Урок з англійської мови для 10 класу "Здоровий спосіб життя"

Про матеріал

Матеріал містить корисну інформацію про здоровий спосіб життя і корисні звички, що є актуальним для даної вікової категорії учнів. Урок спрямований на засвоєння нових лексичних одиниць, розвиток усного мовлення та читання.

Перегляд файлу

Клас – 10

Тема уроку: Здоровий спосіб життя.

Очікувані результати: розширять кругозір по заданій темі, ознайомляться з новими ЛО та навчаться використовувати їх в усному мовленні, повторять вживання вивчених граматичних структур.

Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іноземного мовлення

1. Привітання

2. Аналіз контрольної роботи

3. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку (слайд 1-2)


ІІ. Основна частина уроку

  1. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу (складання Майнд-меп по шкідливих звичках)


drinking alcohol

taking drugs

eating junk food

physical inactivity


  1. Робота над темою “Healthy lifestyle”.

1)Введення в тему:

T: Is it important to have a healthy lifestyle?

What is  healthy life?

Do we living healthy life?

How to live a healthy life?

We shall try to answer these questions today.


2) Робота з текстом.

T:  - We shall read the text about a healthy lifestyle but before reading we learn the new words  after the text.

 Знайомство з новою лексикою по темі уроку:

Т: Let’s learn some new words and expressions:


1.hard – важко, серйозно

2.a disorder - порушення

3.to realize -усвідомлювати

4.harmful -шкідливий

5.important -важливий

6.to get overweighed -розповніти

7.to go jogging –бігати підтюпцем

8.an adult –доросла людина

9.to walk –ходити пішки, здійснювати прогулянку

10.a habit -звичка

11.to destroy –руйнувати

12.forget- забувати

3)Читання, усний переклад тексту, звертання уваги на речення з новою лексикою.


Healthy Lifestyle

Different people have different lifestyles. Some of them don’t think very hard if their styles healthy or not. But some time later, when people face health disorders and consult doctors, they  start realizing their habits and tastes.

What is really a healthy lifestyle?

Very often we hear and read about a balanced diet nowadays, because it is very important. We should eat more fresh fruit, vegetables and dairy products. Forget about fast food forever! It’s extremely dangerous and harmful for our health. It is the main reason of getting overweighed and having stomach-ache diseases. During a day a person should drink from one to two litres of water. Doing sports is very useful. If a man cannot go to a swimming pool or gym, he should do morning exercises systematically, go jogging or cycling at least three times a week. If you want to feel energetic in the morning take a walk to school, if it isn’t very far from your home. You should also get enough sleep. Adults need 7-8 hours of sleep to fell well next day! As for teenagers,8-9 hours will be enough to be active.

Different  stressful situations and harmful habits shorten our life. We should try to have only positive emotions.

Smoking and drinking alcohol destroy our organism very much. Especially it is of great danger for teenagers.

So, stop and think of your own lifestyle! We wish you a healthy and happy life!


 The task: “Find information in the text about”:

1.How much water should we drink during a day?

2.How long should an adult sleep?

3. How long should you sleep?


4)Тренування умінь та навичок.

Виконання післятекстових комунікативних завдань:


Choose the  correct words from given below:


Call, health, balanced, fast, sports ,energetic, sleep, stressful,



1.People … doctors when they have … problems.

 2.We should have a …diet.

3.We shouldn’t eat … food.

4.Doing … is very important.

5.If you want to feel … in the morning, walk to school.

6.Good … can help you feel active.

7.Avoid … situations in your life.

8….and alcohol destroy our health.


  1. Проведення анкетування серед учнів

Answer the questions, find the total.


1.Do you sleep eight hours a night?

always – 3    sometimes – 2    never – 1


2.How often do you have breakfast?

        always – 3  sometimes – 2    never – 1


3.Do you drink a lot of coffee?

always –3    sometimes – 2    never – 1


4.Do you smoke cigarettes?

often – 3    sometimes – 2    never – 1


5.How often do you work 10 hours a day?

often– 3    sometimes – 2    never – 1


6.Do you do your morning exercises?

always – 3    sometimes – 2    never – 1


7.Do you go for a walk in fresh air?


always – 3    sometimes – 2    never – 1


  Key: scores 18-21: You will live to 100 years old!

          scores 13-17: You have quite a healthy lifestyle.

          scores  7-12: Slow down and take it easy!


  1. Аудіювання діалогів

Дві пари учнів читають діалоги по ролям. Інші учні їх слухають. Рольова гра:


Dialogue 1

Amanda: Tell us about yourself, Rob. What do you usually do?

Robert: Well… I get up and I have a shower. I never have breakfast.

Amanda: What time do you start work?

Robert: I start work at ten o’clock. At half past ten I have a cigarette and a cup of coffee.

Amanda: What time do you have lunch?

Robert: I have lunch at two thirty.

Amanda: What time do you finish work?

Robert: I finish work about eight o’clock. I get home late.

Amanda: What do you usually do after work?

Robert: I have supper. After that I watch TV.



T. Is Robert’s lifestyle healthy? Why do you think so? What can you advice him?

Учні висловлюють свої думки.




Max:Hello, Ann!

Ann: Hello!

Max: Tell me, please, Ann… How do you  manage to stay so young?

Ann: Oh, that’s no secret. I can tell you my ten rules.

Max: Ten rules? That’s interesting. I’m listening carefully…

Ann: I always get up and go to bed early. I usually have three meals a day. I often eat fresh fruit. I drink ten glasses of water a day. I do aerobics and I swim every day. I don’t eat red meat. I sometimes eat chicken and fish. I never smoke. I don’t drink alcohol. I hardly ever use sugar and salt.

Max: Wow! I’m impressed!




T.  Is her lifestyle healthy? Why do you think so?


  1. Огляд презентації
  • Smoking (слайд 3-4-5)

One of the bad habits is smoking. I’ll give you the test "Do you know or are you playing with fire?"

Read it and think which of the statements are True and which are False. Write T for true and F for false statements.


Playing with Fire.


1. Smokers are more likely to get colds and the flu than non-smokers.

2. Nicotine is more addictive than most illegal drugs, including heroin.

3. One of four smokers starts at the age of 12.

4. Smoking causes heart problems, cancer.

5. Second-hand smoke from other people’s cigarettes is harmless.

6. If you don’t start smoking before the age of 20, you maybe won’t ever start.

7. More girls than boys smoke.

8. Giving up smoking can make you gain weight.

9. Tobacco kills more Americans each year than alcohol, illigal drugs, murderers and AIDS combined.

10. Cigarettes are so addictive because it only takes 7 seconds to feel the nicotine in your blood.

11. Cigarettes can calm you down.




1T    2T    3T    4T    5F    6T    7T    8T        10T    11T

            See your answers. If you’ve got less than 3 wrong answers, Congratulations. You can definitely see through the smoke.

But if you’ve got more than 6 wrong answers, you’ve got to learn a few things about the dangers of smoking.


  • Alcohol (слайди 6-7-8)


ІІІ. Звершальний етап уроку


Підведення підсумків (слайд 9-10)


1. Get up early and go to bed early.

2. Do regular physical exercises to keep fit.

3. Be outdoors every day.

4. Take a cool shower.

5. Eat only healthy food.

6. Get enough sleep.

7. Never smoke.

8. Don’t drink alcohol and never take drugs.

9. Clean teeth every morning and every evening.

10. Try to have only positive emotions.



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Всього відгуків: 1
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  1. Кузнецова Марія Олександрівна
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    Відповідність темі
19 лютого 2018
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