Урок "Шкільне життя"

Про матеріал
Урок, розроблений для учнів 6 класу з метою ознайомлення учнів із лексикою з теми "Шкільне життя"
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Тема: Шкільне життя

Підтема: Шкільні кабінети


            практична: практикувати учнів навички читання, усного мовлення, практикувати учнів у вживанні назв шкільних предметів на рівні фрази та речення, навчити учнів вживати нові лексичні одиниці, навчити учнів одержувати інформацію з отриманого тексту;

             освітня: прилучати учнів до культури мови, що вивчається

             розвиваюча: розвивати увагу учнів мовленнєві здібності вміння аналізувати речі;

              виховна: виховувати толерантність, повагу, зацікавленість життям своїх ровесників;

Тип уроку: вивчення нового матеріалу з елементами мультимедійних технологій.

Обладнання уроку: картки зі словами, мультимедійна дошка, роздатковий матеріал.

                                                                         Схематичний план уроку

  1. Початок уроку. Повідомлення цілей уроку
  2. Мовленнєва зарядка
  3. Перевірка домашнього завдання
  4. Підготовка учнів до читання
  5. Відпрацювання нових лексичних одиниць
  6. Читання листа
  7. Бесіда за темою листа
  8. Розповіді учнів про школу
  9. Письмо
  10. Пояснення домашнього завдання
  11. Підведення підсумків уроку
  12. Завершення уроку

Хід уроку

  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення


T: Good morning,dear pupils! How are you?

Ps: Good mornig! We are fine


T: Today we are going to speak about school studies, revise school subjects, practice your reading skills,improve your speaking

               3.Warming up

T: Children, look at the blackboard/What does school mean to you? Choose, what do you like most?

  1. Check up homework

T: We have already learnt school subjects. You had to revise this words at home. Let’s check up

T:I’ll give you the definitions of different subjects and you’ll try to guess what lesson is it

F.E: You can sing a lot of songs in this lesson

Ps: It’s a Music lesson

 T: In this lesson you study a lot about birds, animals and plants

Ps: It’s a Nature study lesson

T:In this lesson you learn many words, write dictation, read the texts, sing English songs.

Ps: It’s an English lesson

T: In this lesson  you make things by yourself.

Ps: It’s a Handicraft lesson

T: Yes, you are quite right. You have done this task perfectly.

T: I’ll give you cards. You should match the subjects to the activities. Tick the activities you enjoy and put a cross next to the ones you dislike. Tell another pupil about your choices.





Language and Literature

Foreign languages



  What do we do during lessons?

  1. play team sports
  2. do sums and count
  3. do vocabulary exercises like this one
  4. draw a paint
  5. study maps
  6. read and discuss set books
  7. learn about the past
  1. Основна частина уроку
  1. Reading and audition
  2. T: Children, today I have a surprise for you. I have received a letter from Ann today

Ps: Oh, it’s great!

T: Do you remember your classmate?

Ps: Yes, of course.

T: now she lives in Great Britain. Do you want to know how she is?

Ps: Yes, of course

                          2.Pre-listening activity

T: Before reading this letter, we should learn some new words. Look at the cards, and listen to mean. Some of these words you have known, some of them are new for you.

T:This is a place where you usually have your lunch. What room is it?

Ps: A canteen

T: This is the room where you can do experiments. You don’t know this word. Repeat after me. This is a science letter.

Ps: This is a science letter.

T: This is the room where you usually can find books, magazines. What room is it?

Ps: A library

T: This is the room where perform plays or conserts. What room is it?

Ps: An Assembly home

T: This is the room where you can go in for sports. What room is it?

Ps:  A gym

T: This is the place where you can play tennis. You don’t know this word.

T: Repeat after me. This is a court.

Ps: This is a court

3.Reading the letter

T: Who wants to read the letter? Who is the best reader in our class?

Ps: I want to read the letter

T: You are welcome. So, children be attentive. Start reading/

Dear friends,

I’m eleven years old. I live in London. I have finished my study at the primary school already. This year I go to the secondary school which is situated in the centre of the city.

All the pupils study Maths, Science, English and one of the foreign languages here. I have chosen Geography. Pupils get a lot of homework every day. It’s difficult for me: I have never had any homework at primary school. After the lessons I have lunch and do homework in the library. The school has an excellent orchestra and a choir. There are sports clubs here, too. The school has two tennis courts, a gym inside and a football field outside.

Anyway, I think I’m lucky to study here. The only thing I don’t like about the school is to wear a uniform. What about kids in your school!

Are they allowed to come to school without it?

Bye, Ann


T: So, children, let’s discuss this letter/

T: What interesting facts about Ann’s life do you know?

T: What is her favorite subject?

T: Does Ann enjoy studying in this school?

T: Where does Ann do experiments?

T: Where do pupils perform plays, conсerts?

T: Where does Ann have here lunch?

T: Ann always likes reading. Where can she find books, magazines?

T: Let’s imagine that Ann is here. You studied with Ann in the primary school/ What do you want to tell Ann about our school?

P: I want to tell Ann about extra-school activities.

T: You are welcome.

P: I want to tell you about extra-school activities. There are a lot of school activities in our school. Many children are fond of sports. Pupils like to spend their time in the gym. They visit the gym three times a week.  As for me I’m fond of sports too. I do gymnastics. It is rather interesting. I have good results. Other children are fond of dancing, singing.

P: I want to tell you about our school. I’m a pupil of the 6th form. I study at school №4. Our school is not big, bit it is comfortable. There are different studies in our school. My favourite place at school is a gym. But we have no canteen. It’s a pity. But I like my school.

P: I’m a pupil of the 6th form. I study at school 4. We have many subjects. Many children are interested in English. We read English texts, do grammar exercises, learn new words, proverbs, sing songs.

I enjoy English lessons.

T: It’s so exciting to listen to your points of view.


                         T: Do you want to write an answer to Ann?

                         Ps: Yes, of course.

                         T: Everybody can write a letter to Ann and ask her some questions to get more information about her school and her life. Open your exercise books, write down the date.

                         T: The first question, please, who wants? Go to the blackboard.

                         P1: Can Ann take Ukrainian books and magazines from the library?

                         P2: What does she usually do after the lessons?

                         P3: When do they have holidays in Great Britain?

                         P4: Can she perform concerts in the Assembly hall?

                         P5: Can she play tennis in the court?

  1. Заключна частина уроку


T: You should write a letter using these questions.


T: Today you’ve worked well. You were very active at the lesson. You get… You made some mistakes. You get ….

T: Thank you for your work.

Today yiu have learnt the names of the places in our school. So, what is your favourite place in our school? What place don’t you like at school? I think that you have learnt some interesting facts about Ann’s life in Britain. Would you like to visit Britain?

Ps: We would like to visit Britain.

T: That’s why be active and attentive at the lesson.

Tell me, please, how are you after the lesson? (Слайд 4)

P: I am …

T: Good bye.

Ps:  Good bye.







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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
24 грудня 2019
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