are going to England to do an English course and you are going to stay with an English family for a month. Write a list of things you need to take with you. Then compare with a partner.











  1. Watching the Video. Listen to the conversation of Mark and Sophie in which Mark is asking Sophie for advice about what to take to France and answer the questions.

SB p.43, ex.2

1 Which of the things on your list do they mention?

2 Why does Sophie want Mark to remember his phone charger?


  1. Speaking Focus Listen again and underline the expressions you hear.

SB p.43, ex.3


Asking for advice


Can you do me a big favour?

Can you give me some advice?

Do you think I need … ?

What do you think I should … ?


Giving advice

The first thing you should do is …

If I were you, I’d/ I wouldn’t …

I (don’t) think you should …

You don’t need to…

You (really) ought to…

You must / mustn’t…

The best thing would be to…

           Why don’t you … ?

Accepting advice


Good idea!

Good thinking!

That’s really helpful.

           Oh, I don’t think of that!



  1. Vocabulary practice

SB p.43, ex.4

A friend from England wants to visit your country during the winter. Complete the advice with one or two words from the Speaking Focus in each gap.

1 The _______ you should do is book your flight. (first thing)

2 If I _______ , I’d pack lots of warm clothes. (were you)

3 You _______ to bring a lot of formal clothes. (need/ought/ don’t need)

4 I __________ you should bring lots of cash. (think/don’t think)

5 You _______ remember to get some travel insurance. (must)

6 You _______ to make sure you have a warm winter coat.(need/really ought)


  1. Speaking (pair work)

SB p.43, ex.7     In pairs do a roleplay.

Student A: You’re from London. You’re going to travel to Student B’s country. You’ve never been on a long bus journey before. Ask Student B for advice about what to wear, what to take for a journey and what kind of presents to take for the family.


Student B: Student A is visiting you from England. He / She is going to travel to your country by bus. Give him / her some advice about what to wear, what to take for the journey and what kind of presents to bring for your family.


  1. The Final of the lesson

What have we done at the lesson? What is your opinion about the results?


  1. Homework: 1) You are travelling to one of the cities of Europe (your friend has invited you to live with him in summer) Ask your Mum for advice what to take with you to feel comfortable abroad.

2) Match the parts of the proverbs about travelling



1. Travel broadens

a)  but always a new way of seeing things.

2. Travel makes one modest. You see what

   a tiny place

b) tell me how much you travelled.

3. Travel is the only thing you buy  


c) but then it turns you into a storyteller.


4. One’s destination is never a place,   

d) you occupy in the world.

5. The journey of a thousand miles begins


e) in the elder, a part of experience.

6. Don’t tell me how educated you are


f) the mind.

7. Travel, in the younger thought is a part of education

g) new vigor to the mind.

8. Travelling leaves you speechless,  


h) with a single step

9.Travel and change of place impart


i) that makes you richer.


22 січня 2019
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