Урок розвитку умінь слухання та говоріння з англійської мови для 11 класу на тему "Family Relationships. School Life"

Про матеріал

Конспект уроку з англійської мови на тему "Family Relationships. School Life" за підручником 11 класу (О. Карпюк). В конспекті уроку використовую вправу із книги "Get200" для повторення лексики за темою "Family" та розвитку аудіативних здібностей, а також з метою підготовки до ЗНО. Урок почати пропоную з Lead-in на основі порівняння двох картинок. Впродовж заняття пропоную багато завдань на Speaking.

Перегляд файлу

Lesson 1.                               Group ___                               Date: ______________

Communicative Sphere: Family Relationships

Theme: School Life

Aim: to revise family vocab; to practice listening/speaking skills; to fill the importance of having a family.

Equipment: pictures, cards with tasks, question bag, books, audio file for listening, texts for listening

Type of lesson: lesson of developing listening and speaking skills




















Main Part





















































































Extra activities


























T: Let’s compare these two photos. Look through and fill in the thoughts.







  1. In the photos I can see…
  2. Both of the photos show…
  3. In the first photo … . However, in the second photo… .
  4. One big difference between the photos is that… .
  5. I imagine that… .
  6. I think … .

T: So what theme we’re going to discuss on your opinion?


T: Let’s revise some vocab connected with family

Listening activity

Exercise 5, page 72 (Get200). Complete the email with the correct words in the box. Than label the people in the pictures with the correct name.


Текст вправи можна задиктувати на диктофон і увімкнути, як аудіозапис. Або зачитувати в класі.

After-listening activity.

Answer the questions

  1. Who is Kylie to Johnny? (sister)
  2. Who are Dave and Joanne to Kylie? (parents)
  3. Who are Helen and Martin to Maddy? (grandparents)
  4. Who is Maddy to Colin? (cousin)
  5. Who id June to Maddy? (aunt)
  6. Who is Jules to Kylie? (fiancé)


T: Is Johnny’s family happy?

What makes a happy family?

(students collect ideas in Ukrainian and then translate them into English with the help of vocabularies)


Page 76. Practice new vocab

(writing down the new vocab and repeating after the teacher)


Speaking activity. Question bag.

  1. Are you an adolescent?
  2. Do you obey your parents?
  3. Are the children on the pictures adolescents?
  4. How do you prevent the flu?
  5. Are you a rebellious person?
  6. What resents you?
  7. What do you do in order to be happy?


Exercise 1, page 74. Answer into any 6 questions in full sentences.


Card 1.

Task 1. Put the words in the right order.

  1. parents / the most understanding / My / are / people / the world / in.
  2. my parents / trust / I hope / can / me.
  3. can / My parents / definitely / rely on me.

Task 2. Answer the questions.

  1. Is your family happy?
  2. What do you like about your parents?

Card 2.

Task 1. Group the words.

fiance, daughter, granddad, aunt, husband, nephew, son, sister, granny, fiancée, wife, mother, father, uncle, grandson, brother, boyfriend, cousin, girlfriend, great-grandparents.

The nearest

Close siblings





Task 2. Answer the questions.

  1. Is your family happy?
  2. What do you like about your parents?

T: Continue a thought

For me family is …


Learn the new vocab

Exercise 1, page 74. Answer into any 6 questions in full sentences.




Фотографії розмістити на дошці




Фрази записані на дошці










Запис тексту, тексти з картинкою вклеїти в зошити




















































Зачитувати запитання








Карта памяті створюється на дошці і записується в зошити




Скринька запитань
































Повтори думку попереднього учня і додай свою


Card 1.

Task 1. Put the words in the right order.

  1. parents / the most understanding / My / are / people / the world / in.
  2. my parents / trust / I hope / can / me.
  3. can / My parents / definitely / rely on me.

Task 2. Answer the questions.

  1. Is your family happy?
  2. What do you like about your parents?


Card 2.

Task 1. Group the words.

fiance, daughter, granddad, aunt, husband, nephew, son, sister, granny, fiancée, wife, mother, father, uncle, grandson, brother, boyfriend, cousin, girlfriend, great-grandparents.

The nearest

Close siblings





Task 2. Answer the questions.

  1. Is your family happy?
  2. What do you like about your parents?


Card 1.

Task 1. Put the words in the right order.

  1. parents / the most understanding / My / are / people / the world / in.
  2. my parents / trust / I hope / can / me.
  3. can / My parents / definitely / rely on me.

Task 2. Answer the questions.

  1. Is your family happy?
  2. What do you like about your parents?


Card 2.

Task 1. Group the words.

fiance, daughter, granddad, aunt, husband, nephew, son, sister, granny, fiancée, wife, mother, father, uncle, grandson, brother, boyfriend, cousin, girlfriend, great-grandparents.

The nearest

Close siblings





Task 2. Answer the questions.

  1. Is your family happy?
  2. What do you like about your parents?



До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
4 вересня 2018
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