Learners' Group profile
- Number of learners: 22.
- Gender: 50% male (11 boys), 50% female (11 girls).
- Age bracket: 11-12.
- Specific cultural requirement: none.
- Family: large (with several children).
- Birthplace: 80% Lukavtsi, 20% Vahnivtsi.
- Level of English: Pre-intermediate.
- Level of ability: understand simple texts on familiar topics, are beginning to be able to express themselves clearly.
- Attitude to learning: they put in their maximum effort, play a positive role in discussions and group tasks, complete their homework on time, participate in competitions.
- Potential barriers to learning: a lack of textbooks; a lack of computers and mobile phones (for online classes).
- Learning preferences: flashcards, videos.
- Skills, strengths and interests: they are self confident, learn from previous mistakes, help others, define concrete goals; are good at English, PE, Math.
- Lifestyle: healthy, active.
- Clothes: comfortable.
- Likes: volleyball, pets, hanging out with each other, eating sweets, photography.
- Dislikes: distance learning, tests.
- Social Media use: Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok.