Урок "Pros and Cons of the Internet. Gr. Subjective Infinitive Complex"

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Тема. Pros and Cons of the Internet Gr. Subjective Infinitive Complex Мета. Поглибити знання студентів про переваги та недоліки користування Інтернетом. Ввести та закріпити нові ЛО з теми. Актуалізувати знання студентів про суб’єктний інфінітивний комплекс. Розвивати навички правильної вимови та фонематичний слух на основі вірша “A Child’s Wish”. Розвивати елементи усного мовлення, навички читання, елементів аудіювання та письма. Виховувати бережливе ставлення до сучасних технічних засобів, культуру користування Інтернетом.
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Тема. Pros and Cons of the Internet

 Gr. Subjective Infinitive Complex

Мета. Поглибити знання студентів про переваги та недоліки користування Інтернетом.

Ввести та закріпити нові ЛО з теми.

Актуалізувати знання студентів про суб’єктний інфінітивний комплекс.

Розвивати навички правильної вимови та фонематичний слух на основі вірша A Childs Wish.

Розвивати елементи усного мовлення, навички читання, елементів аудіювання та письма.

Виховувати бережливе ставлення до сучасних технічних засобів, культуру користування Інтернетом.

Наочність: laptop, проектор, телефони, вірш “A Childs Wish”, таблиці, роздатковий матеріал, зразки діалогів, вправи.

Тип заняття: розвиток навичок письма.

Хід заняття

І. Організація студентів до роботи

Рапорт чергового.

  •                   Who is on duty today?
  •                   Who is absent?
  •                   What’s happened to her?

ІІ. Мовленнєва зарядка

  1.               Фонетична зарядка
  2.               Робота над віршем “A Child’s Wish”.
  •                   What is the main idea of the poem? (Peace)
  •                   Do you want to live in a peaceful country?
  •                   What would you wish to our soldiers?
  1.               Лексична зарядка

1. Answer the questions.

- Is the problem of the war widely discussed nowadays?

- What gadgets do you use to find the news? (a computer, a mobile phone)

- Who invented the first computer?

- Do you use a computer a computer every day or once a week?

- What is the best way to learn a computer?

- We should have special skills to work with a computer successfully, shouldn’t we?

- Can computer skills help us in studying?

- Who needs computer skills?

- What ability does а computer give us?

- What is the best way to learn a computer?

2. Guessing game: computers & me

- Sure, the best way to learn a computer is to work with it. I am sure you know a computer. Let’s check it. Your task is to write the names under the correct pictures.

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Head Set Clip Art

Internet Group Chat Clip Art

Wifi Icon Fancy Clip Art






informática,periféricos,ratón para ordenadores,teclados,teclados de ordenador,tecnologías






MODEM [‘meudǝm]









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informática,ordenadores,ordenadores portátiles,PC,tecnología

altavoces,altavoces de ordenador,aparatos de sonido,cajas acústicas,dispositivos periféricos,equipos informáticos,sistemas informáticos,tecnología



 impresoras en color,impresoras para ordenadores,informática,tecnologías

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Text Document Icon Clip Art

Webcam Clip Art

ciencia,equipo de oficina,equipos informáticos,equipos personales,hardware de PC,mouse,oficina,ratón,ratones,tecnología






b) Great. And now in the sentences find the Subjective Infinitive complex and translate the sentences with these words.

- Young people are known to chat every day.

- He is supposed to send Christmas e-mails to his friends.

- This printer was said to be very modern.

- I was forced to clean my user trash.

- Tom is expected to present me with a new modem.

III. Відтворення здобутих знань

  1.               Ущільнене опитування.

Card # 1

Підкреслити комплекс, речення перекласти українською мовою.

1. Our headmaster is known to use a computer very often.

2. Ann was seen to print a document last weet.

3. The chat is expected to start at 9 p.m.

Card # 2

Поставити 5 типів запитань до речення.

We are using our laptops at the moment.

  1.               Читання, переклад 3 частини тексту + дати відповіді на питання.

Завдання для решти: Listen and mark the mistakes.

What mistakes have you heard?

  •                   Computer skills help people study and work, don’t they?
  •                   Do teachers need computer skills?
  •                   How can teachers use a computer?
  •                   Computer skills are helpful in applying for a job, aren’t they?
  1.               Повідомлення про виникнення Інтернету.

Julia had to find the information about the history of the Internet (presentation).

  1.               Мотивація та оцінка знань.

IV. Актуалізація опорних знань

Pre-Listening: answer the questions.

  •                   When did you use a computer for the first time?
  •                   How useful are computers to you?
  •                   Should we have computers at home?
  •                   Now we’ll work in 2 teams. On the board you can see some sentences. The 1st team should find the sentences that are for the computers, the 2nd – that are against them.

Computers at Home






























So, should we have computers at home or not? Why?

V. Оголошення теми та мети заняття

- What do these letters mean?

- Where can you see them?

- So, try to guess the topic of our lesson.

Yes, today we’ll speak about pros and cons of using the Internet.

VI. Сприйняття, засвоєння та застосування знань

1. Leadin

  •                   When did you last use the internet?
  •                   How often do you use it?
  •                   Do you need it for professional purposes?

Читання тексту викладачем. Завдання для студентів: Listen to the paragraph and say what it deals with.

In the fast developing world the Internet has become a necessary part of our life. It is a useful tool which most people use every day. There are some pros and cons of the Internet.


  •                   access to useful information and treasures of world art;
  •                   the world’s largest library;
  •                   communication with the help of any social network;
  •                   live broadcasts from different channels.


  •                   degradation of mental and physical activities;
  •                   danger of online thieves;
  •                   reduction of reading books.

2. Work on the text

  •              Введення нових лексичних одиниць:

- читання лексичних одиниць викладачем;

- читання лексики за викладачем;

- читання "ланцюжком";

- match the adjectives with the nouns and translate the word combinations.


necessary    thief

social     tool

useful     treasure

mental    activity

art     network

online     information

- Робота над текстом:

- читання за викладачем окремих виразів.

- читання тексту студентами.

3. Speaking

a) - So, what pros does the Internet have?

- What cons were mentioned?



  •   access to useful information and treasures of world art;
  •   the world’s largest library;
  •   communication with the help of any social network;
  •   live broadcasts from different channels.
  •              degradation of mental and physical activities;
  •              danger of online thieves;
  •              reduction of reading books.


- What other pros and cons can you add?

- Good, I also have a list of advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. You’ll work in 4 groups. Your task is to divide them into 2 columns. You have 2 minutes. Start!

You can talk to strangers on chat rooms.

It can help children with their homework.

It provides online shopping.

It is a source of education for students.

It has negative effects on family communication.

You can find out old friends through social network sites.

It’s helpful to people of all ages.

It provides chat rooms, songs, movies and other entertainment.

There are online classes for students (e-learning).

If you shop online, your credit card number can be copied and used.

Spamming and viruses threat are possible.

It provides a vast library of knowledge and information.

Hackers can steal information and other people’s identity.

People can connect and interact with others quickly and cheaply.

It can distract children from homework and adults from office work.

Chatting online without adult supervision can be dangerous for young children.

People become Internet addicted.

  •                   Read the sentences that are cons/pros.
  •                   Great. Now using your list of pros and cons you have to make short dialogues using the scheme.
  •                   Hey, Julia, how often do you use the Internet?
  •                   I use it every day. I love/don’t love the Internet!
  •                   Yes, it’s great, isn’t it?
  •                   What advantages does the Internet have?
  •                   To my mind/I think/I believe/I’m sure/In my opinion ….
  •                   What advantages does the Internet have?
  •                   To my mind/I think/I believe/I’m sure/In my opinion ….

VII. Завдання для самостійної роботи

1. Вивчити нові ЛО (письмово).

2. Написати діалоги про переваги та недоліки Інтернету.

3. Читати, перекладати 4 частину тексту.

4. Написати 2 речення з СІК.

VIII. Підсумок

I’ve seen that you know a lot about the Internet and use a lot of words connected with it. But do you know their translation?

Switch on your mobile Internet and find online translator. You task is to translate these words. Remember, that some of them have several meanings.

Internet: Inter + net = ?

WiFi: Wireless ['waıəlıs] + Fidelity [fı'delətı] =?

WWW: World + Wide + Web = ?

Website: Web + Site = ?

Browser: Browse + (e)r = ?

Twitter = ?

Chat = ?

  •                   Do you often chat?
  •                   Nowadays there are many shortages that help to chat quickly.
  •                   Do you know them?
  •                   Can you read these messages?







Write down your massage to me in Viber network and I’ll try to read them.

Internet Chat Abbreviations

? - Please explain

@ - at

2 - to, too

2L8 - Too Late

2nite - tonight

2U2 - To you too

4 - for

ASL? - Age, Sex, Location?

AYT? - Are You There?

B4 - Before

B/C - Because

BF - Boyfriend

GF - Girlfriend

BTW - By The Way

C - see

CIO - Check It Out

CU - See You

Cud - could

CYA - See You

DIY - Do It Yourself

DL or D/L – Download

Dnr - dinner

F2F - Face to Face

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

GGL - Giggle

H&K - Hugs and Kisses

HAND - Have A Nice Day

IC - I See

J/K, JK - Just Kidding

KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid

L8 - late

L8R - Later

LOL - Laughing Out Loud

M8 - Mate

N2M - Not too Much

OMG - Oh My God

PLZ - Please

ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing

ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing

TGIF - Thank God It's Friday

TX, TNX - Thanks

TYVM - Thank You Very Much

Tom - tomorrow

U - you

UL or U/L - Upload

UR - You are, your

W8 - Wait

W8AM - Wait A Minute

W/O - Without

YW - You're Welcome

And here is my message for you: TX 4 UR work. CU on Fri.

17 вересня 2020
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