Урок з англійської мови для 6 класу. Тема "Шкільні предмети. Розклад уроків. Модальні дієслова"

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Урок з англійської мови для 6 класу. Тема "Шкільні предмети. Розклад уроків. Модальні дієслова". У розробці мала на меті: узагальнити лексіку з вивченої теми; потренувати учнів у вживанні граматичних структур з модальними дієсловами у різного типу речень; розвинути мовленнєву компетентність, творчість, взаємодопомогу.

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Розробка уроку з англійської мови для 6 класу

Тема:  School Subjects. Timetable. Modal verbs.




Учителя англійської мови

Івахненко Любові Степанівни,

спеціаліста вищої категорії,

«старшого вчителя»

Маріупольської загальноосвітньої

школи І-ІІІ ступенів № 41








Маріуполь 2018

Розробка уроку з англійської мови для 6 класу

Тема:  School Subjects. Timetable. Modal verbs.

Освітня мета :

  • Узагальнити лексико граматичний матеріал з теми;
  • Вдосконалювати навики аудіювання, вживання Modal Verbs, вміння висловлювати свої думки логічно та послідовно;
  • Формувати лінгвістичну компетентність;
  • Відпрацювати білінгвальні навички.

Розвивальна мета:  розвинити увагу , пам'ять, фонематичний слух та творчі здібності.

Виховна мета:  виховувати повагу до праці вчителя, активність, взаємодопомогу, бажання пізнати більше.

Обладнання: малюнки, плакати, граматичні таблиці.

Тип уроку: комбінований.

















Хід уроку

( Procedure)


1. (I) Organizational moment Greeting.

T- Good morning. How are you? I hope you are Ok.

T- Who is on duty today?

T- Ask in turns questions about the day, date, month, and season.

T- What about the weather? It is fine or bad?

P- The weather is fine. Therefore, the things are good

T- What about your mood?

P- It is excellent.

T- At today’s lesson we shall talk about your school subjects, timetable. We have three teams to represent their favorite subjects. The leader of each team will be the teacher of a chosen subject. You all have «Evaluation cards» to put your marks in it. You should be active, attentive during the whole lesson, take part in dialogues, discussing, listening. The best pupil may get bonus.

Evaluation Card








School Subject


Modal verbs

At the lesson

Home task




(II) Warming-up

Let’s start with repeating thematic words and word combinations:                                                                              fascinating stories - захоплюючи історії; living creatures - живі створіння; map and globe - карта і глобус; sports ground - спортивний майданчик; heroes and battles - герої та битви; do experiments-проводити експерименти; add numbers - складати числа; sing songs-співати пісні; listening and speaking - аудіювання та говоріння; culture and literature - культура і література; e-mail - електронна пошта;different kinds of sport - різні види спорту; divide, subtract, multiply - ділити, вилучати, множити; learn poems by heart - вчити вірші напам’ять;  make something with your own hands - робити щось своїми руками; write compositions - писати твори.

(III) The main part of the lesson.

Discuss your timetable.

P1- How many lessons do you have on Monday?

P2-We have 6 lessons. What about you?

P1- Oh Monday is the most difficult day for me because there 6 lessons on the timetable: Math, Biology, P.E., Handicraft, Ukrainian language and English.

P2- What subjects are you good at?

P1- Im good at P.E. because I can run, jump and do exercises best of all. What about your timetable?

P2- My easiest day is Friday. This day we have six lessons: history, music, geography, Russian literature, English and music. I like to learn poems by heart and to read a lot.

2. Grammar. Modal Verbs: can, should, must, may, could, may not, might not, have to.

Work in pairs. Dialogues teacher - pupils.

Team 1                                                  At the lesson of English

T- Stand up. Stand still. Good morning, children.

P- Good morning. We are ready for the lesson.

T- Sit down. Who is on duty today?

P1 – I do not know. Not me.

T- You must always remember whose turn it is.

P1- I can be on duty today, I like to answer the question.

T- No, you may not. You were on duty last week.

P2- I remember that it is my turn, so, I shall do my best.

P3- May I ask the question?

T- Yes, of course, you may.

P4- Who can give me a telephone?

T- It’s not the right question at the lesson of English. You should improve you listening, speaking and reading.

P5- You must not use the telephone during the lesson. All the pupils must know this rule.

T- All right, pupils, let’s start working.

Team 2                                                  At the lesson of Russian                   

T- Good morning, children, sit down.

P1- Oh, I am sorry. I’m late. May I come in?

T-You, you may.

P1- Thank you.

T- You should come to school earlier.

P2- He is often late for the first lesson.

T- You must not cry out at the lesson.

P2- We all should be more disciplined.

T- That’s right. What’s the home task for today?

P3- We have to learn poem «Winter Morning» by heart.

P4- No, you are wrong. It might not be this poem.

P5-You should write down the home task better. Could you ask me the first, please?

T- Yes, of course. You are welcome.

Team 3                                               At the lesson of Maths

T- Good morning, children, sit down.

P1-May I write down the date on the blackboard.

T- Can’t you see it? It is in the middle of the blackboard.

P2- Could you let him sit at the first desk to see well?

T- Yes, sure. You may take this seat, please.

P1- Thank you.

T- At the lesson we have to revise doing sums:  how to add, subtract, divide and multiply numbers.

P2- I know this best of all and I’m not interested in this work.

T- You must not be so sure. You may not know everything.

P3- May I ask her a question?

T-Yes, please.

P3- How much is 285/3?

P4- And I want to know how much is 378+700?

P2- Oh, I can’t do it quickly.

P5- So, you might not know everything.

T- Listen to me and everything well.

3. And now recite the poem “Recipe for a good people”. Do it in chorus?

4. Time to relax.

5. Home tasks.

Encourage oneselves in learning subject well.

Try to overcome the difficulties.

Team 1                                               Geography

P1 – Why are you so sad?

P2 – I have some difficulties in Geography.

P1 – What’s the matter?

P2 – I don’t know where the countries are situated.

P1 – You can find them on the map or on the globe.

P2 – Thank you.

P1 – By the way how many countries are there on the Earth?

P2 – Let me think. There are a lot of them; I don’t know the right number.

P1 – There 6 of them.

P2 – Can you name the oceans?

P1 – Yes, I can. They are: the Indian, the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Arctic.

P3 – Where is Ukraine situated? Look at the map of Europe.

P2 – Oh, I see, it’s in Central Europe.

P4 – You can overcome this difficulty following our advice.

Team 2                                                History

P1 – I don’t want to learn history.

P2 – Why do you think so?

P1 – It’s boring.

P3 – You are wrong. You must know the past of our planet.

P2 – Isn’t it interesting to remember how people lived, got their food?

P3 – People are proud of their historical monument, places, ancient, culture.

P1 – It’s impossible for me to keep it in my memories. Thank you for advice.

P2 – Do your best and everything be ok.

Team 3                                        Science. Biology

P1 – I feel uncomfortable when I speak about biology.

P2 – You don’t have to think so.

P1 – It’s unuseful subject for me.

P3 – Isn’t it interesting to learn about living creature?

P1 – Not very.

P2 – Listen. Biology helps us to know about our organism.

P1 – What’s bad with it?

P3 – You should try to do your best to be healthy.

 P1 – I hope you are right.

6. Reflection. Proverbs.

Children, remember some English proverbs.

Open your books at page 53, exercise № 4.

Listen to definition and choose the right one.

The situation № 1: A pupil doesn’t want to do the whole exercise because he can’t retell the text, make up dialogues and write topics. Teachers advise him to start working and do something. He should work hard, learn, revise and try to remember everything.

What proverb matches this situation?

P1 - № 7 “If we can’t as we would, we must do as we can”

The situation № 2: A pupil doesn’t do his homework well, but wants to get better marks.

What proverb matches this situation?

P2 - № 7 “He who likes to eat fruit must climb the tree”

The situation № 3: Pupil’s parents do their best for a child. They let him surf the Internet, buy a lot of gadgets, travel a lot, but the child doesn’t improve his knowledge.

What proverb matches this situation?

P3 - № 5 “You may lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”

7. Conclusion.

At todays’ lesson we have spoken about school subjects, lessons and modal verbs. You have put your marks in your “Evaluation cards”. Give me them, please and I`ll put the marks in the journal.

8. Home task: make up 10 sentences what pupils must or mustn`t do at school. 

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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
19 грудня 2018
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