Підтема: Робота у вихідний
Тип уроку: підсумковий урок з теми
Задачі: - розуміти запитання та інструкції
Змістова лінія: ініціативність і підприємливість, профорієнтаційна робота
Обладнання: магнітофон, тематичні картинки, плакат, підручник Prepare 6
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1. Вступна бесіда за темою уроку
Т: Today we’ll have a revision lesson on the topic “What a great job!”.
You’ll – name different jobs/professions
П. Основна частина уроку
1. Активізація лексики
Т: Look at the pictures and name what he/she is.
2. Категорізація професій
T: Which jobs are working with people?
Which jobs are working with machines?
Name art professions.
3. Загадки про професії
T: 1. Guess what job/profession it is.
I use markers or chalk.
I work in a school.
I have students.
I give homework.
2. I wear a white hat.
I feed people.
I work in a kitchen.
I cook.
3. I wear a uniform.
I am often a woman.
I work in a hospital.
I help a doctor.
4. I wear a uniform.
I travel a lot.
People call me captain.
I fly planes.
5. I’m a sports star.
I make a lot of money.
I play for big clubs.
I wear football boots.
6. I work at or near home.
I drive a tractor.
I grow vegetables.
I have animals in the field.
4. Цитати про роботу
T: Read and translate the quotations.
“By the work one knows the workman.” (Jean de La Fontaine)
“The harder you work, the luckier you get.” (G. Player, golfer)
“Well done is better than well said.” (B. Franklin)
5. Читання оголошень про роботу (Впр. 2, с. 40)
1) T: Read the jobs offers, match the photos A/B to two of the job offers 1-3 (1a, 3b).
2) Answer the questions (Ex. 4, p. 40).
1. The dog-walking job is 2 hours on Saturday mornings.
2. Yes, it is. The dog-walking job is for a small family company.
3. The Saturday afternoon job is around the house.
4. You can get more information about the Saturday afternoon job by sending email and telling about yourself.
5. The paper round job is from Monday to Saturday for 1-2 hours in the morning.
6. You take the newspapers to people’s homes and offices.
3) Complete the sentences with the highlighted words in the job offers (Ex. 5, p. 40). Write down this exercise in your exercise books.
1. You can earn some pocket money.
2. You need to walk 2-3 small dogs.
3. You are responsible for plants, pets and small jobs.
4. You need to feed the cats.
5. The job is doing paper round.
6. You need to be healthy.
6. Аудіювання діалогу (Впр. 6, с. 41)
1. T: Listen to Olivia and her dad talking about Saturday jobs. Tick the correct answers.
2. Listen again and say if the sentences are right (V) or wrong (X), correct the wrong sentences (Ex. 7, p. 41).
1. X Olivia doesn’t want a job on Saturday mornings.
2. X Mrs. Wilson has got a big garden.
3. V Olivia sees a job offer in the newspaper.
4. V The paper round hob is in the centre of the town.
5. X Daniel’s son is a dog walker.
6. V Olivia walks the family dog.
Ш. Заключна частина уроку
T: Which job would you prefer and why?
1. Домашнє завдання
T: Do a project work “A job offer” p. 41
2. Підбиття підсумків уроку
T: You see teenagers can work for pocket money at weekends and be happy with their experience.