Урок з англійської мови у 5 класі "Шопінг"

Про матеріал
Aim: to enable learners to revise and form knowledge about different kinds of shops and raise motivation in learning English Objectives: to teach pupils to work in pairs to develop pupils ability of thinking to fix up their knowledge of lexis and grammar Learning outcomes: by the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to make uo dialogues on the topic
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Topic : Shopping

Aim:  to enable learners to revise and form knowledge about different kinds of  shops and raise motivation in learning English

Objectives: to teach pupils to work in pairs

                   to develop pupils ability of thinking

                   to fix up their knowledge of lexis and grammar

Learning outcomes: by the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to make uo dialogues on the topic 


1. Introduction

    Teacher: Good morning, my dear friends. Nice to see you again. I hope you are well and in a perfect mood.

Look at the board and at the screen.

Tell me, please, what we are going to talk about at today’s lesson? Yes, you are right. We’re going to talk about shopping.

Let’s write the topic on the board :


We are going to revise the vocabulary and grammar of our previous lessons; practice  reading and listening and of course, we’ll spot on speaking

Warming up

T: Let’s play a game. You should name one word which refers to our topic “shopping”. You shouldn’t repeat the words of your classmates. Ok ,I’ll start bananas…

    Main part

1) Lexical practice

T; Now let’s revise the names of the shops. If you need, you may look at the board.

T: So  Where can you buy meat? ( at the butcher’s )

           Where can you buy tea ?   ( at the grocer’s )

           Where can you buy bread ? (at the baker’s )

           Where can you buy milk ?(at the diary)

           Where can you buy  apples? (at the green grocer’s)

           Where can you buy toys?(at the toy shop)

           Where can you buy medicine?(at the chemist’s)

           Where can you buy clothes?(at the clothes shop)

           Where can you buy  a pet?(at the pet shop)

           Where can you buy book?(at the boookstore)

           Where can you buy jewellery?(at the jeweller’s)

           Where can you buy fish?(at the fish monger’s)

           Where can you buy cakes?(at the confectioner’s )

T: Great. Let’s sing a song about it/

2) (Song “ Hippety Hop to the corner shop”)

Hippety Hop to the corner shop

To buy some sweets for Sunday

Some for you

Some for me

Some for sister Sandy


Hippety Hop to the butcher’s shop

To buy some meat for Monday

Some for you

Some for me

Some for sister Sandy


Hippety Hop to the baker’s shop

To buy some bread for Tuesday

Some for you

Some for me

Some for sister Sandy


Hippety Hop to the grocer’s shop

To buy some flour for Wednesday

Some for you

Some for me

Some for sister Sandy


Hippety Hop to the dairy shop

To buy some milk for Thursday

Some for you

Some for me

Some for sister Sandy


Hippety Hop to the dairy shop

To buy some milk for Thursday

Some for you

Some for me

Some for sister Sandy


3) Grammar review. (Quantifiers)

T: When we speak about products we can use a lot of, much, many, some, any. Look at the screen and choose many or much.

Show me the right card.

And now make up sentences with some or any.

Our cube will help us to do it.

T: Good job. To check up your knowledge

I suggest you doing Grammar Quiz.

(Worksheet #1) Choose  the correct answer.

1. There isn’t…bread

a) much

b) many

2. I drink … water every day.

a) any

b) a lot of

3.There’s… orange juice in the fridge

a) any

b) some

4. How… pizzas do you eat a month?

a) much

b) many

5. Are there…mushrooms on the pizza?

a) any

b) some

6. There isn’t … cheese in my sandwich?

a) any

b) some

7. How… does it cost?

a) much

b) many

8. Are there… crisps?

a) some


9. We’ve got…eggs.

a) a lot of

b) any

10. There is… fruit on the plate


b) any

11. Would you like…sweets?


b) any

12. There  aren’t…bananas in the shop

a) much

b) many

T: Now, check up your partner’s work and put a mark

The right answers are on the screen.

1a  2b  3b  4b  5a  6a  7a  8b  9a  10a  11a  12b

4) Reading

Pre-reading activity

T: People do the shopping not only at the shops but sometimes they visit  markets in different cities or towns. London is famous for its museums and historic sites, but that’s not all. There are also a lot of street markets to visit all year round. Today we’re going to read about some famous markets: Borough Market and Portobello Market. Look at the pictures. Where can you buy:

 Meat and fish

 Fruit and vegetables



 Antique furniture

While-reading activity

T: Now read the article 

Post reading activity

T: Ok. To check up what you understood while reading answer my questions. I am a journalist,  you are the visitors of these markets:

1. Which market offers more choices to visitors?(Port.m.)

2. Where can you buy products from other countries? (P.M.)

3. Where can you eat food at the time you are there?(Borough M.)

 4. What is this the author’s purpose in writing the text?

Which market would you like to go?


5) Vocabulary review. Containers.

T:People can buy food in different containers

For example : chocolate a bar of chocolate

flour     a (packet) of flour

tuna   a (tin) of tuna

lemonade  a (can) of lemonade

Thanks.Great.Now I suggest you doing

Vocabulary Quiz (Worksheet №3) to check up how

you know this material. Prepare Worksheep №3

Fill in the right word:

can, bottle, bag, packet, box, jar, carton, loaf, bar, tin, tub


1. a … of jam (jar)

2. a … of crisps (packet)

3. a … of sweets (box)

4. a … of milk (carton)

5. a … of water (bottle)

6. a … of Coke (can)

7. a … of flour (bag)

8. a … of bread (loaf)

9. a … of tuna (tin)

10. a … of ice cream (tub)

11. a … of white chocolate (bar)


T: Great. Who wants to write your variants on the board?


6) Listening.

Pre-listening activity:

T: Thank for your work. Many people like going shopping and what about you? What shops are your favourite ones?

While-listening activity:

T: Ok, let`s watch video about shopping. Prepare worksheet  #4  (Listening Quiz)


Listening Quiz

Circle the products the customers bought.

Customer I

(a) a loaf  of white bread

 b)     a loaf of brown bread

(a) a dozen eggs

 b)     twenty eggs

(a)     two cartons of milk

 b)     a carton of milk

 a)     a big bag of flour

(b)    a small bag of flour

 a)     a big bottle of olive oil

(a)     a small bottle of olive oil

Customer II

(a) a bunch of grapes

b)      a bunch of bananas

a)      a kilo of red apples

(b)    a kilo of green apples

a)     a jar of black olives

(b)   a jar of green olives

Customer III

a) tomatoes

b) carrots

c) oranges

d) cereal

e) flour

f) sugar

g) butter

h) eggs

i) raisins

j) butter

k) yogurt

l) chicken

m) frozen piza

n) cleaner


 While watching you should circle the products the customers will buy. There will be some pauses during which we`ll check up your choice.

Post-listening activity;

T: Now,  let`s check up your variants.

7) Speaking.

T: Well done. It`s high time for you to go shopping. It`s pair work. One of you is a  shop assistant, the other is a customer.

Your task is to make up a dialogue.

Choose any shop you like going shopping.

The example of a dialogue is on a screen.

Of course you can add the necessary information

 And show your creativity. I give you some minutes.

S-shop assistant                      


S: Hello. Can I help you?

C: Yes, please. I would like…

S;  Sure. How much/many… would you like?

C: I`d like…

S: Ok. Anything else?

C: No, thanks. How much is it?

S: That`s…. pounds

C: Here you are.

S: Thank you. Have a nice day. Good bye.

3. Conclusion

T: So today we`ve spoken a lot about shopping.

You`ve worked well and your marks are…

At home you must do Ex1,2 p25(WB)

The lesson is over. Thank you. Good bye.






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