Урок. Тема "So many places"

Про матеріал
Тип уроку: урок практичного застосування знань, умінь і навичок. Мета: створити умови для активізації лексичних одиниць з теми «So many places» і для удосконалення навичок читання, аудіювання, усного мовлення; розвивати уміння вести бесіду у зв'язку з ситуацією, читати тексти з розумінням основного змісту, систематизувати вивчений матеріал; спонукати до розвитку логічного та образного мислення учнів і формуванню навичок роботи в парах і групах. Сприяти формуванню предметних компетентностей з іноземної мови.
Перегляд файлу

Англійська мова. 6 клас

 Розділ. Travelling

Тема. So many places

Тип уроку:  урок практичного застосування знань,  умінь і навичок.


Мета: створити умови для  активізації  лексичних  одиниць з теми «So many places»  і для удосконалення  навичок читання, аудіювання, усного мовлення;    розвивати уміння вести бесіду у зв'язку з ситуацією, читати тексти з розумінням основного змісту, систематизувати вивчений матеріал;                        

спонукати до розвитку логічного та образного мислення учнів і формуванню навичок роботи в парах і групах.

Сприяти формуванню  предметних компетентностей з іноземної мови.

Обладнання:  тематичні картки   з описом міст,  текст для аудіювання “Travelling”,  роздруковані  тексти для роботи в групах, прислів’я про подорож.

Перебіг уроку:

І. Орієнтація, мотивація навчальної діяльності

1) Організаційний момент.

Т:  Good morning, dear friends! I‟m glad to see you. Welcome to English lesson! How are you today?

- Ps :Fine, thanks.

- Take  your place, please. I‟m fine too. If you are ready, let’s begin our lesson.

2). Прислів’я для обговорення.

T: Look at the screen. I would like to start our lesson with proverbs:                                “A traveler without observation is a bird without wings”,                                        «It’s better to travel hopefully than to arrive”,                                                                  “The best journeys are not always in straight lines”,                          “Travel broadens the minds”,                                                                                                «The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page.»

T:Translate them. Do you agree with these  proverbs?

ІІ. Цілепокладання.

1. Повідомлення теми, мети , завдань уроку.

T: Today we are going to speak about travelling to different cities  of the world, you will discuss places of interests and different kinds of travelling, work in groups and pairs.  We will revise the material of previous lessons.

2. Мотивація навчальної діяльності.

T: Do you like travelling and why?

I like travelling because I like a change. What about you?

P 1: I like travelling because I like to see other countries .

P 2: I like travelling because I like to discover new things.

P 3: I like travelling because I like to travel by plane and by ship.

  1.  Визначення очікуваних результатів.

T:  What do you expect from the lesson?   Прийом –Незакічене речення...

ІІІ. Цілереалізація.

1. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Warming –up

T: And now please answer my questions.

1. What is the best way of travelling?

2. What means of transport can you travel by?

3. What is the most comfortable way of travelling?

4. Did you visit any countries abroad?

5. What places would you like to travel?

2. Фонетична розминка.

Pronunciation Drill:                                 

T: And now look at the screen & recite the rhyme .  


At the Airport

Buy a ticket, go by plane

To the Netherlands or Spain

Planes are taking off the ground

With a very loud sound.

They arrive and fly away

In a very busy way.

Airplanes with landing lights

Finish their endless flights.

There’s a runway long and wide

And the lights which are so bright.
















3. Reading.

T: Look at the pictures and the descriptions of the cities and match them.







4. Work in pairs . ( Робота в парах)

 T: Complete the conversation between Frank and James with the missing information.








5. Аудіювання. Listening Comprehension.

T: Listen to the text below and complete the tasks.

People are fond of travelling. They spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, to learn a lot about people’s traditions, to enjoy beautiful places. It is interesting for them to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food.

There are many ways of travelling — by train, by plain, by ship, on foot. Everyone chooses his favourite one. My favourite way is travelling by plain, not because it is very comfortable. It is exciting. I also like travelling by train. I’ve travelled this way a lot. When you are in the train, you can see the beauty of nature.
I envy the tourists because I think that they study geography travelling and visiting different parts of the world. They can tell you many things, which you didn’t know before.
They are interesting people from whom you can learn much new for yourself. Any kind of travel helps you to understand many things that you can never see or learn at home. However, you may read about them in books and newspapers.
As for me, I would like to have a coach tour to some foreign country. Coach tours are planned and I will have a chance to do a lot of sightseeing and have a good rest at the same time.

Answer the questions:

1.Why does the author envy people who travel all around the world?

2.What helps you to understand many things that you can never see or learn at home?

3. From whom  can  you learn much new for yourself?

Put the sentences into the right order.

1.My favourite way is travelling by plain, not because it is very comfortable.

2. As for me, I would like to have a coach tour to some foreign country.

3. People are fond of travelling.

4.  I also like travelling by train.

5. I envy the tourists because I think that they study geography travelling.

Match the phrases into one sentence.

1.They travel to see other countries and continents,

2. There are many ways of travelling

3. When you are in the train,

4. Any kind of travel helps you to understand

5. When you are in the train,

a) you can see the beauty of nature.

b) many things that you can never see or learn at home.

c) to learn a lot about people’s traditions, to enjoy beautiful places.

d) you can see the beauty of nature.

e) by train, by plain, by ship, on foot.


6. Фізкультпауза.

T: Now, it’s time to have a rest. Listen, sing and do actіоns.


One and two and three and four,

Bend your knees and touch the floor.

Five and six and seven and eight,

Stretch your arms and jump up straight.

One and two and three and four,

Don’t be lazy, work out more.

Five and six and seven and eight,

Working out is really great.



T: Work in groups. Task for the  group 1.

 1). Read an email describing a trip and discuss. What were the good/bad things about the trip?

To: mmazuri@yahoo.com

From: CelineB@soutain.fr

Hi Mohamed,

I’ve just got back from my trip to Southern Africa. It was great. First we flew to Lesotho from Johannesburg. Then we took a boat down the river for two weeks. We saw lots of interesting animals and plants. After a while, it started raining heavily so I’m glad I had my waterproof clothes! After that, we went to Cape Town for a week to recover. Finally, we caught the plane back home. I loved the trip but I got tired of living out of a rucksack!

Speak soon.



2). Underline five words/phrases that help us to understand the order of events.

3).  Write an email to a friend about a trip or a weekend away. Use the words you underlined.

Task  for the  group 2.

Brian’s First Train Journey

Brian has got many relatives.  They live across the country in far places.   He wants to visit his cousin Alex.  His home is near the train station so Brian decides to take a train to go there.

He books his train tickets on the Internet. He has booked a two-way ticket. So, he won’t look for another ticket: when he returns home. Two-way tickets are cheaper.

Ticket fares are not usually expensive at weekdays, so he has bought a ticket for Wednesday. After he packs his rucksack, he goes to the train station. He goes to the ticket office at the train station and buys his ticket. His train is an inter-city train. It travels between cities. His ticket shows a window seat in the compartment.

The compartment is in the caboose. The conductor checks his ticket on the train. Then the train departs the station and the Brian’s journey starts.

Answer the questions according to the text.

  1. Who does Brian want to visit?
  2. Why does Brian prefer the train for the journey?
  3. Does Brian buy his ticket from the ticket office?
  4. Is his ticket expensive?
  5. Which train does Brain need for travelling between cities?

Write example sentences with the words related to travelling topic.

Book (v) ……………………………………………………………….

Two-way ticket ………………………………………………………..

Fare ……………………………………………………………………

Rucksack ……………………………………………………………..

Train station ………………………………………………………….

Ticket office ………………………………………………………….

Window seat ………………………………………………………….

Compartment …………………………………………………………

Conductor …………………………………………………………….

Depart …………………………………………………………………

Journey ……………………………………………………………











8.Узагальнення та систематизація учнями  знань і результатів роботи

T: Let’s play a game and answer the questions in turn.

Travelling - speaking






ІV. Рефлексивно – оцінюючий

1. Підведення підсумків уроку.

T: I‟d like to say that you were perfect. We have done a lot and learned a lot about travelling.

I like your active work at the lesson.

2. Повідомлення домашнього завдання

1.T:Your hometask for the next time will to do a project “Travelling to one of the famous city  or a country”.

You have to  prepare some interesting information about one of the city or a country: the geographical location,  the places of interest, traditions and customs.

  1. Рефлексія. Метод «Мікрофон»

T: Did you know anything new?

What have you learnt today?

Which of you is pleased with your work?

What exercises   did you like the best?

4. Цінування. Оцінювання.

T: Boys and girls, we did a lot at the lesson. You worked hard. Thank you for being so active. I hope this lesson was interesting for you. You get good and excellent marks.

 Have a nice day!















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