Урок у 1 класі за підручником Fly High, другий семестр. День народження левенятка Кабу (один із героїв підручника). 3 години на тиждень
Date : 05.02.2019
Form: 1 B
Інтегрована змістова лінія: громадянська відповідальність
Компетенції: мовленнєва, соціокультурна
Тип уроку: урок закріплення, удосконалення й розвитку знань, умінь і навичок.
Subject: Happy Birthday!
- to ask and tell age;
- to ask and tell favourite colour;
Teaching Aids and Materials: flashcards and word cards, a toy Cabu, a ball, cards with tasks, envelopes with puzzles, a poster of a cake, cards with mood
I. Preparation for apprehension foreign speech
1. Greeting
Pupils stand in a circle and sing a song “Hello, How are You?”
2. Warm up
2.1. Children indicate their mood with a help of the stickers on the board.
2.2 Rhyme “Red and yellow…”
Pupils pass the ball and say a rhyme.
II. The basic part of the lesson
2.2 Speaking.
Pair work. Children ask and answer a question “What is your favourite colour?”
Task on the cards. Children listen to the colour and colour the balloon with the number they hear. Then they check the result.
Song “If you are happy”
Task on cards. Pupils count things and match them with the numbers.
Children catch the ball and answer the question “How old are you?” – “I am… (six/seven/eight)”.
Children look for the hidden yellow candles on their cards, count them and find out how old is Cabu.
T: - How old is Cabu?
P: - He’s eight!
Pupils find envelopes on their desks with the number of their group (1,2,3) and do the puzzles to find out what do they have to decorate the birthday cake with.
Pupils find the envelopes with stickers to decorate the cake.
III. The final part of the lesson
Ask pupils what did they like most.
Give pupils sweet presents from Cabu.
2. “Goodbye” Song.