Урок розвитку навичок говоріння з англійської мови для 11 класу на тему "Make Up Your Mind. School-leavers' prospects"

Про матеріал

Конспект уроку, під час якого ми з учнями з'ясовували, які якості потрібні випускнику, щоб стати успішним кандидатом при працевлаштуванні. Для цього пропоную учням багато завдань на Speaking.

Перегляд файлу

Lesson 1.                               Group ___                               Date: ______________

Communicative Sphere: Make up your mind

Theme: School-leavers’ prospects

Aim: to talk about qualities needed when looking for a job; to practice speaking and writing skills; to present new vocab.

Equipment: Books (O. Karpiuk. English. 11 form), cards for research

Type of lesson: lesson of developing speaking skills


Warm Up












Main Part






































T: Say top five places you’ve visited this summer.


Page 44-45

T: Look at the picture and give the answers to the questions

  1. Whom do you see at the picture?
  2. Who are they?
  3. Where are they?
  4. What are they doing?
  5. What are they discussing?
  6. What traits do they have? (trait-риса характеру)
  7. Describe the appearance and clothes of one person you see.


T: What qualities should you have to find a good job?

There are some qualities that employers need to see selecting candidates for a job. Let’s have a look do you have them or not?


Exercise 1, page 44

Pair Work

Are you…

willing to learn?



willing to travel?



able to cope with difficult situations?






ready to work in a team?



Do you…

communicate well with people?



show initiative?



show responsibility?



show persistence?






Tips for answering

Yes, I am. I’m…

No, I’m not. I’m not…

Yes, I…

No, I’m not…


T: Is it important to be willing to learn for an assistant of an engine driver?

Is it important to be willing to travel for an assistant of an engine driver?...

Page 45

“Say something beginning with…” game

Exercise 4, page 47

T: Give the answers

  1. What quality you feel you need to gain?
  2. What quality you’re going to develop this year?
  3. What should you do to become a better candidate for a job?

Learn new vocab

Prepare class research (for 1 student)


Research Paper

Summary table

Student’s name

Qualities (put “+” only if the answer was “yes”)


willing to learn

willing to travel

able to cope with difficult situations


ready to work in a team

communicate well with people

show initiative

show persistence

show responsibility



































































Per cent of students said they are…

willing to learn

willing to travel

able to cope with difficult situations


ready to work in a team






Per cent of students said they…

communicate well with people

show initiative

show responsibility

show persistence










Записати питання на дошці










Учні опитують один одного. Після короткого обговорення, бланки здаються і один учень проводить узагальнення результатів.














Записати запитання на дошці.


Pair Work

Are you…

willing to learn?



willing to travel?



able to cope with difficult situations?






ready to work in a team?



Do you…

communicate well with people?



show initiative?



show responsibility?



show persistence?






Tips for answering

Yes, I am. I’m…

No, I’m not. I’m not…

Yes, I…

No, I’m not…


Pair Work

Are you…

willing to learn?



willing to travel?



able to cope with difficult situations?






ready to work in a team?



Do you…

communicate well with people?



show initiative?



show responsibility?



show persistence?






Tips for answering

Yes, I am. I’m…

No, I’m not. I’m not…

Yes, I…

No, I’m not…







Research Paper

Summary table

Student’s name

Qualities (put “+” only if the answer was “yes”)


willing to learn

willing to travel

able to cope with difficult situations


ready to work in a team

communicate well with people

show initiative

show persistence

show responsibility





























































































































































Per cent of students said they are…

willing to learn

willing to travel

able to cope with difficult situations


ready to work in a team






Per cent of students said they…

communicate well with people

show initiative

show responsibility

show persistence




До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
4 вересня 2018
Оцінка розробки
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Безкоштовний сертифікат
про публікацію авторської розробки
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