Урок "Ukrainian folk toys. A Motanka doll as a family guard of Ukrainians"

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The Ukrainian folk toy has an extremely rich history. It combines everything: the life and way of life of the people, customs and traditions, rites and rituals. Students will learn some information about Ukrainian folk toys, their types, in particular, the rag doll.
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Тема: «Українська народна іграшка. Лялька-мотанка - родинний оберіг українців»

Клас: 10



Лялька-мотанка - український оберіг чи гарна інтер'єрна іграшка?

















Topic: Ukraine

Microtopic: Ukrainian folk toys. A Motanka doll as a family guard of Ukrainians

Level: 10 th form.

Aims: to familiarize students with Ukrainian folk toys, their types, in particular, the rag doll;

 to find information independently, skillfully present it to the audience and carry out project activities;

to develop research skills based on the study of Ukrainian folk toys;

to develop students’ speaking skills;

to develop students’ listening skills;

develop creativity, attention, self-control, memory; ability to work in groups;

foster a sense of love for Ukrainian toys, national values; respect for the cultural and historical past of Ukraine, a sense of loyalty to their country.

Outcomes:     at the end of the lesson the students

 will  be  aware  of  the  new  topical  vocabulary;

 will  have  practised  the  new  words  in  speaking ;

 will  have  further  developed  their  skills  of creative thinking and imagination;

 will  have  further  developed  their  communicative skills ;

 will  have  practised    group work;

 will  be  inspired  by  a  new  leisure  activity.

Equipment: multimedia system, laptop,  mobile phones, a computer, embroidered towels, rag doll, toys,  handouts.

Type: integrated (English, Technology)

Core competencies:

Communicating in a foreign language

Cultural competencе

Learning to learn

Core competencies in science and technology


I. Introduction

Тeacher: Good morning, students.  Today we will have an unusual lesson. Let's take a look at my magic box. What do I have inside? (The teacher shows toys made of natural materials). Yes, these are Ukrainian folk toys. A folk toy is a heritage, just like a mother tongue, a fairy tale, a song. Folk toys have been tested by children's love and children's play. And today at our lesson we will learn about the different types of Ukrainian toys, how they appeared, and what their significance is in the life of Ukrainians. We will also make a Motanka doll amulet. We'll be working in groups

II. Warming up

 Тeacher: The Ukrainian folk toy has an extremely rich history. It combines everything: the life and way of life of the people, customs and traditions, rites and rituals. Each country has its symbols that are known and recognized in the world. Ukraine is no exception. Look at my toys . They are made of various natural materials. Please  follow the link. Match the words with the pictures and tell me what natural materials were used to make toys in Ukraine.



Тeacher:  What material were they made of?

Student: They were made of clay, fabric, straw, wood, vine, sheep’s cheese, and salted dough.

 Тeacher:  Look what I've brought you today. This doll is very dear to me.

 (The  teacher shows a rag doll  ) .




It is a talisman for my family

For a happy life.

It is made of threads, fabric

And my granny’s love.

This rag doll was so dear

To my mommy too.

She keeps it for her children

As a precious value.

Тeacher: Do you know the doll’s  name? Yes, it’s Motanka Doll. We are focusing our      attention today on this folk toy.

III. Main Part

1)Listening and speaking

Тeacher: Please watch the video. After watching, tell us what you have learned about this doll.


2) Reading and writing

Тeacher: Please read the text in your groups very attentively then look at the Word cloud in detail and choose only those words that are directly related to the topic of the lesson. Write down them.

Write down  three sentences in your copybook using as many words as possible from the Word cloud .

Text for reading

"The emergence of the Motanka doll."

       Ukrainian towels and embroidered shirts are known everywhere, both in Ukraine and far beyond its borders, but sometimes people know nothing about the motanka doll. It is wonderful that the traditions of creating and using such dolls have been preserved and continue to revive. Motanka dolls are ancient family amulets of Ukrainians.

   The first doll-motanka was made more than 5 thousand years ago.  The motanka is a symbol of goodness and prosperity, a symbol of hope for the best, and a strong sacred object.

    The  name of the doll - "motanka" - comes from the concept of "to wind", and the general appearance of such a doll is a human figure, usually a woman or a child, made of pieces of fabric. The body parts of such a doll were connected by knots.   This doll differs from a typical doll by the absence of face. According to the ancient popular beliefs, the face inspired a soul in a doll. The soul can be good or bad. These dolls are made from the natural materials such as (hay, straw, wood, herbs, dry leaves, grains, seeds). The doll-motanka was decorated by the national ornaments and by the embroidery. A Ukrainian rag doll must have mandatory clothing elements that have a certain meaning. The skirt symbolizes the earth, the shirt denotes three times: past, present, and future; embroidery and beads are mandatory attributes that represent prosperity. The headdress - a cap, ribbon or scarf - symbolizes the connection with the sky.

People believed that there was a spirit of ancestors in it and it could pass on the experience from generation to generation. The Ukrainian people trusted that this symbol brought them wealth and fortune. They performed a variety of functions such as the protection of the house, of children, of sleep and of household. Children liked to play with it.  The secrets of making this doll were passed on from mother to daughter. And these amulets always carry positive energy.



(Each group presents its work)

Тeacher: Follow the link and complete the Motanka puzzle. The group that makes it first will be the winner.



Group 2.


 Group 3


The teacher checks students' work.

3)Checking up homework

Тeacher: Children, your homework was to prepare some quotes about a toy. Let’s check it.

Student 1: “Choose your joys and toys wisely - for there is always a price.”- Bert McCoy

Student 2: A toy a day keeps the sadness away.

Student 3: A day spent with toys, always a day well spent.

Student 4: Sun may rise from the West or day becomes night, but a kid never stops playing with toys ever.

Student 5: The toy is powerful.

Student 6: Toys are children's words and play is their language. Garry L. Landreth

Student 7: Toys are merely ideas brought to life. Melissa Crawley

4) Project work

Тeacher: Students, look at the pieces of fabric, threads and scissors on your tables. Watch the master class on making the Angel motanka amulet and try to make this one yourselves. The toys you will make with your own hands will be sent to our soldiers to the frontline to protect them.


На перемогу України запрацювала ще й "Мотанка Свободи"

IV. Summing up

Тeacher: Let's summarize our work. Please, composing a senkan about a rag doll.

Student: 1. A rag doll.

2. A small, linen one.

3. To give, protect, defend.

4. The motanka is a symbol of goodness and prosperity.

5. Toy.

Тeacher: So, what have we done at today’s lesson? (Pupils answer.)

 All of you took an active part at our lesson and tried to do your best. I’m satisfied with your project works. They are wonderful. I enjoy your work at the lesson. And I am sure you have had good practice.

V. Home Assignment

Тeacher: Click on the link and use the hexagons to make the poem I have read to you in class.


C:\Users\Adminisrator\Documents\qrcode_www.classtools.net (1).png


Тeacher: I would like to finish our lesson with the words of M. Rylsky: “ He, who does not know his past, is not worthy of his future.” Let's revive Ukrainian amulets together. They will protect our homes and bring the culture and customs of Ukrainians to the next generations. Weave wreaths, make dolls, paint Easter eggs, plant kalyna, willow, protect storks, embroider towels and shirts. Let them protect you from evil, meanness and lies.

The lesson is over. Good-bye.







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