Розробка уроку в 4 класі, що навчається за науково-педагогічним проектом "Інтелект України" за підручником Smart Junior 5.
Клас 4-В
Тема: «Відпочинок і дозвілля. Формування граматичних навичок, навичок читання і говоріння»
Хід уроку
1. Привітання.
Teacher: Good afternoon, everybody! Glad to see you.
Sit down, please! How are you today?... Are you ok? I hope so…
Сьогодні на уроці за кожну правильну відповідь ви будете отримувати фішки, які ви складатимете у конверт. Що буде потім розкажу в кінці уроку.
2. Фонетична розминка.
3. Оголошення теми та завдань уроку.
Today we will talk about your free time activities. You'll:
4. Повторення дієслів у минулій формі.
Find a verb in the crossword and form the past form to it.
v |
i |
s |
i |
t |
s |
a |
m |
p |
r |
o |
s |
h |
o |
u |
t |
a |
w |
a |
n |
t |
i |
g |
o |
n |
b |
e |
m |
u |
s |
e |
e |
w |
a |
f |
a |
l |
l |
i |
s |
a |
b |
i |
t |
c |
a |
n |
o |
l |
k |
a |
p |
h |
e |
a |
r |
k |
e |
l |
c |
o |
m |
e |
d |
Key: visit – visited, be – was/were, go – went, see – saw, want – wanted, fall – fell, swim – swam, can – could, come – came, shout – shouted, walk – walked, hear - heard
5. Лексична робота.
Choose the odd word in each line in the table.
read |
a computer |
a book |
the information |
play |
football |
tennis |
skiing |
listen to |
a book |
music |
the radio |
watch |
sport on TV |
a film |
music |
take |
a train |
sport |
a photo |
go |
running |
swimming |
tennis |
eat |
out |
a computer |
chips |
play |
tennis |
football |
swimming |
study |
Craft |
languages |
a cat |
6. Письмо (граматика)
Let’s play a game “Stop the bus”. Using the table make up sentences about free time activities you did according to the structure and write them down into your exercise-books). (Revision of the Past Simple) Open your exercise-books and write down the date.
Noun |
verb |
noun |
time |
E.g. My father read a book yesterday.
7. Фізкультхвилинка.
8. Читання
a) Pre-reading. Match and read the phrases.
1 go |
a) rocks |
2 climb |
b) grandparents |
3 explore |
c) diving |
4 dive |
d) around |
5 walk |
e) a cave |
6 visit |
f) into the lake |
Key: go diving, climb rocks, explore a cave, dive into the lake, walk around, visit grandparents,
b) You are going to read the text about Terry who decided to visit his grandparents in his free time. Open your SB to p.21 and read it one by one.
Last weekend I visited my grandparents with my friend, Jim. It was a beautiful day, so we went swimming in a lake near my grandparents’ house. We were climbing rocks and diving into the lake when we saw a cave. We wanted to explore it so we went inside. We were walking in the cave when I fell into a hole. It was full of water. First, I swam around for a few minutes and then, I came out of the water. It was dark and I couldn’t see anything. I was in another cave. I shouted my friend’s name but he couldn’t hear me. After that, I walked around the cave for two hours. Later, I heard voices and I saw light. Finally, I came out next to my grandparent’s house. My friend Jim was there, too. They were all happy to see me and I was happy to see them.
c) Post-reading task: answer the questions.
9. Аудіювання.
Before you watch, answer my question.
Watch a short cartoon. Be very attentive! While watching for the second time you’ll have to do some tasks.
1 What was Gidget doing? (She was sleeping)
2 What did she say? (Any plans today?)
3 Fill the gap: Chloe likes ________________ (eating)
4 What is Sweetpea going to do? (to watch TV)
5 What is Mel doing? (He’s having a rest)
6 Fill in the gap: Buddy is going to ________ (cook)
7 Put the words in the correct order.
Put the words in order: Leonard's to listening is music hobby (Leonard’s hobby is listening to music)
8 What else does he like? (He likes dancing)
10. Рефлексія та д/з
Our lesson is coming to the end. What can you do now?
I can:
For the next lesson your hometask is to write 5 sentences about you and your family: what you did in your free-time.
Тепер складіть свої фішки у конверти. Я їх підрахую і виставлю вам оцінки в системі «Моя школа».
Task. Watch a cartoon and answer or complete.
1 What was Gidget doing?
2 What did she say?
3 Fill the gap: Chloe likes ________________
4 What is Sweetpea going to do?
a To read books. b To sing. c To watch TV. d. To dance.
5 What is Mel doing?
a. He is having a party. b. He is having a rest. c. He is having fun. d. He is having a bath.
6 Fill in the gap: Buddy is going to ________________
7 Put the words in order: Leonard's to listening is music hobby ____________________________________________________________________
8 What else does he like?
Task. Watch a cartoon and answer or complete.
1 What was Gidget doing?
2 What did she say?
3 Fill the gap: Chloe likes ________________
4 What is Sweetpea going to do?
a To read books. b To sing. c To watch TV. d. To dance.
5 What is Mel doing?
a. He is having a party. b. He is having a rest. c. He is having fun. d. He is having a bath.
6 Fill in the gap: Buddy is going to ________________
7 Put the words in order: Leonard's to listening is music hobby ____________________________________________________________________
8 What else does he like?
Task. Watch a cartoon and answer or complete.
1 What was Gidget doing?
2 What did she say?
3 Fill the gap: Chloe likes ________________
4 What is Sweetpea going to do?
a To read books. b To sing. c To watch TV. d. To dance.
5 What is Mel doing?
a. He is having a party. b. He is having a rest. c. He is having fun. d. He is having a bath.
6 Fill in the gap: Buddy is going to ________________
7 Put the words in order: Leonard's to listening is music hobby ____________________________________________________________________
8 What else does he like?