Урок " The Earth does not belong to us- we belong to the Earth"

Про матеріал
Матеріал розробки уроку має на меті удосконалити уміння та навички практичного володіння англійською мовою з даної теми з усіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності:аудіювання,читання,говоріння та письма; виховувати бережливе ставлення до природи, посилити інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови.
Зміст архіву
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

The apple as the symbol of the Earth

Номер слайду 2

“The Earth does not belong to us we belong to the Earth”

Номер слайду 3

Beauty, fresh, wildlife. And the next task is to think about the things that can’t exist without each other. Example: People can’t live without plants, animals, sunshine, water….   Association Game

Номер слайду 4

Louis Armstrong

Номер слайду 5

I see ____ of green... red __ too I see them ____ for me and for you And I think to myself... what a wonderful world...   I see _____ of blue... _______of white Bright ____days... dark ______nights And I think to myself ... what a wonderful world...   The _____of a rainbow... so pretty ... in the sky Are also on the ______... of people... going by I see friends shaking hands... saying... “How do you do?” They're really saying... I ____ you...   I hear _____cry... I watch them grow They'll _____much more... than I'll never know And I think to myself... what a wonderful world What a wonderful world

Номер слайду 6

The harmony is the main feature of our life “Look after this planet, it’s the only one we have” (Prince Philip of Britain, the President of the World Wildlife Fund) The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself. (American President Franklin Roosevelt) “When the last tree is cut down and the last fish killed, the last river poisoned, then you will see that you can not eat money” (Greenpeace message) “Mother planet is showing us the red warning light – “be careful” – she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of our own house.” (The Dalai Lama)

Номер слайду 7

Pronounce The Words After Me Environment Rainforest Global warming Ecology To pollute Pollution Fertilizers To cause Destruction Waste Poison Threat Damage Discharge To poison Nuclear Weapon To survive Fossil fuels Conservation Recycling To endanger Acid rain Deforestation Endangered species Greenhouse gases(effect) Habitat Climate change Source Diversity Forestry Charity Property Species Environment Soil Heritage Generation Ancestors Substances Pesticides Extinct Extinction

Номер слайду 8

1) pollution a) предки 2) environment b) спадщина 3) heritage c) покоління 4) source d) власність 5) diversity e) відходи 6) forestry f) забруднення середовища 7) charity g) довкілля 8) property h) джерело 9) waste i) охорона лісів 10) generation j) різноманітність 11) ancestors k) добродійність Match the following English words with their Ukrainians equivalents

Номер слайду 9

12) soil l) зникнення 13) discharge m) види тварин 14) acid rains n) шкода 15) ozone layer o) загроза 16) greenhouse effect p) речовини 17) species q) пестициди 18) extinctions r) викиди 19) fertilizers s) грунт 20) pesticides t) кислотні дощі 21) threat u) парниковий ефект 22) substances v) озоновий шар 23) damage w) добрива

Номер слайду 10


Номер слайду 11

Fill in the correct word from the following: Beautiful, litter, park, heavy, breathe, peaceful, survive, look after, pass, create, cut down 1. The streets are very busy and the traffic is really….. 2. There is plenty of space for cars to….. 3. The air is really polluted; you can hardly…. 4. The streets aren’t very clean and people drop….everywhere. 5. The streets are very quiet and…. 6. There are lots of trees and green fields nearby; it’s a….village. 7. The government should….a law to ban cars. 8. Logging companies…. too many trees. 9. We must….our planet before it’s to late. 10. We can’t….without air and water. 11. The government wants too…. a park where endangered species can live safely.

Номер слайду 12

Fill in the correct word from the list: created, breathe, improve, destroys, causes, hunt 1. Having more buses would….public transport in cities. 2. Heavy traffic….a lot of air pollution. 3. If we....more parks in our cities, they would be nicer places to live in. 4. It’s so polluted I can’t….properly. 5. Many people….endangered species for their fur. 6. Acid rain….plants.

Номер слайду 13

1….and….pollute the land. 2….and….pollute the seas and rivers. 3….and….cause air pollution. Choose the right word or a word combination to complete the sentences. Traffic fumes, chemicals from factories, litter, oil spills, smoke from chimneys, chemicals from aerosol cans

Номер слайду 14

1 endangered species 6 nuclear waste 11 greenhouse gases 2 acid rain 7 conservation areas 12 plant trees 3 factory emissions 8 thick smog 13 recycle household waste 4 environmental awareness 9 oil spills 14 fine factories 5 national parks 10 forest fires 15 illegal fishing

Номер слайду 15

Who? What? When? Where? Why? Find the answers

Номер слайду 16


Номер слайду 17

Describe One Of The Global Issues

Номер слайду 18


Номер слайду 19

Give very useful pieces of advice Don’t pollute! Leave wild flowers for others to enjoy Be a friend to fish Don’t throw garbage into their homes Leave the place clean Use your head Smart people recycle paper, cans and gloss Plant a tree to mare homes for birds and small animals

Номер слайду 20

Give very useful pieces of advice Always put garbage in garbage in Recycle newspapers, and metal cans Don’t throw away things which you can reuse Don’t throw garbage in water Never drown or paint on the trees Never cut down baby trees Don’t hurt animals Feed birds in winter Plant flowers and trees

Номер слайду 21

If we create more parks, we will have more oxygen

Номер слайду 22

We leave a fire - we destroy the forest. We pollute the air - we change the climate. we throw away plastic bottles - we damage nature. We leave litter in the forests - we hurt animals. We don’t recycle paper - we cut down trees to make new paper. We break trees - we disturb birds. We leave glass bottles in the forest - we hurt animals and people. IF + PRESENT SIMPLE, + FUTURE SIMPLE

Номер слайду 23

Native land Attractive fields Treasure forests Unique places Rare plants Entire paradise.

Номер слайду 24

I wish you always: Air to breathe, Fire to warm you, Water to drink and the Earth to live in. I wish this to you from my heart.

Номер слайду 25


Номер слайду 26

Thank you for your hard work

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   Урок у 10 класі по темі:


 “The Earth does not belong to us –

we belong to the Earth”








Цілі :

1. Поглибити і розширити знання по темі - extend children's knowledge on the topic;

2. Удосконалити уміння та навички практичного володіння англійською мовою з даної теми з усіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності: аудіювання, говоріння, читання та письма - improve / upgrade their skills in a practical knowledge of English on the subject according to all kinds of speech activities: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

3. Посилити інтерес до вивчення англійської мови - heighten the interest to English language

4. Виховувати бережне ставлення до навколишнього середовища - cultivate care of the environment.

Обладнання: an interactive blackboard, a notebook, cards, pictures, records (Louis Armstrong “What a Wonderful World” and Michael Jackson “Earth Song”).


                                       Хід уроку


         I. Greeting

     Good-morning, ladies and gentlemen! Nice to see you!

 II. Aim

  Today we will have unusual lecture. And I hope you will be very active.

   Look at the apple. Imagine it`s our Earth. I am cutting it into 4 pieces. Three quarters of the Earth surface is water and only 1/4 is land. One half of it is habitable.

                                Slide 1

     The Earth is our home. We want our home to be clean and new. We want to see blue seas, green trees, and clear sky. If you care about your planet, don’t make it dirty.  So, at our lesson we are going to discuss the main ecological and environmental problems of the time. The theme of our lesson is “The Earth does not belong to us - we belong to the Earth”. Slide 2

We’re going to dwell on the most vital environmental problems and solutions to them. You are going to do some vocabulary work, watch a short video, read and discuss, sing song.


III. Warming-up.

I hope you will agree with me that nowadays everybody wants to live in a safe and healthy world. We are given the world that is beautiful and …. Please, add more information.


P1: Wonderful

P2: Unique

P3: Rich 


What makes our world beautiful, wonderful and unique?


P1: Blue oceans and seas, lakes and rivers.

P2: Green forests and parks, beautiful gardens and squares.

P3: Mighty waterfalls and nigh mountains.

P4: Spring fields and green pastures.

P5: Rainforests and steppes.

P6: Various species of mammals, birds and insects.

P7: Various plants and flowers.


IV.  Association game

     I give you the word and you tell me any associative words to it.

 Beauty, fresh, wildlife Slide 3

    Great. And the next task is to think about the things that can’t exist without each other.

Example: People can’t live without plants, animals, sunshine, water….

(Animals, plants, the planet…)


V. The Song  Louis Armstrong “WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD”

     Listen to the song of outstanding American jazz trumpeter, singer and bandleader and try to write down the missing words in it.                 Slide 4-5


               “WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD”

I see trees  of green... red  roses too

I see them bloom... for me and for you

And I think to myself... what a wonderful world...


I see skies of blue... clouds of white

Bright blessed days... dark sacred nights

And I think to myself... what a wonderful world...


The colours of a rainbow... so pretty... in the sky

Are also on the faces... of people... going by

I see friends shaking hands... saying... “How do you do?”

They're really saying... I love you...


I hear babies cry... I watch them grow

They'll learn much more... than I'll never know

And I think to myself... what a wonderful world


VI. The main part of the lecture

    As you know the world is not only beautiful, but also everything is connected on the Earth. The harmony is the main feature of our life and only if the harmony exists we can live happily.  But unfortunately the situation is not perfect now. And there are many problems that we can discuss. I’d like you to read the quotations on the blackboard and discuss them in two groups. What does the quotation mean to you? Do you agree or disagree with the author?

Listen to some sayings and tell me what the problem is.                 Slide 6


 Look after your planet, it's the only one we have.

(Prince Philip of Britain, President of the World Wildlife Fund)

 The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself.

                                           (American President Franklin Roosevelt)

“Harmony with land is like harmony with a friend: you cannot cherish his right hand and chop off his left…The land is one organism.”                                (Aldo Leopold)

  “When the last tree is cut down and the last fish killed, the last river poisoned, then  you will see that you can not eat money”

9f9V1BHw7oU.jpg                                             (Greenpeace message)

 “Mother planet  is showing us the red warning light – “be careful” – she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of our own house.”

                                         (Dalai Lama)




                      Vocabulary practice

We’ll need some new vocabulary to do it. First look at the blackboard and pronounce the words after me.                                                       Slide 7











Match the following English words with their Ukrainians equivalents

                                                                                       Slide 8-9

1) pollution                             a) предки

2) environment                        b) спадщина

3) heritage                         c) покоління

4) source                         d) власність

5) diversity                         e) відходи

6) forestry                         f) забруднення середовища

7) charity                         g) довкілля

8) property                         h) джерело

9) waste                            i) охорона лісів

10) generation                         j) різноманітність

11) ancestors                          k) добродійність

12) soil                                   l) зникнення

13) discharge                           m) види тварин

14) acid rains                           n) шкода

15) ozone layer                 o) загроза

16) greenhouse effect                p) речовини

17) species                           q) пестициди

18) extinctions                   r) викиди

19) fertilizers                             s) грунт

20) pesticides                            t) кислотні дощі

21) threat                                   u) парниковий ефект

22) substances                           v) озоновий шар

23) damage                                w) добрива


Keys: 1-f, 2-g, 3-b, 4-h, 5-j, 6- i, 7-k, 8-d, 9-e, 10-c, 11-a,  12-s, 13-r, 14-t, 15-v, 16-u, 17-m, 18-l, 19-w, 20-q, 21-o, 22-p, 23-n.                 Slide 10


                 Cards. Read the definition and name the word





The process of collecting used products in order to produce useful materials which can be used again (instead of throwing them away as rubbish).


Acid rain


Carbon dioxide and other harmful gases in the atmosphere which are believed to be the cause of a gradual warming of the surface of the Earth (are believed to be the cause of the greenhouse effect).




The natural in which animals or plants usually live or grow.


Endangered species


Fuels such as gas, coal, oil, which are produced from ancient plant material.




A rain which contains unusually large amount of harmful chemicals as a result of the burning of substances such as coal & oil.


Global warming


No longer existing.


Greenhouse gases


The destruction of forest, resulting from excessive clearing.


Ozone layer


Animals that are threatened with extinction


Fossil fuels


The preservation of valuable natural resources that exist in limited amount from the damaging effects of human activity.




The increase of world temperatures due to the greenhouse effect




Layer in the upper atmosphere containing a high amount of ozone gas that absorbs the sun’s ultraviolet radiation.




The relationship between the air, land, water, animals, plants, etc., usually of a particular area.





is dense forest found in tropical areas of heavy rainfall.





is the land, water and air in which people, animals and plants live.


Greenhouse effect


changes in the weather around the world, which result in much higher or lower temperature, violent storms, floods, etc.


Climate change


general  increase in the temperature of the world, caused by pollution from cars, factories etc.

Keys: 1-l, 2-e, 3-g,  4-h,  5-f,  6-j, 7-b, 8-k,  9-d,  10-i,  11-a, 12-c, 13-n,  14-m, 15-p, 16-0.


                  Find the definitions say one of the new words

Well done! And now I give you only definitions and you say one of the new words which are still on the blackboard.


Environment is the land, water and air in which people, animals and plants live.

Rainforest  is dense forest found in tropical areas of heavy rainfall.

Acid rain is rain that contains a high concentration of pollutants, released into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal or oil

Global warming -an increase in the average temperature worldwide believed to be caused by the greenhouse effect

To pollute – to make air, water, soil, etc. dangerously dirty.

Pollution is the process of polluting the place.

To contaminate -to make a place dirty or harmful by chemical poison.

To cause means to make something happen.

Destruction is the act or process of destroying something.

Waste means things you no longer want.

Poison is a substance that can kill you or make you sick if you eat it, breathe it, etc.

To poison means to make the land, lakes, rivers dangerous by adding harmful chemicals to it.

Nuclear means relating to the central part of an atom.

Weapon is something that you use to fight with.

To survive means to continue to exist.

To endanger means to put someone or something in a dangerous or harmful situation.

                                                                                                        Slide 11

                Fill in the correct word from the following:

Beautiful, litter, park, heavy, breathe, peaceful, survive, look after, pass, create, cut  down

  1. The streets are very busy and the traffic is really…..
  2. There is plenty of space for cars to…..
  3. The air is really polluted; you can hardly….
  4. The streets aren’t very clean and people drop….everywhere.
  5. The streets are very quiet and….
  6. There are lots of trees and green fields nearby; it’s a….village.
  7. The government should….a law to ban cars.
  8. Logging companies…. Too many trees.
  9. We must….our planet before it’s to late.
  10. We can’t….without air and water.
  11. The government wants too…. a park where endangered species can live safely.


 Fill in the correct word from the list: Slide 12

 created, breathe, improve, destroys, causes, hunt

1. Having more buses would….public transport in cities.

2. Heavy traffic….a lot of air pollution.

3. If we....more parks in our cities, they would be nicer places to live in.

4. It’s so polluted I can’t….properly.

5. Many people….endangered species for their fur.

6. Acid rain….plants

  Slide 13

Choose the right word or a word combination to complete the sentences:

Traffic fumes, chemicals from factories, litter, oil spills, smoke from chimneys, chemicals from aerosol cans

1….and….pollute the land.

2….and….pollute the seas and rivers.

3….and….cause air pollution.     



                            Reading comprehension

Match the words in the list with the nouns. Use each word only once. Cards











































household waste




















Keys:                                                                                        Slide 14



























household waste




















                             While-reading task

Read the text and complete the sentence using the words from the box. You may have to make some changes in the word forms.













The Earth has been getting hotter because we are (1) _______ too many "greenhouse gases".

These gases (2) _______ the heat. Trees and plants help take gases from the (3) _______, but we have now (4) _______ too many trees. There are not enough trees and plants to do this job. We (5) ______ wood or (6) _____ cars. Dangerous gases are in refrigerators and aerosol (7) ______. Tin greenhouse effect is noticeable in the warmer temperatures that people have (8) _____ over the last two decades.






in danger





Tropical forests or rain forests are moist, densely wooded areas with an annual rainfall of 200 cm. The largest rain forests in the world are found in South America.

Tropical forests have (1) _____ us with many sorts of plants for food, (2) ____ and industry. They could probably supply many more. They also reduce (3)               ______, keep water clean, and slow down the greenhouse effect. However, the tropical forests are being (4) _____ to make room for things like farms, mines and plants. About 20 million hectares are lost each year – an area more than twice the size of Austria.

WWF is working to (5) _____ and save the forests that are (6) ______; to plant new trees for fuel wood and to slow down the greenhouse effect and to (7) _____ governments to think about the forests and their importance when giving (8)               ______ aid.











There is a layer of gas called ozone. It covers the Earth. It protects us from the dangerous rays of the sun because ozone gas (1) _____ the sun's ultraviolet (2) ____. However, when ozone gets near the Earth (in (3) _____ rain, for example) it is also very (4) _____ itself and causes (5) ______.

There are now (6) ______ in the ozone layer. Some (7) _____ used in refrigerators and in the production of foam plastics reduce the ozone layer, allowing harmful ultraviolet rays to enter the Earth's atmosphere, thereby contributing to skin (8) ____.





                                Post-reading task

  1. Fill in the table below.



Solutions to problems

1. Global warming

1. Change in the world climate

1. Reduce use of aerosols;






                      THE EARTH SONG BY M. JACKSON

                                       Discussion (T-Ps)

Let`s discuss the questions about changing environment.

What is the Earth?

Why does it need protection?

What do we have for the animals, trees, flowers and people on the Earth?

What problems are there in the environment today?

What causes the pollution of the environment?

What are people doing to help the environment?

Why should we take care of our planet?


                                 It’s time for fun


           Guess the hidden words. Cards.

1) Try  to plant...near you house (e t e r s ).                                       (trees)

2) Use less washing up... (i l d i u q).                                                   (liquid)

3) Join the...organization.(e n g e r  P c a e e).                            (Greenpeace)

 4) Don't drop  rubbish in the...(e t  s s e t r).                                       (streets) 

5) Use waste...(n s i b).                                                                          (bins)

6) Take some of your.. (i b b u r h s) into a recycling center.            (rubbish)







                                 “Environmental Game”


It is personal action that will help preserve the world's environment. Actions, which are simple and quick. There are many actions each person can take every day.  I suggest you play 'Environmental Game' to realize what you really do to keep the environment clean. You have two sticks: green (means yes) and red (means no). Do not say yes or no. Show me your green or red stick, please.


1. Do you turn off t h e light when you leave the room?

2. Do you turn off the water while you brush your teeth?

3. Do you pick up the garbage you see in the street?

4. Do you share your books with your friends?

5. Have you ever planted a tree?

6. Do you reuse old containers?

7. Have you ever given old clothes to someone who needed them?

8. Do you want to live in a green city?

9. Do you return used bottles for money?

10. When you have a picnic, do you leave the place cleaner than you found it?

11. Do you turn off the TV when you are not watching it?                                                         

                                      Group work

The pupils are divided into 4 groups. The task is to put the words in the right order. You will do this task in writing.  I give you 1 minute. Cards

Group 1:

1) Many, there, of, problems, are, nevironment, the.




Group 2:

1) Necessary, learn, sources, of, energy, is, it, to, to, such as, etc., sun, wind, use, natural.

2) World, we, in, a, live, changeable.

Group 3:


2) Agricultural, very, are, harmful, man, often, products, for, a.

Group 4:

1) Humanity, today, problem, the, greatest, for, pollution, is.

2) Power, also, is, thermal, plants, pollution, great, source, a, of.               

     Cards                         Text 1

Read the text and say what the writer’s purpose is in   each case. Circle the best very for each.          

If you want to help local insects and birds, a really good way to do it is to let your garden grow a little bit wild and not tidy it up too much. If you don’t want the whole garden to be untidy, just choose one area at the back of the garden and let nature take control.
a) Suggest
b) Remind
c) Revie
                               Text 2

Read the text and say what the writer’s purpose is in   each case. Circle the best very for each.          
From the mid1800s until the 1950s large cities in Britain, such as London and Manchester, suffered every winter from thick, yellow frog. It was caused by smoke from burning coal in homes and factories. Many people became ill from every year. Eventually the government passed laws to control the amount of fuel that could be burnt in the cities and the fog disappeared.
a) Persuade
b) Explain
c) Warn                                                                                         
                                Text 3

Read the text and say what the writer’s purpose is in   each case. Circle the best very for each.          
There are several ways that you can use less power in your home. First of all, if you are cold, put on a jumper instead of turning up the heating. If you are hot, turn down the heating rather than opening a window. Switch the TV off when you are not using it and always buy low-energy light bulbs.
a) Recommend
b) Promise
c) Compare


                          Cards                    Situations

                    Make up and role-play the conversation in pairs

Female: I think nuclear power situations are the best way to make energy because they don’t make any pollution.

Male: That’s not true. Just think about the waste they produce. Some of it is dangerous for thousands years.

Female: There are safe ways to store it now – they can bury it deep under the ground.

Male: Well, I don’t think that’s safe – I would like to see more electricity being made from wind and the sun.


Male: Did you get that book about the environment I asked you to bury for me?

Female: Oh, sorry. I completely forgot. What’s it called?

Male: How to Save the Planet. $8.99 and you can get it from Wetherby’s bookshop.

Female: OK. I’ll get it for you tomorrow when I go to town.


Male: Let’s plant a tree in the back garden. It will be great for wildlife and it will give us some shade in the summer.

Female: Oh, I don’t know. Won’t it be expensive, and a lot of hard work?

Male: Not really. I’ll do all the digging. It’ll look great when it’s done, trust me. You’re always talking about ways to help the environment well, this is a really good way to start.

Female: Oh, ok, then. What kind of tree shall we get?


Male: What are you going to do about your car? It broke down again yesterday, didn’t it?

Female: Yes. I’m not sure what to do. I could sell it and a bike. Or I could try and fix it one more time.

Male: You know it will only break down again. It always does!

Female: You’re right. I’ll set it. That way I’ll get fit and help the environment at the same time.




                     Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Cards

  1. Our Earth is a wonderful planet. Now people all over the world think about our planet.
  2. We’ve know that air and water pollution are the most important problems on our planet.
  3. And what do you think what we can do to save our planet from air and water pollution?
  4. There are five ideas to save our planet: - Saving water; - Buying Waste materials; - Using less energy; - Plants and nature.
  5. We can walk or use a bicycle instead of going by car.
  6. We must remove rubbish from lakes and rivers.
  7. I don’t throw litter in public places.
  8. I plant a tree in the garden every year.
  9. I never break glass bottles.
  10. I don’t cut wild flowers.
  11. I take part in a clean-up once a month.
  12. Use your own eco-friendly bag when you go shopping
  13. Saving energy isn’t complicated, and if we all play a small part, we can make a big difference.
  14. If there are no plants in a city, many people could be affected because cars and factories produce gases which are harmful to humans.
  15. Many environmental problems seem so big that you probably think you can’t do anything about it, but you are wrong.
  16. Students of our school take care of nature every season.
  17. Finally, we should remember the importance of plants and nature.
  18. Look at our Planet! We must take care of it!
  19. Global warming, the ozone layer problems, air and water pollution, industrial waste are in the center of our attention.
  20.  One of the causes of global warming is burning fossil fuels for energy.
  21.  As the average temperature becomes higher it may cause a melting of polar ice which in its turn will cause the rising of the sea level and will have a serious impact on the sea ecosystem.
  22.  Weather patterns will change with a change of climate: there will be hurricanes, earthquakes and other disasters.
  23.  This is a very serious problem, that's why many scientists try to find a way out and help the planet.


                                                                                         Slide 15-16





Who has gone so far in its development?

What is the fastest-spreading disease of civilization?

When have Britons destroyed the natural balance?

Where do people try to find solutions to the environmental problems?

Our civilization has gone so far in its development.

The poisoning of the World’s land, air and water is the fastest-spreading disease.

Since 1949 Britons have destroyed 95 % of wild meadows and ancient woods.

In Britain besides the official there are many public international and local organizations which try to find solutions to the problem at  national and international levels.




Look at the pictures and describe one of the global issues using new words

                                                                                                     Slide 17




Environmental Problems and Ways to Their Solution               Slide 18

Let’s make a declaration about keeping the environment clean and green using the pictures. A generation which doesn’t think of nature will not have future. We are a part of nature. Our planet is in danger.  What can be done to make Earth a safer and better place? How can we save Earth? "OUR THREATENED PLANET. CAN IT BE SAVED?"  Give very useful pieces of advice.


Don’t pollute!

 Leave wild flowers for others to enjoy.

Be a friend to fish. Slide 19-20

Don’t throw garbage into their homes.

Leave the place clean.Use your head. Smart people recycle paper, cans and gloss.

Plant a tree to mare homes for birds and small animals. We must stop the  process  of  deforestation.

Always put garbage in garbage in.

Recycle newspapers, and metal cans.

Don’t throw away things which you can reuse.

Don’t throw garbage in water.

Never drown or paint on the trees.

Never cut down baby trees.

Don’t hurt animals.

Feed birds in winter.                        

1 can save Earth by riding a bicycle instead of using public transport.

I can save Earth by using water at home rationally.

I can save Earth by not doing harm to birds and animals.

I can save Earth by using old plastic bags instead of buying new ones in


We should clean up the air.

We mustn’t put waste into the seas and rivers!

We should protect animals in danger.

We must change people’s attitudes towards the environment.

We could use more solar energy.

Governments ought to make tough laws against litter.

We shouldn’t treat food with chemicals.

We can save more energy and water.

We must find ways of preventing oil spills.

We should ban cars which use leaded petrol.

We shouldn’t use products which damage the ozone layer.

We ought to stop cigarette advertising.

We  must:

Throw  litter  only  in  special  places.

Take  care  of  nature.

Clean  the  territories  near  our  houses.

 Feed  birds  and  animals  in  winter.

Try  to  use  solar  and  wind  energy.

We  mustn’t:

Let  water  run  without  need.

Damage  holes  and  nest.

Waste  electricity.

Burn  lives  in  autumn.

Leave  bottles, papers  and  fire  in  the  places  of  picnics.


                    CONDITIONALS                                                     Slide 21


If we create more parks, we will people have more oxygen

* put bins on every street corner

* have more trees/green areas

* improve public transport

* people use bicycles

* people recycle things

* create more parks


* people have more oxygen;


*not have so much rubbish everywhere;

* people not drop litter in streets;


* people leave cars at home;

* children be able to play safely;

* cities be less polluted;

                                                                                                                 Slide 22

P1: We leave a fire -we destroy the forest.

P2: We pollute the air - we change the climate.

P3: we throw away plastic bottles - we damage nature.

P4: We leave litter in the forests - we hurt animals.

P5: We don’t recycle paper -we cut down trees to make new paper.

P6: We break trees -we disturb birds.

 P7: We leave glass bottles in the forest - we hurt animals and people.


  As  a  conclusion  I  want  you  to  remember  the  epigraphs  of  the  lesson.

“The  Earth  is  a  tiny  part  of  the  Universe  and  the  only  place  where  human  beings  can   live”. “ Look  after  this  planet, it’s  the  only  one  we  have”   The  Earth  is  our  home.  We have to attitude to our planet very carefully and seriously. We are to love our planet and   take care of it. We have to remember that the world around us is beautiful. Talking about our planet we can’t but say about it is nature.

What does the word NATURE mean for you? Express your thoughts into acro poem

    Slide 23

  Native land

  Attractive fields

 Treasure forests

 Unique places

 Rare plants
Entire paradise



    Slide 24

Teacher:                           I wish you always:

Air to breathe,

Fire to warm you,

Water to drink

And the Earth to live in.

 I wish this to you from my heart


     Our lecture  is to the end and there comes the creativity moment. We will create a picture «A rainbow mood». It will unite your mood, your feelings and emotions from a lesson.                                                                               Slide 25


The lesson was pleasant and it was interesting (red colour)

The lesson set thinking (green colour)

       You changed your attitude to the environment (yellow colour)

       The lesson left you indifferent (grey colour)


     Please, choose a detail of any colour - values of flowers are written down on the board, come to a board and paste it.  What has turned out? Very bright rainbow says that you worked with the interest, learned a lot of new that set you thinking and change the relation to the problem of the environment, which are of great importance. Of course, I want to add some features:

Let the butterfly inspires us to success and creativity. (I paste a butterfly)

I hope that the lesson brought pleasure not only me, but also you, my dear pupils

(I paste the sun). Thank you for your hard work. Good-bye.                Slide 26


Перегляд файлу

Hello, dear 9th formers.

     I was glad to receive your last letter and with a great pleasure tell you about the environmental protection in my country.

     Our civilisation has gone so far in its development and polluted the environment to such an extend that is very difficult to reverse it to primordial nature. The poisoning of the World’s land, air and water in the fastest-spreading disease of civilisation.

     Great Britain, as a highly developed industrial country also faces a monumental task in the restoring urban and rural environments. The ecological problems of Great Britain are of the same global scale.

     I should say that pollution is one of the most urgent problems to solve. Factories, power station and motor vehicles, pump large quantities of waste gases into the air. This is major cause of the greenhouse effect and global warming. Rivers and streams are also polluted by industrial waste from factories, chemical fertilisers and pesticides used by farmers. Since 1949 Britons have destroyed 95% of wild meadows, heats, fens and ancient woods. The trees are cut down to wood or burnt to dear the land for farming.

     The British government has worked out the practical plan of action. The main items of the survival projects in Britain are:

a)   overcoming the problem of air and water pollution;

b)   protection of special nature sites;

c)    conservation of the wildlife;

d)   Control on the use of pesticides and nitrate fertilisers.

    Besides the official there are many public international and local organisations which try to find solution to the problems at national and international levels such as: “Greenpeace”, “Friends of the Earth”.

     So the British are the optimists. They are sure that people start pollution, people can stop it. Let it be so.    

           And what about your country? What environmental problems are there in Ukraine?

     I will be waiting for your answer.

Truly yours                               


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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
5 лютого 2020
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