Урок у 8 класі на тему "Засоби масової інформації. Преса. Газети і журнали"

Про матеріал
Я працюю учителем англійської мови в загальноосвітній школі протягом 25 років. Відтоді, як у методичну практику увійшов метод проектів, я активно застосовую його як ефективну форму організації комунікативно-пізнавальної діяльності, як спосіб організації мовного і мовленнєвого матеріалу. У цьому значенні я розглядаю проектування як систему комунікативних завдань , що становлять структуру дослідної діяльності учнів. А ще я застосовую проект як матеріалізований продукт діяльності учнів, який постає у вигляді розгорнутого розв'язання будь-якої проблеми матеріального, соціального, історичного, науково-дослідного характеру, яку учні визначають самостійно. Зазвичай такий продукт реалізується у вигляді письмового документа(буклет, стінна газета, тези, комп'ютерна презентація, відеоролик тощо). Пропоную вашій увазі урок з використанням проектної технології у 8 класі. Даний урок є підсумком проектної серії уроків на тему «Засоби масової інформації» ( 14 уроків), яку ми з учнями поділили на 4 основних етапи: - підготовчий етап ( вибір та обговорення теми проекту, ознайомлення з новим мовним матеріалом та автоматизація дій з цим матеріалом, вибір структури проекту, обговорення кінцевого продукту і способу його презентації, формування груп для виконання проекту ) - 5 уроків ; - виконавчий етап ( збирання інформації, обговорення інформації в групах ) – 6 уроків;
Перегляд файлу

Конспект уроку

8 клас

Тема уроку. Засоби масової інформації. Новини з газет, журналів та

                       інтернет ресурсів.

Цілі уроку.

Практичні.     Повторити й активізувати ЛО підтеми «VIPs and Celebrities»  в різних видах   

                         мовленнєвої діяльності.

                         Організувати презентацію електронних проектів « VIPs» та « Celebrities»,

                         підготовлених учнями. 

Виховні.          Розширити уявлення учнів про періодичні видання.

                         Вчити працювати в команді.

Розвиваючі.   Розвивати навички монологічного і діалогічного мовлення, продовжувати

                         формувати навички аудіювання, розвивати культуру мовлення.

                         Удосконалювати комунікативні здібності учнів.

Обладнання.  Підручники, зошити, словники учнів, мультимедійна дошка,

                          фотоматеріал, електронні презентації, підготовлені учнями,

                          презентація «The Press: Known To You and Me».

План, хід уроку.

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1.Greeting. Привітання з класом, бесіда з черговим.

2. Warm Up. Мовленнєва розминка.

T.:  OK, students, you say: “We are fine”. What can it mean?

P1:  We are feeling well.

P2:  We are in a good mood.

P3:  The things are OK.      etc.

T:   I’m glad to hear that you are feeling well, that you are in a good mood. It means you are full of energy, you think positively, you are ready to take an active part in the lesson. Please, try to prove it now. Use the proverbs, sayings and quotations we learnt at our lessons.

P1:   Where there is a will, there is a way.

P2:   A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

P3:   Poor planning makes for poor performance,

P4:   In for a penny – in for a pound.

P5:   What gets measured is what gets managed.

P5:   All’s well that ends well.

P7:   If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.

P8:   Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

P9:   Winners never quit, quitters never win.

P10: Plan your work, work your plan.

P11: Life is treasure, use every piece of it.

P12: Life sounds beautiful, life sounds great,

       Life is exciting, so never wait.

II. Основна частина уроку.

1. Постановка задач уроку (На мультимедійній дошці показати слайд №1).

T:  Well, pupils, our lesson promises to be interesting, even unusual, because it’s time to present your projects you’ve prepared. I know you devoted your projects to VIPs and celebrities. You used various magazines and journals to get the necessary information. By the way, what is the difference between the words “journal” and “magazine”? (показати різні типи журналів)

P:  A magazine is a large thin book with paper cover that contains news stories, articles, photographs.

P:  A journal is a serious journal produced for professional people.

2.  Активізація використання ЛО теми в різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності.

T: What kind of information can we get from the press?

   (Під час відповідей учні використовують постер «Current/Coming Events» і слайд №3)



Current / Coming Events

International                                  Discovery

Home                                             Crash

Important                                      Sightseeing

Abroad                                           Tour

World -known                                 Expedition



P1:  We can get much information about current or coming events.

P2:  We can get much information about crashes and disasters in our country and abroad.

P3:  We can learn about important meetings and international conferences.

P4:  We can learn about interesting trips and excursions.

P5:  We can learn much interesting facts from the lives of VIPs and celebrities.

T:   I like your answers. Your projects will tell us just about VIPs and celebrities.

      To perform your work it’s necessary to revise our active vocabulary on the topic and some grammar points.

2. Лексична практика (Vocabulary practice).

T:  Well, let’s revise our active vocabulary in the form of a game “A snowflake”. You’ll form two groups and each group is to draw a snowflake using the words on the topic “ VIPs  and Celebrities”. Let’s see whose snowflake is more perfect and beautiful.

(Учні з кожної групи по черзі виходять до дошки і, згадуючи слова, записують їх у формі сніжинки.    






ЛО, які використовували учні:


               VIPs                                                 Celebrities

The President                                     A producer

The Queen                                         A businessman

The Prime Minister                            A pop star

The Deputy                                        A singer

The Chairman                                    A sportsman  

The Vice President                             A football superstar

The Speaker                                       A politician

The Senator                                       A scientist

The Member of the Parliament           A journalist

The Commander-in-Chief                   A designer

             Etc.                                              Etc.

 T:  Well done, students. Now give the examples of VIPs and celebrities.

(Учні підготували фотопортрети з зображенням людей-знаменитостей, VIP- персон)

Petro Poroshenko, the President of Ukraine;

Elizabeth II, the British Queen;

Princess Diana;

 Barak Obama, the President of the USA;

Kostyantyn Meladze, a famous producer;

 Rinat Akhmetov, a businessman;

 Philip Kirkorov, a pop star;

 David Beckham, a footballer;

Richard Gere, a famous film star     etc.

3.Мовна практика (Grammar рractice).

T: When presenting your projects you will probably use reported speech. So let’s revise the rules of Indirect Speech. Look at the board.

(Учитель пропонує учням ще раз переглянути граматичний постер «DirectIndirect Speech» (Слайд №5):


                                                 said …                             

                                                 told …

                                                 answered …

                        Smb.                 noticed …

                                                 thought …

                                                 asked ….

         Direct Speech                                  Indirect Speech

         Present Simple                                Past Simple

         Present Continuous                         Past Continuous

         Present Perfect                                Past Perfect

T: Pay attention to the following examples (Слайд №4).

T: Now let’s have a short grammar Warm-Up. Change the following using the table:

    Режим  T →P1; T →P2; T →P3…

T: see              P1: saw

T: saw             P2: had seen

T: have seen   P3: had seen

T: is speaking P4: was speaking

T: speaks        P5: spoke

T: spoke         P6: had spoken     

T: Now change direct speech into indirect one:

(Кожне речення подається на слайді, правильність відповіді учнів перевіряється наступним слайдом)

Слайд №6

John said (to Pete): “I have read a very interesting article about Michael Jordan in the British Press.”

Слайд №7

John said (to Pete): “I have read a very interesting article about Michael Jordan in the British Press.”

John told Pete that he had read a very interesting article about Michael Jordan in the British Press.

Слайд №8

Max said: “I am a regular reader of our school library.”

Слайд №9

Max said: “I am a regular reader of our school library.”

Max said that he was a regular reader of the school library.

Слайд №10

Bill noticed: “Britney Spears recorded her first album at the age of 15.”


Слайд №11

Bill mentioned: “Britney Spears recorded her first album at the age of 15.”


Bill mentioned that Britney Spears had recorded her first album at the age of 15.


(T: Now imagine that a famous American singer Britney Spears held a press-conference some days ago. You were taking part in it. What did she tell you about herself and her music career?)

Слайд №13

Britney Spears, a famous American pop star:

- I was born in Louisiana, the USA, in 1981.

- I have always dreamt to become a great performer.

- I recorded my first album at the age of 15.

- I won many awards for my albums.

- I have many music videos.

P1: Britney Spears told that she was born in Louisiana, USA, in 1981.

P2: She said that she had always dreamt to become a great performer.

P3: Britney mentioned that she had recorded her first album at the age of 15 and won many awards for her albums.

P4: She added that she had many music videos.

4.Практика мовлення(Speaking practice).

Презентація проектів, які учні підготували удвох групах.

Група №1 починає презентацію проекту «Queen Elizabeth. The British Monarch» прослуховуванням Державного Гімну Великобританії «God Save the Queen».

P1: While working on this project we came across “Hello!”, one of the most popular monthly magazine in Great Britain. There we found information about the greatest VIP in the country – the Queen Elizabeth II.

P2: Queen Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary) was born on 21 April 1926 and got the throne on the death of her father, George VI, who had reigned since 1936.

P3: She is one of the longest-reigning monarchs in the British history as she is widely respected for the way in which she performs her duties and she is generally popular.

P4: In 1947 Elizabeth married Prince Philip Mountbatten, the Duke of Edinburgh.



Королева Елизавета в молодостиКоролева Елизавета

P5: Buckingham Palace is her official residence in London. When the Queen is at home, the flag is flying on the top of the palace.

P6: As the Head of the State the Queen maintains close contacts with the Prime Minister, with whom she has a weekly audience when she is in London and with the other ministers of the Crown. As the Sovereign Her Majesty is Head of the Navy, Army and Air Forces of Britain.

P7: From the magazine article we learnt that every year Her Majesty entertained some 48000(thousand) people from all sections of the Community at Royal Garden Parties and other occasions.

P8:  In 2007 there was a Special Royal Garden Party attended by those sharing the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh’s diamond wedding anniversary.

P9:  But two days before their wedding Prince Charles (the Heir to the throne), their oldest son, had thrown his parents a private family black dinner at Clarence House to celebrate the couple’s 60 years together. Twenty-five members of the Royal Family gathered to mark the milestone, among them the Queen’s four children and her seven grandchildren.

P10: The children are

        Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, born in 1948,

        Princess Anne, the Queen’s daughter, born in 1950,

       Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, born in 1960,

       Prince Edward, the Queen’s youngest son, born in 1964.

P11: The Queen is the patron or President of over 700 organizations. She is widely respected for charity both in the country and overseas.

P12: She has been called the “Greatest Living Briton” since 2007. This award was given her by ITV, one of Britain’s most popular television companies.

P13: Guy Freeman of ITV said that it had been a fantastic ceremony showing all that was so great about the United Kingdom. He added that the awards ceremony was set to become an annual event.

P14: The first winner in 2005 was Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World-Wide Web. Another award given at the ceremony in 2006 was for soccer star David Beckham.












Група№2 починає свою презентацію “David Beckham” показом відеоролика Футбольного Чемпіонату Світу 2001 року, в ході якого Девід Бекхем забиває вирішальний гол у грі з командою Греції, що дало можливість збірній команді Англії пройти в наступне коло змагань і виграти чемпіонат.

Фотография Дэвид Бекхэм (photo David Beckham)                     http://www.soccer.ru/images/ut_players/small/1547.jpg


P1:  David Robert Joseph Beckham was born on 2 May, 1975 in London, England.

       He got interested in football in an early childhood.

P2: First he started his sport career in the Sports Club “Layton” in London. In 1990 he successfully finished the Football School in Tottenham.

P3: Beckham’s professional career began on June 8, 1991, when he signed a professional contract with the Manchester United Organization and joined the team’s official training program.

P4:  Though he was only 16 and Manchester was several hours away from London, Beckham adapted confidently to life in the world of big-time sport. He made his first-team debut at the age of 17, when he led Manchester United’s junior team to a Football Association (FA) championship, a nationwide crown, in 1992.

P5:  In international football Beckham made his England debut in 1996, at the age of 21. He was voted Young Player of the Year for the 1996-1997 season as Manchester United won its second League title in a row.

P6:  In 1999 David married pop star Victoria Adams, “Posh Spice” of the Spice Girls singing group. In the same 1999 Victoria and David became parents, having named their first son Brooklyn. Their second son, Romeo, was born in 2002, and the third one, named Cruz, - in 2005.

P7:  In 2003 Queen Elizabeth bestowed upon Beckham the Title of the Officer of the Order of the British Empire for his involvement in The British sports.

P8:  He left Manchester United to sign for Real Madrid in 2003, where he remained for four seasons. In January 2007, it was announced that Beckham would leave Real Madrid for the Major League Soccer Club Los Angeles Galaxy, signing a five-year contract with the team on 1st July 2007. While a Galaxy player he spent two loan spells in Italy with Milan in 2009 and 2010.

P9: Tall and handsome, full of energy, David Beckham is considered one of Britain’s recognizable celebrities.

P10: With such global recognition he has become an elite advertising brand and a top fashion icon.

III. Заключна частина уроку.

1. Підведення підсумків.

T: Well done! I’m pleased to admit that both teams performed very well. So you managed to do the task properly. Your projects were interesting, bright, informative and creative. You’ve also proved, that you can use the rules of Direct and Indirect Speech to do retelling.

Did you like our lesson?

At the next lesson we shall learn more about sport superstars. The text “A Famous American Athlete” will help us.

2. Постановка домашнього завдання.

T: Your home task is to read and translate the text on p.p.64-65, do the vocabulary work and try to learn the word combinations by heart.

Our lesson is over.   



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