Урок та Презентація за темою My dream Job 11 клас

Про матеріал
В останні роки ми багато говоримо про те, що наш випускник повинен бути успішним та конкурентоспроможним на ринку праці. Отже,на своєму уроці я намагалася використовувати такі методи , форми та прийоми роботи, які надали б допомогу учням адаптуватися до майбутніх потреб часу та суспільства ,а також розвинути їх комунікативні та творчі здібності, навчити критично мислити та працювати в команді. Сподіваюся,що мені вдалося досягнути цієї мети. Особливу увагу в останні роки на уроках іноземних мов приділяється розвитку напрямку STEM або STEAM, коли ми інтегруємося з іншими предметами та навчаємо дітей вміннями практично використати знання іноземної мови. Отже,ви бачили на практиці діалог Job Interview, це можливість проявити творчі та лідерські здібності при складанні проекту.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

The job of your dreams Choosing a profession

Номер слайду 2

The aims of the lesson: to speak about different kinds of professions (traditional/ modern/ male/ female) to review the main words, to check your tasks to the topic to discuss the problem of choosing a profession

Номер слайду 3

What professions are these? a pilot an electrical engineer a journalist a banker a manager a pharmacist a police officer a secondary school teacher a baker a programmer a mobile operator an electronics technician a dentist a film director a veterinarian a social worker a chef a plumber a fashion designer a translator /an interpreter a nurse a surgeon a flight attendant a freelancer

Номер слайду 4

Ask each other… What are the most popular or prestigious jobs nowadays? Let’s make a list of 5 Say in pairs: We think/ In our opinion the job of a ….is the most prestigious one. It demands such personal qualities like being…and such professional qualities like….

Номер слайду 5

Important qualities for a successful career… Personal qualities: imaginative, well-organised, creative, initiative, enthusiastic, responsible, competitive, persistent, inspirational, motivated, committed Professional qualities or knowledge: well-educated, professional, knowledgeable, able to work to tight deadlines, computer literate, able to work in a team, interpersonal skills, telephone skills, able to make decisions, able to solve problems, able to do research, negotiation skills, competent, able to cope with stress, able to take risks, self-employed, being your own boss

Номер слайду 6

WORD FOCUS: WORD FORMATION Noun Adjective Verb imaginative professional creative competent enthusiastic responsible competitive persistent inspirational

Номер слайду 7

WORD FORMATION: check your works! Noun Adjective Verb imagination imaginative imagine profession professional ---- creation/creator creative create competence competent ---- enthusiasm/-t enthusiastic enthuse responsibility responsible ---- competition/ competitor competitive compete persistence persistent persist inspiration inspirational inspire

Номер слайду 8

Listen to.. and do the tasks… Relaxation Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Breathe in. Breathe out. Let’s pretend you are near the sea in a wonderful house. You are sitting in a comfortable armchair. The weather is fine. You have no troubles. No serious problems. You are quiet. You are sure of yourself, you have much energy. You are in good spirits. Open your eyes. How do you feel yourselves? Fine? Nice? Let’s look though the presentation of our school-leaver

Номер слайду 9

Choosing a profession you need… To study elective subjects hard at school To use your talents, to understand your wishes and abilities To have interviews with specialists and meetings with your school-leavers To get information through the internet, media, TV and reference books To know at least one foreign language that gives you a chance for a successful career To pass final exams at school and to enter the university Good luck!

Номер слайду 10

“All is well that ends well” 1) W Рефлексія 1) What lexical material will you use for writing your essay “The job of your dreams”? 2) What points should we consider when choosing a career? (parents’/friends’ advice/opinion, someone’s successful example, personal interest, popularity of the job, qualifications/skills required, personal qualities and abilities, salary and bonuses) 3) What’s more important to you – earning lots of money or having a job you enjoy? 4) Do you consider the job of your dream prestigious? 5) What personal qualities do you possess to do this or that job? Homework: to write the essay - 150 words “My Dream Job”

До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
12 лютого 2019
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