The Participle - Дієприкметник
Вправи на вживання дієприкметників
1.Translate the word combinations into Ukrainian
a / a sleeping child/ falling leaves / the rising sun/
a flying plane/ a ringing bell/ a barking dog/
the trees growing in the forest / a woman sitting on
a bench/ trains going to Kyiv/ shining stars/
b / a broken window/ a frightened child/ a closed door/
cooked dinner/ a lost key/ a rented flat/ boiled water/
overcrowded streets/ a finished test/ a lighted lamp/
2. Use the proper form of the Participle
1/ Translate the words (writing/written) on the
2/ Do you know the girl (playing/played) the piano?
3/ (Going/Gone) along the street I met my classmates.
4/ Dan was reading an English book (buying/bought) at the bookshop.
5/ The girl (writing/written) on the blackboard is my best friend.
6/ Who is that boy (doing/done) his homework at the table?
3.Point in which sentences Participle I is not a part of the Present or Past Continuous and translate them
1/ The woman putting the book on the shelf is the new librarian.
The woman is putting new books on the shelf
In the library.
2/ Standing at the window, she was waving her hand.
She was standing at the window when he came in.
3/ While speaking to Nick some days ago, Olha forgot
to ask him about his sister.
She was speaking to Nick at that time some days ago.
4/ I saw the boy swimming well in the sea.
The boy is swimming in the sea now.
5/ When Max entered the supermarket he saw his
friends buying cakes.
Look! My friends are buying cakes at the supermarket.
6/ Doing English exercises she used the dictionary.
She was doing English exercises for a long time
4.Translate into English using Participle I or Participle II
/ учні,що вивчають англійську мову/
/ дерева,що ростуть у парку/
/ кип’ячене молоко /
/ поламаний олівець/
/ хлопці,що грають у баскетбол/
/ будинок,що побудований у місті/
/ маленька дитина,що спить на ліжку/
/ птах,що летить у небі/ запалена свічка/
/ фільм,про який говорять/