Урок ток-шоу “ Problems of Teenagers in the World ”

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Розробка уроку ток-шоу “ Problems of Teenagers in the World ” у 9 класі надає можливість ознайомитися з різновидами проблем підлітків та шляхами їх подолання через дискусію. Мета уроку. - Активізувати лексику з теми “ Problems of Teenagers in the World ”. - Розвивати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, тренувати учнів в аудіюванні, удосконалювати мовленнєві уміння та навички. - Розвивати уміння соціального спілкування через рольову гру. -Формувати творче та критичне мислення учнів з теми “Problems of Teenagers in the World ” через дискусію. - Виховувати у учнів почуття відповідальності за власне життя та здоров’я, нетерпимість до шкідливих звичок; викликати бажання досконаліше вивчати англійську мову, сприяти виробленню позитивних емоцій у навчальній діяльності за допомогою поезії. Вид уроку: узагальнення та закріплення знань; активізація мовленнєвої діяльності.
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План -конспект уроку  англійської мови з теми:

 Problems of Teenagers in the World


                      ( ток-шоу з використанням ІКТ та рольової гри)

                                                          9 клас

Мета уроку:

- Активізувати лексику з теми “ Problems of Teenagers in the World ”.

- Розвивати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, тренувати учнів в аудіюванні, удосконалювати мовленнєві уміння та навички.

- Розвивати уміння соціального спілкування через рольову гру.

-Формувати творче та критичне мислення учнів з теми “Problems of Teenagers in the World ” через дискусію.

- Виховувати у учнів почуття відповідальності за власне життя та здоров’я, нетерпимість до шкідливих звичок; викликати бажання досконаліше вивчати англійську мову, сприяти виробленню позитивних емоцій у навчальній діяльності за допомогою поезії.

Вид уроку: узагальнення та закріплення знань; активізація мовленнєвої діяльності.

 Oбладнання:  Мікрофон для ведучого; рольові картки для проведення Talk Show, проектор та екран.





   Teacher:  Good morning to everyone. Welcome to our English class .Today we will speak about the problems of teenagers in the world. Youth is a very important period in the life of a man. This is a time when a person discovers the world and tries to determine their place in the universe.

          Now imagine that we are in our TV studio. We’ll try to play some roles; the most students will play themselves.

         We’ve come here to discuss this extremely important theme and we’ll try to find some decisions to the existing problems of the present day.



Host (H.): Good afternoon, dear ladies and gentlemen! I am glad to see you at our show “About Life”. And our topic today Problems оf Teenagers in the World.” Today we are going to speak about some of the most serious social problems of teenagers:  smoking, drugs, alcohol, criminals and others. (слайд 1)

I’d like to introduce our guests in the studio:

Journalist of newspaper K.;

 А child psychologist ;

 А parent;

 Doctor M;

Students of our school;

Role cards will be of great help to you.

So, let’s begin. Youth is the period between being a child and being fully grown. This time of love, the opening, new interesting acquaintances, youth problems ...  And we’ll start. ( слайд 2)


There are many people but you feel alone.
You want to do what you want
But  your parents say when to come home.
You want to be a grown-up
But on the other hand you miss your childhood.
You are allowed to do so many new things
But  there is the fear of decisions and responsibility.
You laugh, you cry, you keep quiet, you want to sing.
Sometimes you can’t explain what you feel.

   Those are problems of TEENAGES’ LIFE.
Sometimes it’s really great but it also can be as hard as a knife. ( слайд 3)

 The first question: What do the words “teenager age” mean?

   Child psychologist :  Hi! In “Oxford student’s dictionary of current English” we can read the definition .A teenager is a boy or a girl in his or her teens or up to 21 or 22 years of age.

         Teens age is the most beautiful period of life as young people usually experience their first great love and they have many friends. And they are sure they will have a long and happy life. But at the same time it is the most difficult period, as teenagers have many problems and it makes a process of becoming a teenager very difficult.

 H.: - What are the most widespread problems of teens connected with?


  Child psychologist: We all live in one community and every child should attend school so the most widespread problems of teens are problems connected with school, teachers and parents.

  H.: Teen age’s not only wonderful and happy period, but it’s a period when teenager have a lot of problems which they must solve.

 So, let’s listen to our next guest. He knows about problems of teens better.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Student 1.: I am a teenager. I think teenagers all over the world have the same problems and their life isn’t easy. My parents want me to get good grades at school. But I have so many subjects at school and some of them are extremely  boring. I have to do much homework and to read many foolish books, while some teachers don’t understand that their subjects are not the most important things in my life and parents often don’t understand me.


Student 2.:  I agree with you entirely. My problem is the problem of fathers and sons. My parents often don’t understand me . I want my parents to listen to my opinion, not to interfere in my private life, and allow to solve problems by myself.

                                                                                                                     ( слайд 4)


Parent: On the one hand you are right on the other hand your parents respect you and they are worried about your future life very much. In my opinion the most important problem for many teenagers and for my daughter is to enter higher educational institutions . Now to find a good educational institution isn’t easy. Many institutes give poor-quality education, and to enter a good institute very difficult. And besides, very often young people have to pay for education.  Then it is the problem to get the job after graduating from the higher school. Everyone wants a job with good conditions and much money, but not everyone has a possibility to get such a job.


 H.:  So young people should study hard and make an effort to enter higher educational institutions.


  Student 3.:  I’m sorry. Just a few words about the problem of leisure timе. In some towns there are not enough youth clubs where young people can spend their free time. The majority of teenagers spend a free time in the street.

( слайд 5)


 H.:  40 million children around the world spend their life in the street. Often teenagers start to smoke and drink, than strongly undermine the health.

         Now we are approaching an extremely vital social problem. One of the most important problems of nowadays is teenagers’ smoking. It closely came into our modern  life. Appearance of smoking people doesn't shock us at all. 10 years ago a smoking teenager wouldn't appear in the company of grown-ups with the cigarette. But it is the past. Now, a smoking teenager is a normal, habitual picture. Especially smoking is spread among the teenagers. Do you know the truth about smoking? Listen to our next guest .  ( слайд 6)


Doctor M.:  According to the date presented in the reports of the World Health Organisation:

1) One smoked cigarette makes the life shorter in 15-20 minutes. So smoking every day a smoker lesses his (her) life to 8-10 years. Beyond all doubt the cigarette smoking is the major cause of coronary heart disease.


2) There are nearby one milliard people in the world who smoke. (20 mln. women among them) .That is why in 25 years  20 people will die every minute, aid in 100 million within 2020-2030.

3)Smoking impairs your vision.

4) It takes your breath away and gives you emphysema.

5) It causes lung cancer and cancer of the throat.

6) 5 mln people die each year from smoking.

H.:   -Why does this very bad habit attract teenagers?

Student 4.: It seems that many young people want to be “grown up” as early as possible. They often take their first cigarette to look grown-up and cool. They think cigarettes make you relaxed, the only way smoking makes you look older is by giving you wrinkles at an early age. Smoking is out of fashion now.

 Student 4.:   As far as I know Ukrainian Government adopted a law which doesn’t allow people to smoke in public places, such as cinemas, theatres, public transport etc. but many people still smoke when and where they want. But they forget that it is a very bad for their health. I think it is a great problem and we must do our best to stop spreading cigarettes.

H.: Is it easy for smokers to give up? How can we help the young people who smoke?

Doctor M.: I’d like to tell you a few words about рeople who want to quit smoking may have "Smokeless tobacco" is a new product. I'm not really sure what that is exactly but I've seen it advertised.

"Chewing tobacco" is exactly what it sounds like. It's tobacco that you put in your mouth and chew. However, the juice of it will make you sick, so people who chew tobacco have to constantly spit out the juice.

 You can also get chewing gum that releases nicotine into your body through the lining of your mouth. You can buy patches and gum from most chemists, or your doctor may be able to write you a prescription. Always check with your doctor before you start using any nicotine replacement products.


H.:  We are again at our studio. In addition to smoking, we can name the other fatal habit: the drinking of alcohol. Unfortunately, very often they combine with each other. Alcohol is a poison! Having penetrated into an organism, it has destroyed the brain of the person for some months. A great man said that drinking alcohol is a voluntary mad, and I think he was right. Look at these pictures. What and whom can you see there?   (слайд 7)

Student 6.: Very many the 14-16-year olds already go to night-clubs and different pubs for an alcoholic drink. On the holidays or weekends we can see teenagers with bottles of beer or wine everywhere: in the streets, squares, parks, near the cinemas. They have a rest with the alcoholic drinks.

Doctor M.:. Under the influence of alcohol the person can make absolutely rash actions. Especially alcohol is very dangerous for the young because their organism is exposed to the influence of harmful substances more easily. Even a single sip of alcohol causes a poisoning which can lead to death.

Student 6.: It seems that drinking alcohol is in fashion now. On the disco we can also see the drunk teenagers. I think our Government must stop it. Because alcohol is a very dangerous psychoactive substance which forces people to change the way they feel, think, behave – the way they live. We have been seeing an increase of violent and antisocial behavior of the drunk teenagers.


Journalist K.: Read the letter that was published in one of British newspaper for teenagers and comment it. What would you recommend its author?


                          ( слайд 8)    

                                      I  THINK  I’M  AN  ALCOHOLIC

       I really need your help. I think I am an alcoholic. I’m 17 and I have a drink every night or I don’t sleep. I go out with friends on Fridays and get very drunk. I’ve tried to stop going out, but people say “Oh, go on” and I go.

   I wake up before school needing a drink. At school I’m always thinking about drink so I can’t concentrate.

  I’ve started stealing money from my family to buy drink.

  I need help, so please print this letter. Please help.


Student 6.: Drinking alcohol is not a harmless pastime which can be given up without efforts. It is necessary to have the will - power to stop it. Drinking alcohol you risk to get problems with your health and family. It is really worth a shot!

Avoiding alcohol you save your  health and money.


 H.:   Millions of young people today are using drugs. I think that the most difficult and serious problem of modern community and most of them die. ( слайд 9)


We’ll try to investigate this problem. What are the reasons of this problem?

Student 7.:  Usually teenagers want just to try it, starting with light drugs like marijuana. Then they can't stop and after year may be two years they will die. Drug-addiction is a disease. Drug and alcohol consumption can destroy individual's life

 Student 8.:  Many people begin and continue using drugs because they want a pleasurable change in their state and mind, they think drugs will help them to forget about different problems and to escape from reality but the user’s real problems always remain

H.:   Drugs abuse also damages families and other personal relationships. They causes a poisoning which can lead to death. Thousands of drug-addicts die every year. Some die from drugs themselves. Others die from AIDS. Look at the screen. These famous people have beaten drugs: (слайди 10-14)


  Song Queen, Freddу Mercury — Show must go on”

H.:   In addition to that, young people always need some money to buy them. As a rule, young people usually steal. Then they sale stolen things and get some money. Drugs are very expensive so teenager even can be a killer to earn money. Is there a solution to the problem?


Student 9.:  Education is vital in the fight against drugs. Teenagers must know the truth how addicts live, how they steal money, lose their friends, are cheated by dealers, destroy their health, hurt their families.



Summing up

H.:   So, the time flies very quickly. It’s a pity but the time of our show is coming to the end.

      So young people face a lot of problems which are very important for them. The teenagers’ problems are like a mirror which reflects problems of any society.

     To sum everything up, I’d like to say that all the problems which face teens are solvable. You needn’t be afraid of asking for someone's’ help. Many other


problems show us that parents must give more love and care to their children and remember that we are the future of our country Maybe some of you have changed your minds thanks to our guests. TRY  TO BE IN CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE. Life is a struggle.


See you next week, good-bye.          

                                                                                               ( слайд 15)









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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
15 грудня 2021
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