Урок узагальнення та систематизації матеріалу з теми «Їжа»

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Урок узагальнення та систематизації матеріалу з теми «Їжа» підготовлено для учнів 6 класу.Метою уроку є удосконалення використання лексичних одиниць з теми, закріплення навичок вживання злічуваних і незлічуваних іменників. Особлива увага приділяється проектній роботі.

Перегляд файлу

Тема: Урок узагальнення та систематизації матеріалу з теми «Їжа»

Клас: 6

Мета: удосконалити використання лексичних одиниць з теми «Їжа», закріпити навички вживання злічуваних і незлічуваних іменників, розвивати навички спонтанного мовлення учнів, кмітливість і увагу, продовжувати формувати комунікативні навички, заохочувати прагнення до здорового способу життя, сприяти формуванню позитивного ставлення до світу та формувати пізнавальний інтерес до традицій людей в інших країнах.       

Обладнання: підручник, комп’ютер, проектор, електронні та друковані презентації, відеозаписи із завданнями, індивідуальні завдання.

План уроку

Вид діяльності

Час, хв.


Повідомлення теми та мети уроку



Робота з лексикою (web)



Мікро діалоги



Project work. Do you want?



Kate’s Story



Project work. Recipes for Kate






Project Work. Apples and Bananas



Граматика (злічуванні і незлічуванні іменники)



 Project work. English meals

                        American meals




Практика в аудіюванні

 Thanksgiving Day in Alla’s Family




Підсумок уроку, домашнє завдання





           Разом                                                                                                   45







Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

Greeting 1. Привітання.

 T: Good morning, pupils. How are you today?

 P: Good morning, teacher. We are fine, thank you.

Aim      2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

I`m glad to see you today. Are you ready to start?  Let`s get down to work. I hope you will enjoy today’s lesson. Today we are going to talk about




Dessert (dish)

You are right, today we will tell about food.

What gives us energy? – FOOD.

What helps us to grow? – FOOD.

What makes our body strong? – FOOD.

We cannot live without FOOD.

Right you are. Nice job.

We eat food. We like food. We enjoy food.

Warming up 3.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Vocabulary Practice. Заповнення «павутинки».

As for me… I prefer salty food: fish, ham, cheese …

What about you?

P.Ps.  I like coffee. It’s bitter.

           I like …

           I prefer …

Tastes differ.


ІІ. Основна частина уроку

  1. Speaking

You know I prefer fish to meat and green tea to black tea.

What is your favorite food? What do you like to eat? What do you like to drink? Use our web.

Pupil: I like to eat apples and oranges.

Pupil: I like to drink juice.

  1. Project work. Do you want?          Tastes differ.
  2. Today we have many guests. Now I would like to introduce you a very interesting girl. Her name is Kate. She is a flight attendant [ˈflaɪtəˌtɛndənt]. Let’s watch. (656) 20 sec.

You see, Katerina is very hungry. Let’s help her. What can you offer? Remember, she prefers healthy food.

  • Borsch. It’s a Ukrainian dish.
  • Vegetable salad. It’s useful.
  • Pancakes. It is a pancake week now.
  1. Project work
  • … Is Made of (Recipes) – new

I think Katerina will enjoy these delicious dishes, will you?

Tastes differ. Some people like milk, other – fish. But fruit and vegetables are eaten everywhere. Do you like fruit? What fruit do you like?

Pupil: I like to eat apples and oranges.

  1. Project Work.  Apples and Bananas
  2. Grammar Practice. Countable and uncountable nouns.

Do you like apples and bananas?

We can count apples, bananas, plates, pans. And we cannot count food, soup, butter, salt, sugar.

Competition Boys – Girls.

Nice job. You are very clever. Remember: tastes differ. I like fish. Dasha likes pizza. Ann likes apples. We, Ukrainians, like borsch, pancakes, kutia, and uzvar. Russian people like pelmeni and kvass. Do you know what the English like? Milena knows and tells us.

  1. Project Work. English Meals

Do you like tea? What tea do you prefer? What drink do Americans like? What food do they like? Americans is a nation of immigrants. They eat everything: fish, chips, pasta, potatoes, and pizza. They have many traditions from all over the world. But they have their favourite holiday and favourite food. Alla will tell us. Watch and listen, please.

  1. Listening Practice. Video “Thanksgiving Day in Alla’s Family”
  1. True or false.
  1. Alla is from Canada.
  2. There are five parts (boroughs) in New York.
  3. The favourite holiday in America is Thanksgiving Day.
  4. The turkey is usually wrapped with sugar.
  5. We don’t know the temperature in the oven.
  6. Alla can buy “turkey bags” in any American store.
  7. It takes two hours to roust the turkey.
  1. A or B

1. Alla is from        a) Canada. b) Ukraine.

2. There are a)five b)three parts (boroughs) in New York.

3. The favourite holiday in America is a) Thanksgiving Day. b) New Year.

4. The turkey is usually wrapped with a) sugar, b) salt, pepper, mayonnaise

5. a)We don’t know the temperature in the oven. b) The t is 350 F.

6. Alla can buy “turkey bags” in any American a) store, b) school

7. It takes a) two hours to roust the turkey. b) five hours

C. Questions

1. Where does Alla come from?

2. How many parts are there in New York City?

3. What is the favourite holiday in America? What is the favourite food in America?

4. With what is turkey usually wrapped?

5. What is the temperature of the oven when turkey is cooked?

6. Where you can buy “turkey bags”?  

7. How do you know the turkey is ready?

 Addition We have not Thanksgiving Day. We have Easter and Christmas. We like to celebrate New Year. We enjoy eating festive food. However, we should remember about our health. We should follow some rulers. Should or should not

Eat apples and carrots.

Have a lot of sweets for breakfast.

Drink Coke every day.

Drink juice and milk.

Eat a lot of sandwiches.

Do morning exercise.

Eat junk food.

Breathe in fresh ear.

Nice job. I wish you to be healthy and energetic.

This week in Ukraine is Pancake week. I’ll have some guests on Sunday. I need to make the menu. Help me, please. Should I prepare borsch? Or maybe fruit salad? Make the menu for Sunday dinner. It will be your home task.

III. Заключна частина уроку

  1. Homework

Exercise 1, (p.30) *menu for Sunday dinner.

  1. Summarizing

T: Today we have spoken about food, we have revised countable and uncountable noun, and we have done some projects. What do you like the best?

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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
19 квітня 2018
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