Урок з англійської мови "My future profession is a fitter"

Про матеріал
Урок англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням для професії "Слюсар з ремонту с/г машин та устаткування. Тракторист-машиніст транспортних засобів. Водій категорії С." Можна використовувати при вивченні теми "Робота і професії".
Перегляд файлу

План-конспект уроку з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням.

                                        Схематичний  план  уроку 


Початок  уроку. Організаційний момент.

2 хв                                       


Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

5 хв                                       


Мовна зарядка. Введення в іншомовне середовище.

2 хв                                       


Словникова робота.

4 хв                                       


Виконання лексичних вправ

5 хв



7 хв



7 хв



4 хв



7 хв


Пояснення  домашнього  завдання. Підсумки  уроку.                               

2 хв

Клас: 11 клас, ІІ курс

Тема уроку: My future profession is a fitter.



  • Активізувати лексичний матеріал по темі “Hand tools for cutting and turning”;
  • Використовувати нові слова з даної теми; ставити питання та відповідати на них;
  • Формування комунікативної компетентності учнів у процесі творчих вправ;
  • Формування соціокультурної компетентності;
  • Практикування вміння читання, аудіювання, говоріння та письма;
  • Поглиблення знань учнів з назв інструментів та їх застосування.


  • Розвивати увагу;
  • Розвивати пам'ять;
  • Розвиток уміння послідовно передавати свою думку іноземною мовою;
  • Розвиток уміння пошуку інформації, класифікації та аналізу.


  • Сприяти вихованню культури спілкування у здобувачів освіти;
  • Формування поведінкових компетенцій: ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи;
  • Активізація творчих і ділових якостей учнів;
  • Прищеплювати позитивне ставлення до англійської мови.

Тип уроку: комбінований

Вид уроку: навчально-практичне заняття з використанням інтерактивних технологій.

Обладнання: Постер, вправи на ресурсі Liveworksheets, аудіозапис, картки для самостійної та групової роботи.

Очікувані результати:

Здобувач освіти повинен знати:

-  лексику з теми;        

- правила будови англійського речення,

- правила читання та перекладу тексту.

Учень повинен уміти:

- давати відповіді на питання здобувачів освіти та викладача, підтримувати бесіду;

- презентувати усно свої думки та твердження;

- отримувати нові знання та застосовувати їх у практичній діяльності;

- сприймати на слух інформацію англійською мовою;

- використовувати ІКТ під час виконання завдань.

Міжпредметні зв’язки: предмет «Слюсарна справа».




підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення


1.  Привітання, організація здобувачів освіти

Т: Good day students!Are you in good mood?

   How are you getting on?

   Who is absent today?

   So, I think we can start now.

Theme of the lesson


Checking homework



2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

T: The theme of today's lesson is “My future profession is a fitter.” and our aim is to revise the names of hand tools, talk about your future profession. We will read the story, you’ll translate it to me and do the task. Also, we’ll have listening, grammar and  speaking.

T: But firstly lets check the homework for today. What is the homework for today?

P:  We should write a letter to a friend and tell him\her what power tools I would like to buy and what for.

T: Your letters are gorgeous! I see that you’ve learnt the vocabulary about power tools. So, let’s start our work!

Warming up    

3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T: Now, I ask you to make as many words as you can from the word “profession” (examples)

  1. poison – отрута           6. prof – доказ             11. open – відкривати
  2. person – людина         7. spoon – ложка         12. roof – дах
  3. sponsor – спонсор       8. soon – скоро           13. fine – штраф
  4. iron – залізо                 9. noise – шум            14. fire – пожежа
  5. prison – в’язниця        10. nose – ніс               15. son – син


                         ОСНОВНА ЧАСТИНА УРОКУ


and Practice

T: Let’s revise your knowledge about tools. Let’s do an exercise and see how do you remember the names of the tools.

  1. Виконуємо вправу 1.




  1. Pre-reading
  1. What is your future profession? Is it important?
  2. What is the main purpose of your future profession? What will you do?
  3. What traits should future fitter have?

b) Reading

 Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian

My Future Profession is a Fitter

     As I look ahead to my future, I see myself becoming a fitter - a profession that I find both intriguing and challenging. Being a fitter means working with machinery and equipment, assembling and installing various components to ensure they function smoothly. It's a job that requires precision, attention to detail, and problem-solving skills.

     To prepare for this exciting career, I know that I need to undergo vocational training and gain practical experience. I'll learn about mechanical engineering, blueprint reading, and the operation of heavy machinery. These skills will form the foundation of my expertise as a fitter.

     One aspect that excites me about being a fitter is the opportunity to work in diverse industries. Whether it's manufacturing, construction, or maintenance, there's always a demand for skilled fitters. I envision myself contributing to the creation of cutting-edge products or being part of essential projects that impact people's lives positively.

     Becoming a fitter also means being part of a team, collaborating with other professionals to achieve common goals. This appeals to me as I enjoy working with others and learning from their experiences.

     Overall, my future profession as a fitter promises a fulfilling and dynamic career. I am excited to take on this journey of continuous learning and growth, and I can't wait to contribute my skills and passion to the world of mechanics and engineering.

c) Post-reading activity. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

1. The future profession of a fitter involves working with machinery and equipment.

2. Fitters are responsible for assembling and installing various components to ensure smooth functionality.

3. Precision, attention to detail, and problem-solving skills are not important qualities for a fitter.

4. Vocational training and practical experience are essential for becoming a fitter.

5. Mechanical engineering and blueprint reading are not part of the training for fitters.

6. Fitters only work in the manufacturing industry and not in construction or maintenance sectors.

7. Collaboration and teamwork are not required in the profession of a fitter.

8. The future profession as a fitter promises a monotonous and unexciting career.

9. Becoming a fitter guarantees a continuous journey of learning and growth.

10. Fitters' work does not impact people's lives positively.



1.T; 2.T; 3.F; 4.T; 5.T; 6.F; 7.T; 8.F; 9.T; 10.F


a) Pre- listening

  • What hand tools do you remember?
  • Are they important in our live?
  • Are there any rules for using them?

b) Listening

Listen to a video https://slideplayer.com/slide/1568514/ and do the tasks.

Task 1. Mark the sentences True (T) or False (F).

  1. Hand tools rely on a power source for operation.
  2. Hand tools encompass a wide variety of items, including hammers and screwdrivers.
  3. Each hand tool is designed for a specific task.
  4. The employer is solely responsible for ensuring the safe condition of tools used by employees.
  5. Regular maintenance of hand tools can prevent hazards associated with their use.
  6. Using the wrong tool for a job can lead to accidents.
  7. Workers should examine tools for damage before use.
  8. Following the manufacturer's instructions is not essential when using hand tools.
  9. Personal protective equipment is necessary to prevent hand injuries when using tools.
  10. Accidents involving hand tools are avoidable if workers improve their skills and knowledge.


  1. False: Hand tools have no power source and rely on the physical force applied by the user.
  2. True.
  3. True.
  4. False: While the employer is responsible for providing safe tools and equipment, employees also have a responsibility for using and maintaining the tools properly.
  5. True.
  6. True.
  7. True.
  8. True.
  9. True.
  10.  True.


c) Post-listening.

Task 2. Listen again. Choose the right answer.

1. What are hand tools primarily powered by?

a) Electricity                                                    b) Batteries

c) Physical force applied by the user               d) Solar energy

2. Which of the following is NOT considered a hand tool?

a) Screwdriver   b) Hammer    c) Chainsaw    d) Wrench

3. True/False: Each hand tool is designed for a specific job, and it is the user's responsibility to use them properly.

4. Who is responsible for ensuring the safe condition of tools and equipment used by employees?

a) The employees  b) The employer   c) The government  d) The manufacturer

5. Why is it important to keep hand tools in good condition with regular maintenance?

a) To impress the employer         b) To prevent accidents and hazards

c) To make them look good         d) To increase their resale value

6. True/False: Using the wrong tool for a job is safe as long as you are experienced in handling it.

7. What should workers do before using a hand tool?

a) Share their knowledge with co-workers

b) Examine the tool for damage

c) Modify the tool to suit their needs

d) Use the tool without reading the instructions

8. True/False: Personal protective equipment is necessary only if there is a risk of flying objects.

9. Why should workers continuously improve their skills and knowledge regarding hand tools?

a) To show off their expertise     

b) To avoid accidents and injuries

c) To impress their co-workers

d) To become the favorite employee of the supervisor

10. Finish the following statement: "Safety is the __________ on the job."

a) hazard      b) priority      c) enemy      d) excuse


1. c); 2. c); 3. True; 4. b); 5. b);  6. False; 7. b); 8. False; 9. b);  10. b).


Match each tool with the safety procedure and/or advice about how to use it with your groupmate. Use the scheme for making dialogues:

  • How to use the … safely?
  • You should …


  • How to use the rasp safely?
  • You should put one hand on the handle and the other on top of the body.


Advice or safety procedure

  1. Rasp


  1. Use soft materials to protect your work and the table from marks.
  1. Vice bench
  1. Put one hand on the handle and the other on top of the body.
  1. G-clamp
  1. Hold with two hands and keep the cable away from the working place.
  1. Handsaw
  1. Put one hand on the knife and keep the other away from the cutting path.
  1. Craft knife
  1. Use gloves and goggles and make sure the work is held securely.
  1. Screwdriver
  1. Always work on your own and use some soft jaws to protect your work.
  1. Pillar Drill
  1. Put one hand on the handle and the other near the tool edge to ensure the tool doesn’t miss the screw.
  1. Ruler
  1. Always work on your own and hold the tool firmly.
  1. Jigsaw machine
  1. Put one hand on the handle and the other on top of the body.
  1. Chisel
  1. Hold with one open hand and measure on the sloped side.



1.-B.; 2.-G.; 3.-A.; 4.-I.; 5.-D.; 6.-H.; 7.-E.; 8.-J.; 9.-C.; 10.-F.



T: Today we will learn some phrasal verbs with “up” to describe some technical problems which could be in your working process.


  1. Back  up – зробити резервну копію;
  2. Botch up – зіпсувати;
  3. Clog up – забиватися;
  4. Freeze up – заклякнути;
  5. Grease up – змастити;
  6. Heat up – нагріти;
  7. Ice up – обледеніти;
  8. Patch up – підлатати;
  9. Rust up – ржавіти;
  10. Seize up – заідати.

Exercise 1. Match each of the phrasalverbs below with the correct definition.

1. Back  up

a) to do or make something badly;

2. Botch up

b) for liquid to accumulate and freeze;

3. Clog up

c) to lubricate;

4. Freeze up

d) to make a secure copy;

5. Grease up

e) for software or electronics to suddenly stop;

6. Heat up

f) to be blocked by something and stop working;

7. Ice up

g) to increase the temperature;

8. Patch up

h) to oxidise;

9. Rust up

i) to repair superficially or temporarly;

10. Seize up

j) for moving parts to stop moving or working.


  1. d;   2. a;    3. f;    4. e;     5. c;      6. g;     7. b;    8.i;     9. h;   10. j 


Exercise 2. Insert the phrasal verbs that fit best into the gaps in the sentence below. You will need to conjugate them appropriately.

1. The cogs seem to be a little dry on that machine over there. Perhaps that is why it runs so slowly. Maybe we should _____________ it ______ more often to make sure it is sufficiently lubricated.

2. I need to install more memory on my PC. Every time I use my word processer, it _____________ after about 15 minutes and I have to reboot.

3. The wall at the back of the freezer keeps ________. I think we need to raise the temperature a little.

4. The unusual humidity has affected the air filtration system. The damp dust has ________________ the filters and obstructed the free flow of air through the ducts.

5. This machine needs a better cooling system. It _______________ too much and can get very hot.

6. Before we format the hard disk, we need to ________ everything ___ on an external drive.

7. The team that were working on that drianage system really __________ the job. Threre have been constant problems ever since the work was completed.We might have to do the whole thing again right from the start.

8.       He left his bicycle outside while he was on holiday. He came back a month later and saw that the chain and cogs had ____________ ____ because of exposure to the rain.

9.    There was a hole in the window which we ____________ _____ with polythene. The glazier came the next day and repaired it properly.

10.    He hadn’t oiled the machine for month and all the components just ___________ ___ when he pressed the start button.



1. Grease up

2. Freezes up

3. Icing up

4. Clogged up

5. Heats up

6. Back up

7. Botchet up

8. Rusted up

9. Patched up

10. Seized up




Write a letter to your friend and tell him\her what advantages and disadvantages of being a fitter.


Підведення підсумків уроку.

Т: Our lesson soon will come to its end, lets summarize what have we learnt already.

What do we learn today? What do we remember today? What activities do you like more?

Do not you change the mind and want to work on your profession?




8 серпня 2023
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