План – конспект уроку англійської мови, 8 клас Тема уроку: “Favourite malodies “
Створити умови для розвитку самостійної, творчомислячої особистості; активізувати мовленнєву діяльність; Розвивати всі види мовної діяльності через технологію особистісно-орієнтованого підходу; Формувати вміння працювати в команді, допомагати один одному. Корегувати вимову, збагачувати словник
Задачі: Освітні: організувати діяльність учнів з повторення і активізації лексичного матеріалу теми; удосконалювати вміння і навички говоріння, аудіювання, читання та письма. Навчати презентувати свою роботу.
Розвиваючі: розвивати логічне мислення, активність, увагу, пам'ять; сприяти формуванню комунікативних навичок і умінь, пізнавального інтересу до даної теми; розвивати вміння розуміти зміст іншомовного тексту, виділяти необхідну інформацію.
Виховна: сприяти вихованню шанобливого, толерантного ставлення до іншої культури; виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови. Корекційна: збагачувати словник, коригувативимову
Тип уроку: узагальнення та систематизація знань по темі.
Оснащення уроку: Підручник , фонограма пісні , картки із завданнями(НО1, НО2), ноутбук
Greeting 1.Вітання. T.: Good morning, children! I think you are ready for our lesson and have a good mood. Our lesson is dedicated to music. Music plays an important role in our life. Now there are a lot of various styles of music: classical music, folk music, pop-music, jazz, blues, rock and so on. Everybody can listen to the music he prefers. Classical music enriches the spiritual life of the man, awakens his thought, and develops his imagination. Light music improves the man's mood.Rhythmical music gives a supply of cheerfulness.People of the elder generation prefer light music, they enjoy lyrical songs, soft tunes, the so-called "songs to warm the heart", performed by well-known singer. Do you agree with me? What do you think about classical music? What music do you like? Who is your favourite singer, band? What music does your friend (Mother, Father, Brother, Sister) like?
Aim 2.Повідомлення теми тамети уроку. T: Today we are going to revise everything we have learnt about music , styles of music , music tastes , practice our listening, reading , speaking. So our today’s topic is “Favourite melodies’ But at first lets worm up a little bit. Your task is to fill in the table with these words.
classical music drums rock’n’roll producer lyrics to play the piano pop music punk jazz heavy metal catchy melody folk song violinreggae songwriter guitar percussion band string instruments beat lover of music wind instrumentsguitarist pop star saxophone tune musician singer
Instruments |
People |
Types of music |
Lets speak about English Idioms. How do you understand them? ( Діти читають та перекладають англійські ідіоми, складають речення)
Дуже дешево
Is that your new car? - Yeah, you know, I bought it for a song. - Lucky you!
2. Music to my ears
Дуже приємні новини
Lilly finally got the job. It was really a music to my ears.
3. Set something to music
Дуже гостро відповісти (з сарказмом).
The writer has set all the negative commentaries to music.
4. Elevator Music
Популярна та легка музика
I love that elevator music in Skymall.
5. Chin Music
Безглузді балачки
6. Face the music
Прийняти критику за те, що зробив
After robbing 10 banks, the thief finally had to face the music and receive his punishment of 25 years in prison.
7. Change your tune
Кардинально змінити думку
: He was against the idea to start with, but he soon changed his tune when I told him how much money he'd get out of it.
8. Play it by ear
Означає невизначеність у будь яких ситуаціях
Пример: I'm not sure how long I'll stay at the party. I'll just play it by ear.
9. Ring a bell
Здаватися знайомим
I thought that your name rang a bell when I heard the teacher call roll. You were in my English class two years ago, weren’t you?
10. Jam session
Коли музиканти грають імпровізовану музику
Every Tuesday night there is a jam session at my house with my closest friends, sometimes the music can get really loud.
1.Основна частина уроку
1. T: So now children let’s speak about our favourite melodies. Some pupils prepare a presentation about their favourite melody or about their favourite singer or about their favourite band. But let me be the first. I want to tell you about my favourite band “One republic”. It is an American poprock band that formed in Colorado. The band has become popular after the release of their hit single, "Apologize".
I like almost all their songs but one of my favourite is “ Love run sout.” from their third studio album Native (2013). Please listen to this song and tell me what do you think. (Діти слухають та відповідають на питання вчителя)
T. Do you likeit? Do you like this style, sound, beat? What do you think about this band? Have you ever heard about it?
T. So now is your turn. Show us the presentations and tell about your favourite melody. (Учні, які підготували презентації, виходять до дошки та розповідають про свої улюблені пісні, виконавців та групу).
2. Listening.
Pre-listening stage .
We can’t imagine our life without music. We listen it every day: in the bus, at home, on the radio, or TV. So tell me please, what music do your family members
like? Do they play any musical instrument? Do they sing?
And now you are going to listen to the text and then answer True or False.
Music (2)
My family is very musical. My father plays the guitar. He plays in a band. The band plays country music. My mother is a singer in the band. She also plays the piano. I took the flute in music class at school. I play the flute in the school band. I also sing in the school choir. I have a low voice. My sister has a high voice. She is a soprano. At home I like to practice the drums, but my mother says that it is too loud. Sometimes I play so loudly that I break a drumstick. I practice whenever she goes out. I would like to be in a rock band. Some of my friends and I are thinking of starting our own rock band. My sister is a very good piano player. She has won many awards at music festivals. She likes to play classical music, but sometimes I get her to play rock music with me. She is also a very good singer. I like to sing with her. We sing in harmony. I listen to music all the time on the radio. I know a lot of songs. I can sing along with most of the songs that come on the radio. I memorize the lyrics of the songs. My sister and I sometimes get together and sing our favorite songs. Maybe someday we will start our own rock band, and I will be the drummer.
Post- listening stage
3.T: And now I want to check your knowledges about music. A little quiz will help me to understand and you will be able to relax a little bit.
1. What is the name of the most favourite pop-group of all times?
Т: Complete the sentences with one of the following words.
guitar |
influence |
piano |
expression |
enrichment |
music |
inner |
absorb |
felling |
pop-group |
1. Домашнє завдання.
Т: Повторити ЛО
Написати відгук про сьогоднішній урок
2. Підведення підсумків уроку.
3. Закінчення уроку.
Міністерство освіти і науки України
Криворізька загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів №1
План – конспект уроку англійської мови у 8 класі
«Улюблені мелодії»
вчитель англійської мови
кваліфікаційна категорія
«спеціаліст І категорії»
Скляр Анастасія Сергіївна
Кривий Ріг - 2018
classical music drums rock’n’roll producer lyrics to play the piano pop music punk jazz heavy metal catchy melody folk song violinreggae songwriter guitar percussion band string instruments beat lover of music wind instrumentsguitarist pop star saxophone tune musician singer
Instruments |
People |
Types of music |
classical music drums rock’n’roll producer lyrics to play the piano pop music punk jazz heavy metal catchy melody folk song violinreggae songwriter guitar percussion band string instruments beat lover of music wind instrumentsguitarist pop star saxophone tune musician singer
Instruments |
People |
Types of music |
classical music drums rock’n’roll producer lyrics to play the piano pop music punk jazz heavy metal catchy melody folk song violinreggae songwriter guitar percussion band string instruments beat lover of music wind instrumentsguitarist pop star saxophone tune musician singer
Instruments |
People |
Types of music |
Complete the sentences with one of the following words.
guitar |
influence |
piano |
expression |
enrichment |
music |
inner |
absorb |
felling |
pop-group |
Complete the sentences with one of the following words.
guitar |
influence |
piano |
expression |
enrichment |
music |
inner |
absorb |
felling |
pop-group |