Урок "Popular sportsa in Great Britain"

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Цели: развитие навыков чтения; активизация новой лексики в речи

I. Warming up

Активизация лексики по теме “Sports and Games”

T: You know a lot of popular sports and games, don’t you? Let’s make up a list. Ученики вместе с учителем составляют и записывают на доске список популярных видов спорта. Например:

football, volleyball, sailing, climbing, tennis, skiing, rugby, skating, hockey, basketball  etc.

Составление списка учитель сопровождает показом картинок, чтобы ученики вспомнили как можно больше слов. После составления списка можно провести игру “Flashcards and suction ball

I. New vocabulary

T: I want you to learn some new words:

Введение новых слов: cricket, rugby, golf, college

Отработка этих слов в предложениях 

Cricket is a national English sport.

Rugby is most popular in the USA.

He plays golf every Sunday.

Sport is very popular among English colleges.

II. Reading:

1. Now I want you to read the text and say what sports and games were invented in Britain. (Чтение молча. Через несколько минут ученики дают ответ на вопрос) 


The British people like everyone else like sports and games. But if they are asked to name their favourite sport they will probably name football, cricket and tennis, though many of them go in for such sports as golf and hockey, athletics and climbing, horse-riding and boating, rugby and rowing.

Britain invented and developed many of the sports and games which are now played all over the world. Football is one of them. Probably the most popular sport nowadays was first developed in England. It is spread all over the country — in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their national teams compete with each other every year. They take part in different competitions. The two best teams play in the Cup Final at Wembley Stadium in London. It is one of the most important football matches of the year. National teams of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland take part in European competitions and other international matches. There are many football clubs all over Britain.

Cricket is another popular summer sport. It is sometimes called the English national game. It is known that people played cricket in England as early as 1550. Many cricket clubs were founded in the 18th century. Nowadays this summer game, which is typically British, is played in schools, colleges and universities and in most towns and villages of Britain. Teams play weekly games from late April to the end of September. Cricket is a very long game, and quite dangerous. It is a slow game too. International cricket matches can last for 5 days. Cricket is not played only by men. Girls and women play this game too.

Boxing as a British sport is one of the oldest. It existed even in Saxon times. Golf was developed in Scotland and now is widely spread all over Britain. Tennis, or lawn tennis, is another popular game in Britain. It was first played in England in 1872 and the first championship at Wimbledon was in 1877. Nowadays every summer in June, the British hold their famous International Tennis Championship at Wimbledon, in west London.

Swimming, boating and sailing have always been popular in Britain and are enjoyed by thousands of people. But the British are less interested in skiing and skating, typically Russian types of sport. Can you explain why?

2. Read the text again and do the following tasks:

Task 1.  Reread the text "Popular British Sports and Games" and correct the following statements.

Example: Cricket is an international game. No, it is not. It is an English national game.

1. Boxing is the earliest sport developed in Britain.

2. Golf began to develop in Wales.

3. Nowadays golf is widely spread in Russia.

4. Lawn tennis is not a popular game in England

5. Lawn tennis was first played in England in the 18th century.

6. The first British tennis championship was held in Glasgow in 1877

7. Nowadays famous international tennis championships are held in Wales.

Task 2. Read the text again and add some more sports and games to our list.

Task 3. Read out the sentences to describe the pictures.






III. Writing

Put the words in the right order to make up the questions on the text.

1) the world, over, sport, is, what, all, spread?

2) in, do, where, the Cup Final, football, play, the two best, teams?

3) competitions, in, teams, European, what, take part?

4) football, the English, what, have, joke, do, about?


1) What sport is spread all over the world?

2) Where do the two best football teams play in the Cup Final?

3) What teams take part in European competitions?

4) What joke about football do the English have?

(Ученики проверяют составленные вопросы, затем отвечают на них.)

- Will you answer these questions?

- Ask more questions on the text for your classmates to answer.

Ученики задают друг другу другие вопросы к тексту и отвечают на них. Слабым ученикам учитель дает карточку для помощи в составлении вопросов.

- Complete the questions using the words how long, where, what, when.

1) ... were many cricket clubs founded?

2) ... is cricket played?

3) ... do international cricket matches last?

4) ... is one of the oldest sports in Britain?

Ключи: 1) when; 2) where; 3) how long; 4) what.


Write 4-5 sentences about your  favourite kind of sport.

31 жовтня 2020
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