Урок " Travelling around the world"

Про матеріал
Travelling around the world Objectives: • To develop interactive skills based on the country study; • To give characteristic different sightseeing of the world; • To encourage pupils to work in different groups; • To develop the pupils’ cognitive and creative skills; • To develop the pupils’ socio-culture competence; • To widen the pupils’ outlook.
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КЗ «Оріхівська гімназія №1 «Сузір’я»






( Відкритий урок )



Вчитель вищої категорії,


КЗ «Оріхівської гімназії №1 «Сузір’я»

                                                                                  Синчило Ірина Анатоліївна

                        Travelling around the world


· To develop interactive skills based on the country study; 
· To give characteristic different sightseeing of the world; 
· To encourage pupils to work in different groups; 
· To develop the pupils’ cognitive and creative skills; 
· To develop the pupils’ socio-culture competence; 
· To widen the pupils’ outlook. 

Computer, projector, the presentation, video song “What A Wonderful World”, cards with tasks,  a map of  Disneyland,  a list of  rules, video dialogues, music of America, India, China, France.



  1.               Greeting. Introduction.

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls! Glad to see you! How are you today?

 I am fine. There are a lot of guests at our lesson. I want you to introduce yourself by one adjective. For example: I am Irina Anatoliivna. The first letter of my name is “I”, so I can tell “I am interesting”.

P: Hello! I am Masha. I am motivated.

P2: Nice to meet you. I am Andriy. I am active.

P3: Pleased to meet you. I am Artem. I am amused.

P4: Good morning. I am Anastasiya. I am a little bit anxious.

P5: Hi! I am Liza. I am lively.

P6: Hey! I am David. I am delighted.

P7: Good to see you! I am Valeriya. I am victorious.

P8: It’s great to see you. I am Dmytro and I am determined.

P9: Hey, there. I am Ihor and I am inspired.

P10: How are you! I am Kyrylo and I am kind.

P11: How’s it going! I am Anna and I am awesome.

P12: What’s new? I am Sofiya and I am satisfied.

P13: Hi! I am Melaniya and I am mysterious.

P14: Glad to see you. I am Nickol and I am a little bit nervous.

P15: Hi, there I am Klym and I am keen.

  1.                Warming - up activity  (slide 1)

T: Now, watch the video and guess what the topic of our lesson is.

(  a song by Louis Armstrong “What a wonderful World”)

What A Wonderful World
I see trees of green, red roses, too 
I see them bloom, for me and you 
And I think to myself 
What a wonderful world. 
I see skies of blue, and clouds of white, 
The bright blessed day, 
The dark sacred night 
And I think to myself, 
What a wonderful world. 

T: So, what is the topic of our lesson? Who guessed?

P: It’s travelling.  (slide 2)


                             ( slide 3)

T:  ( slide 4 )You are absolutely right.  Today we are going to travel to amazing places around the world, to learn about some unique places and practice using Adjectives. We’ll speak, read, listen and write. We’ll do a lot of tasks but now some rules, which you have to follow during the lesson:   (slide 5)

  1. Follow directions quickly;
  2. Raise your hand to speak;
  3. Don’t be shy;
  4. Keep your teacher and your partners happy;
  5. Work in different groups.

T: Now let’s  repeat the rules. ( the students repeat after the teacher).


T: Do you like to sing? Of  course. Let’s sing a song together.

( rock – an - roll music) (slide 6)


We are from gymnasium, gymnasium № 1.

We like to travel, isn’t that fun?

We went to Zaporizhzhya, we went to Dnipro,

We went to Kyiv, what is more?


We want to discover, we want to explore,

We want to rich the stars and what is more?

We want to be clever and want to know more.

We want to be the best and what is more?


T: Very talented students and what is more? A secret is waiting for you at the end of the lesson. Do you want to know what secret  it is?

P: Yes, of course.

T: Are you ready to do all the tasks?

P: Yes, we are.

T: Let’s start.

Main Part of the Lesson:


  1. Vocabulary practice.


T: The first station: The Grand Canyon. Amazing  vocabulary.    

                                      (American music is playing)  ( slide 7)

                       C:\Users\Хозяин\Desktop\images (14).jpg

T: We’ll do the tasks in different groups. So before each task you’ll change the group. The first task and the first group. Come here, choose a card with a picture.

( pictures: a plane, a train, a ship. Children choose the picture and find their groups ).

T: Let’s watch a short video about the Grand Canyon.  (slide 8)



Video: The Grand Canyon noted for its fantastic shapes and colors. The Grand Canyon is one of the most spectacular sights in the USA. The vast canyon was cut through many layers of rock by the muddy waters of the Colorado River. It runs for 446 km. through northwestern Arizona.


T: Now answer my questions: (slide 9)


  1. What river does the Grand Canyon stand on? ( the Colorado River)
  1. How long does it run ? (446 km.)
  1. What state is the Grand Canyon situated in? (Arizona)


T: The first station is Amazing vocabulary. You have a sheet of paper with the definitions of the words, you should guess the word. ( The students guess and write these words on the sheet of paper, then these sheet of paper they put on the blackboard) (slide 10):

  1.  make a journey, typically of some length

(  to travel )

  1.  a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.

( a country )

  1.  a group of houses and associated buildings, larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town, situated in a rural area

( a village)

  1.  the city or town that functions as the seat of government and administrative centre of a country or region.

( a capital )

  1.  the activity of visiting places of interest in a particular location.

( sightseeing)

  1. a person who is travelling or visiting a place for pleasure

(  a tourist )

  1.  a complex of runways and buildings for the take-off, landing, and maintenance of civil aircraft, with facilities for passengers.

(  an airport )

  1.  a place on a railway line where trains regularly stop so that passengers can get on or off;

( a railway station)

  1.  a place in a town where buses arrive and depart.

( a bus station)

  1.   a ticket for a trip from one place to another but not back again.

(  a single ticket )

  1.   to officially tell people about smth. so that everyone knows.

         ( an announcement )

  1.  a ticket which allows someone to travel to a place and back again.

         ( a return ticket )




T: Another task for you. Match the word with its translation (slide 12).



Domestic flights




International flights


Телефон – автомат






Check – in


Піднімайся вверх


All Gates






Багажне відділення


Ground  transportation


Опустися вниз


Up to


Публічний транспорт


Down to








Baggage claim




Charter buses


Маршрутні таксі, які їдуть до аеропорту


Public Transit Buses


Чартерні автобуси


Scheduled Airporters


Прокат машин




Наземний транспорт


Food service






Вихід на посадку




Реєстрація на рейс


Pay Phone


Квиткові каси




Міжнародні рейси


Rental cars


Внутрішні рейси


Keys (slide 13):


8. d

15. k

2. t

9. g

16. i

3. s

10. e

17. j

4. r

11. f

18. c


12. m

19. b

6. p

13. h

20. a

7. o

14. l

21. n


T: Let’s check your answers on the eboard. ( the children go to the blackboard and do the task).


  1. Grammar comprehension.

T: The second station:  The Great Chinese Wall.  An interesting  grammar.

                                         ( Chinese music is playing) (slide 14)

     T: Next station and another group. Come here, choose a card from a  magic hat. Positive adjective – group 1, comparative – group 2, superlative – group 3:

( cards: large – larger – the largest, brave – braver – the bravest, easy – easier - the easiest, pretty – prettier - the prettiest, dirty – dirtier - the dirtiest ).


T: But first some information about The Great Chinese  Wall. 


                            C:\Users\Хозяин\Desktop\images (2).jpg


Video ( slide 15) : The Great  Wall of China wins across Chinese countryside for more than 6500 km. It is one of the biggest structures ever made by humans. The ancient Chinese built the wall to protect against invading armies. Today it is a tourist attraction and a symbol of China.

T: Answer my question about the Great Wall of China. (slide 16)

  1. What is the symbol of China ? ( It is the Great Wall of China.)
  2. What kind of structure is it? (It is one of the biggest structures ever made by humans).
  3.  Why did  the ancient Chinese build it? (The ancient Chinese built the wall to protect against invading armies).

T: Your task at this station is to complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets (slide 17):

  1. The National Museum is as ( popular, the more popular)…..as the History Museum.
  2.  Life on the farm is ( difficult, more difficult)….than life in the city.
  3. The underground is probably the  ( safe, safest) …. means of transport in  the city.
  4. The car is (faster, fast) than the train.
  5. Our new neighbourhood isn’t as ( peaceful, more peaceful )…. as our old neighbourhood.
  6. London  is ( crowded, more crowded ) … than Odesa.
  7. The plane is the ( fastest, faster ) ….means of transport.
  8. The houseboat is ( cheap, cheaper )… than the caravan.
  9. Zaporizhzhya is ( noisy, noisier ) …. than Orickhiv.
  10.  School № 2 is ( far, further, farther )….. from the park than our gymnasium.
  11.  The park near the hospital is the ( big, biggest) … in our town.
  12.  The Carpathian Mountains are the ( highest, high)… in Ukraine.




Keys: (slide 18)

  1. Popular
  2. more difficult
  3. Safest
  4. Faster
  5. Peaceful
  6. More crowded
  7. Fastest
  8. Cheaper
  9. Noisier
  10. Further, farther 
  11. The biggest.
  12. Highest

T: Let’s check your answers using our smart eboard. Go to the blackboard and do the task.

  1. Reading and listening comprehension.


T: The third station: Paris. Disneyland. Getting around town. ( slide 19)

                                                        (French music is playing)


T: Next station and another group. We have got different signs in town. Come here, choose a card with a sign. Find your partners by the same signs.

( signs: No left turn, C:\Users\Хозяин\Desktop\No-Left-Turn-Traffic-Sign-K-106-1.gif,  no right turn, C:\Users\Хозяин\Desktop\No-Right-Turn-Traffic-Sign-K-107-1.gif, no truck allowed. C:\Users\Хозяин\Desktop\No-Truck-Allowed-Symbol-K-5332.gif ).


T: So we are in Paris. Can you find any place you want to go? What questions can you ask in the street?  Let’s watch a video.

Task 1.  Before watching a video pay attention to this information: (slide 20)


  1. How can a man get to Bridge Street?
  2. Where is the cinema?
  3. Is there a car park near Bridge Street?


The script of the video: (slide 21)


M. – Excuse me, how do I get to Bridge Street?

W. – Go straight ahead for about one kilometer, you’ll come to the traffic lights, turn left at the lights. And it’s the ( first, second, third ), yes third on the right is  Bridge Street at the cinema on the corner.

M. – So it’s straight ahead, left at the lights, and the third on the right?

W. – Yes, it’s correct.

M. – And is there a car park near Bridge Street?

W. – There is a car park in the town center. There are signs there, you’ll not miss it.

M. – Thank you very much.

Choose the correct answer:  (slide 22)

  1. How can a man get to Bridge Street?

He can:

  1. Go straight ahead, come to the traffic lights, turn left at the lights;
  2. Go straight ahead, come to the traffic lights, turn right at the lights;
  3. Go straight ahead, turn left at the lights, go to the center;
  4. Turn right at the lights, go straight ahead, come to the traffic lights.


  1. Where is the cinema?
  1. On the right of the traffic lights;
  2. On the left of the traffic lights;
  3. On the corner;
  4. In the middle of a town.


  1. Is there a car park near Bridge Street?
  1. Yes, there is.
  2. No, there isn’t. It’s in the town center.
  3. Yes, it’s at the cinema.
  4. No, it’s on the right of the traffic lights.


Task 2.   Take a map of Disney Land and find the place on it.


                                                   ( slide 23)



Task: (slide 24 )

  1. You are in Discovery land. You are at the Captain ED, go straight ahead to the Videopolis, turn left and go straight ahead to the Orbitrone, turn right and go straight on, go pass the Information Board to the Castle Royal Stage, there is a lake there. This place is between two lakes, in front of the entrance to the Sleeping Beauty Castle. What place is it? ( 1 – Disney Dreams ).


  1. You are in Fantasy land. You are at Princes Pavilion, greet a Disney Character  here, go straight on, pass the Smoking area, go straight on to the Alice’s Curious Labyrinth, go straight on to the Dumbo The Flying Elephant, turn right. This place is in front of the Dumbo The Flying Elephant and the Fantasy Station. What place is it?  ( 3 - Meet Mickey Mouse )


  1.  Speaking comprehension.


T: The fourth station: Taj Mahal. Speaking.

                               ( Indian music is playing) (slide 25)

                          C:\Users\Хозяин\Desktop\загружено (1).jpg

T: Some words about Taj Mahal.

Video: The Taj Mahal is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. It is located in the city of Agra in Northern India. The ruler named Shah Mahal had the Taj Mahal built as a monument and toms for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal.

T: Come here and take your card.  Have you ever dreamt to be an actor?  We are in India now. Lots of films are produced here every year. Imagine that you are an actor.   Watch this video and sound it.


Video:  Dialogue.  At the train station.  (slide 27)

( Actors:  Julia,  Mark, a worker of a train station and the author )

Author: Julia and Mark are travelling by train today. But there is one problem: Mark was playing tennis yesterday and hurt his ankle. Let’s listen to them.

M. – I don’t know which platform we want…

J. – It’s Platform 2, I think. But I’m not sure if it’s the same at weekends.

M. – Excuse me, do you know where the Pamtrain is leaving from?

W. – Platform 1.

M. – Is Platform 1 on this side?

W. – No, it’s the last Platform over there.

M. - Excuse me. Could you help me, please?

W. – Of course. But I must leave this parcel first. Would you mind waiting a moment?

M. – Of course.  Not at all. Thank you.

T: Now, write down your home task. Write about the place you would like to visit.

                          Заключна частина уроку:

T: Well done! All tasks have been done!  What  have we spoken  about?

What tasks were the most difficult/ easy/interesting for you? (pupil’s answers)

T: Now it’s time to tell you the secret: you are very smart students.




27 серпня 2019
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