Тема. Свято »День планети Земля»
Мета уроку:
- вдосконалення вмінь роботи над текстом та в групах, умінь робити аналіз та висновки за прочитаним;
- розвиток навичок читання та перекладання;
- виконання письмових та усних вправ;
- повторення словотвірних суфіксів та модальних дієслів;
Обладнання: підручники, словники, зошити, картки з завданнями.
Хід уроку
1.Організаційний момент
Good morning children! I`m very glad to see you again. Today we`ll continue to speak and learn new unit "CARE ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT!" And today we’ll speak about EARTH DAY. So I think our lesson will be very interesting and usefull for you. So let`s begin.
2.Мовленнєва зарядка
Answer the questions.
Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? Why? What day of the week today? What is the weather like today?
Look at the blackboard. You can see a proverb. Read, translate it. How do you understand it? Try to explain. Do you agree or disagree with it? Why?
(Учні читають, перекладають та пояснюють епіграф до уроку)
“Our mother planet is showing the red warning light.
“Be careful”, she is saying.
To take care of the planet is to take care of own house.”
Dalai Lama
3.Перевірка домашньго завдання
What was the home work for today? Who wants to start?
Тестові завдання
Look at the cards. Read the questions. Choose the word or phrase a), b), c) or d) that best completes the sentence or conversation.
1.А:Did you buy some new trainers?
B:No, I . I found my old ones.
a) hadn't b)shouldn't c)mustn't d)didn't have to
2.I wanted to win but there was no way I any faster in the race.
a)could have run b)must have run c)would have run d)should have run
3.If he'd trained harder he the gold medal.
a)might have won b)should win c)must have won d)should have won
4.It's very unusual for her to arrive late. She what time it starts.
a)should have forgotten b)must have forgotten c)would have forgotten d)can't have forgotten.
5.My sister her homework every day.
a)must do b)had to do c)would do d)has to do
4.Читання та переклад тексту
(Спочатку учні відповідають на питання, потім читають та перекладають текст)
Do you know about this holiday?
Do you think this holiday is for all people all over the world?
22 April - World Earth Day
People all over the world are worried about what is happening to the environment. Newspapers and magazines write about air pollution, land pollution and water pollution" They write that the Еаrth is our home and all people must take саrе of it. We must do еvеrуthing possible to save the nature, to make our rivers and air clean. The importance of this task is pointed out by scientists. The branch of science that deals with the rеlаtiоn of living things to their еnvirоnmеnt is called ecology. From the point of view of ecology the mankind should first of all lessen pollution.
Forest аrеаs and nature parks are of great imроrtаnсе for people's health. It's necessary to сrеate nature parks. There are а lot of such parks in Ukraine. We have not only to рrоtесt them but to see that they multiply.
Considerable progress was made during the second half of the century: forest аrеаs have been planted or replanted; millions, of hectares of new forests are planted each уеаr.
The closed cycle use of water by industry was put into practice. Each factory purifies and rе-usеs the same water, instead of taking more from river or lake. Most of the factories in the gas, iron, and steel industries now operate closed cycle water systems.
Nature has its rights, and it is the duty of man to respect and defend these rights.
5.Словникова вправа
(Учні за таблицею знаходять переклади виразів та самостійно складають та записують декілька речень з новими словами)
Match the words. Then try to bake up your own sentences and write them into your exercise-books.
1) любити природу |
2) Червона книга |
3) зменшувати забруднення |
4) створювати заповiдники |
5) захищати |
6)екологія |
7)годувати тварин і птахів |
8)використовувати воду повторно |
9)дбати про природу |
10)рідкісні рослини (тварини) |
6.Відповіді на питання
Answer the questions. But before read and translate them. Do it orally. Who wants to start?
7.Декламування віршів про природу
I know you prepare your favourite poems about nature. So we are ready to listen to your. Who wants to start?
I’d love to build the world of home
And furnish it with love,
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow-white turtle-doves.
I’d like to teach the world to see
The perfect harmony.
I’d like to hold it in my arms
And keep its company.
I’d like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand.
I’d hear then the echo through the hills
For peace through out the land.
Only when all the rivers have run dry
And all the fish in the sea have died,
Only when all the rain forests have been burnt down,
And there’s no food for the animals,
Only when all the blue skies have been filled with smoke,
And the cities of the world have choked,
That it’s too late to save the Earth.
What is this life if, full of саrе,
We have no time to stand and stare
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
(Літературний переклад вірша Ахромєєвої Анастасії)
Що за життя? Лише турботи…
Нема часу сягнуть омріяні висоти,
Нема часу під тінню зупинитись
І просто на білку з горішком подивитись.
Чи в сяйві сонячного дня
Лічити зорі в водах джерела.
Бракує часу оглянутись на красу
ЇЇ побачити ходу.
Побачить як вуста її щебечуть
Та ніжно посмішкою кличуть.
Пусте і бідне те життя,
Коли не маєш часу на буття.
Thank you very much for the great poems. Remember: the world we live in is amazing!
8.Створення плакатів до Дня Землі
Make the ‘EARTH DAY POSTER’. Work in groups.
Step 1. Discuss уоur ideas аbоut how ecological education for people of different age groups саn organised. How can ecological education be organized at school?
Step 2. Devise a questionnaire to interview school teachers, your schoolmates in order to find out their views on the importance of environmental protection.
Step 3. Interview уоur schoolmates and уоur tеасhers to collect suggestions on what рrасtiсаl steps the school can take in оrdеr to make the school еnvirоnmеnt сlеаn, tidy and pleasant.
Step 4. Discuss the suggestions made by the interviewees. Decide which of them саn be effectively realized.
Step 5. Design and рrоduсе posters.
(Школярі ставили проблемне питання. Чи існує сьогодні гостра необхідність збереження навколишнього середовища? Всього було опитано 50 чоловік. Результати опитування учнів див. Додаток 1 та 2.)
9.Підведення підсумку уроку
(прийом «Мікрофон»)
Do you like our lesson? What do you like the most?
10.Виставлення оцінок
11.Домашня робота
Your home works for the next lesson are : to do the exercise 6 at page 130 (orally) and exercise 2b) at page 45 (WB write). So the lesson is over you may-be free. Good-bye!
Додаток 1.
Рис.1.1. Результативність опитування
Додаток 2
Рис.1.2. Як ти можеш подбати про навколишнє середовище