Урок з англійської мови у 8 класі на тему: "Музичні стилі"

Про матеріал

Розробка уроку з англійської мови на тему: "Стилі музики" містить цікаві форми групової роботи, а також інформацію про популярні серед молоді стилі музики. Дана розробка буде хорошим помічником вчителю при підготовці до уроку з даної теми.

Перегляд файлу

Тема: Музичні стилі. Ознайомлення з новими  ЛО. Розвиток навичок                           аудіювання. Розвиток навичок діалогічного мовлення.

Мета:  а) практична:  1. Формувати навички правильного вживання нових ЛО в усному і писемному мовленні; 2. Удосконалювати навички вживання Present Simple and Present Continuous в усному і писемному мовленні; 3. Удосконалювати навички аудіювання та навички діалогічного мовлення;                                                                                                                            

            б) освітня: збагатити знання учнів новими ЛО, відомостями про музичні стилі та музичні виконавці;

            в) розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, зорову пам'ять, довільну увагу;

            г) виховна: виховувати ціннісне ставлення особистості до мистецтва.

Методичне забезпечення: презентація Power Point, картки для гри в доміно, роздатковий матеріал, предметні малюнки для складання пазлів.

Схематичний план уроку

І. Початок уроку.

ІІ. Введення в іншомовне середовище.

ІІІ. Основна частина.

  1. Актуалізація опорних знань.
  2. Повідомлення теми, мети, завдань уроку.
  3. Ознайомлення з новими ЛО.
  4. Вивчення нового матеріалу. Розвиток навичок діалогічного мовлення. Робота в групах.
  5. Розвиток навичок аудіювання.

IV. Кінець уроку.

  1. Підсумок уроку.
  2. Домашнє завдання.

Хід уроку


Етап, мета, прийом

Хід уроку



Початок уроку




Організація класу


T. Good morning pupils!

Ps. Good morning teacher!

T. How do you feel today?

Ps. We are fine.

T. How are you?

P1. I am fine

T. What about you?

P2. I am fine too.

T. Express your emotions completing the following phrase: “I am… now, because…”All of us has nice mood and let us start our lesson.




Введення в іншомовне середовище.

Мета: активація розумової діяльності

Прийом: Мозковий штурм


T. Today you will work in groups. On the blackboard you can see the word “Music” What things do you associate with this word?

Each group has two cards. Write your thoughts on these cards and stick them on the blackboard.

T. Today we are going to speak about wonderful and exciting world of music. And



Етап, мета, прийом

Хід уроку




the topic of our lesson is: “ The Styles of Music”



Основна частина




Актуалізація опорних знань

Мета: повторити граматичні особливості часів Present Simple, Present Continuous.

Прийоми: гра «Доміно», виконання тесту

1. T. It’s grammar time. We shall repeat the Present Simple Tense and the Present Continuous Tense. Each group will get the set of cards with the tips. Use these tips to work out the grammar material.

Example card.






2. Look at the screen. Here you can see the test. (Using Round-up CD-Rom)


Each group should do three sentences and then check them up with the help of the computer program.



Ознайомлення з новими ЛО

Мета: ознайомити з новими ЛО


T: Look at the screen. There you can see the new words. To know the meaning of this words use the cards which you can find on your desks. Match the words with their meanings.

to spread - gradually reach or cause to reach a wider area or more people;


3 хв


Етап, мета, прийом

Хід уроку



Прийом: пояснення значення слів

style - a way of painting, writing, composing, building, etc., characteristic of a particular period, place, person, or movement;

to achieve - successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective or result) by effort, skill, or courage;

supplement - add an extra element or amount to;

to originate - have a specified beginning;

 influence - the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself;

genre - a style or category of art, music, or literature;

tremendous - very great in amount, scale, or intensity;

boundary - a limit of something abstract, especially a subject or sphere of activity;



Вивчення нового матеріалу

Мета: збагати знання учнів відомостями про музичні стилі.

Прийом: ажурна пилка

T: Today we are going to speak about the styles of music. And we will work in an unusual way. Today you will have an opportunity to be on the place of a teacher. Your task is to learn the material about three music styles: Rock and Roll, Jazz and Pop music. I’ll give you three minutes to learn this material and to choose one representative of a group who will teach the representatives of the other group. (Pupils are working with the information cards. After time is over one representative from each group tell everything he/she knows about the appropriate music style to the group-opponent. The task of the last is to tell the material they have learned.)

The examples of the information cards.

mickle jackson 7.jpgIn the history of music, the term 'pop music' was first used in 1926. It was used to describe 'a piece of music having popular appeal'. Pop music history informs us that the term 'pop music' originated in Britain in the mid-1950s and implied 'concerts appealing to a wide audience' or 'music that induced dancing spirit' or 'the non classical music, usually in the form of songs',



Етап, мета, прийом

Хід уроку




performed by such artists as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Abba, etc.

1293700701.jpgPrince1.jpg4442.jpgIf you go through 80's music history, you will notice that pop music throughout its development has been influenced by most other genres of popular music. Pop music picked up instrumentation from jazz and rock music, vocal harmonies from gospel music and soul music formed from the sentimental ballads, tempo from dance music, support from electronic music and spoken passages from rap. In 1950s television was introduced and visual presence of pop stars helped to gain more popularity. In 1960s, inexpensive portable transistor radios were introduced, which helped teenagers to listen to music even outside the home. By 1980s MTV favored the artists like Michael Jackson, Prince and Madonna who had a strong visual appeal. In 1980s, when video technique was introduced, pop albums gained tremendous popularity. Every region has its own history of music, the same rule applies to pop music too.

00272948ooo3o1oThe music that we call Jazz was born around the year 1895 in new Orleans. It brought together the elements of Ragtime, marching band music and Blues. What made Jazz different from the other earlier forms of music was the use of improvization. Jazz originates from the USA and was first played by the African Americans who were fighting against slavely. They expressed their feelings with the help of Jazz music, in which the improvization was the main thing. The singer is alone on the stage with his musical instrument, playing his emotions through the song. Jazz uses such instruments as piano and saxophone. It is difficult to speak about the history of Jazz as in 1920s there appeared the new branches of this music style as Cool jazz (1940s), Modal jazz (1950s), Free jazz (1950s), Latin jazz (1960s), Soul jazz, Jazz fusion (1960s), Jazz funk (1970s). The real Jazz melodies existed in the songs of Louis Armstrong who is the brightest representative of Jazz music. The other famous Jazz singers are: Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Nancy Wilson, Billie Holiday.



Етап, мета, прийом

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images.jpgbob-dylan.jpgRock and Roll music is the mother of rock music. It was founded in the USA during the late 1940s and early 1950s, and quickly spread to much of the rest of the world. This style of music of those times was the mixture of blues, country and western. Alan Freed was the first who used the term “rock and roll” in 1951. In the earliest rock and roll styles of the late 1940s and early 1950s, either the piano or saxophone was often the lead instrument, but these were generally replaced or supplemented by guitar in the middle to late 1950s. Rock and roll began achieving wide popularity in the 1960s. Far beyond simply a musical style, rock and roll, as seen in movies and on television, influenced lifestyles, fashion, attitudes, and language.

In the 1950s, Britain was well placed to receive American rock and roll music and culture.

  Many early rock and roll songs dealt with issues of cars, school, dating, and clothing. The rock and roll songs described events and conflicts that most listeners could relate to from some point in their lives. Topics that were generally considered taboo began to be introduced in rock and roll music. This new music tried to break boundaries and express the real emotions that people were feeling, but didn’t talk about.

250px-The_Fabs.JPGElvis-Presli3.jpgThe representatives of this music styles are: Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, James Brown, The Beatles, Madonna, Nirvana, Queen, Metallica, Deep Purple.


T. Listen to the songs and identify the style of music. 1. Nirvana “The Man Who Sold the World” (Rock and Roll), Frank Sinatra “My Way” (Jazz), Michael Jackson “Black or White” (Pop music)

T. Tell about the style of music you’ve learned using the following plan:

1. The year of foundation.

2. The mother country of the style.

3. The musical instrument the style uses.

4. The representatives of the style.

5. Special features of the styles.



Етап, мета, прийом

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Розвиток навичок діалогічного мовлення.

Мета: розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення.

Прийом: робота в групах.

T. Use the plan and the knowledge of your style of music to make up questions to the other groups.

5 хв


Творче завдання.

Мета: розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення.

Прийом: складання сценарію кліпу.

T. On your desks you can see the lyrics of the popular Michael Jackson song: “Earth Song”

Read the lyrics, try to understand its meaning and make up a clip on this song using the pictures on your tables.

What about sunrise

What about rain

What about all the things

That you said we were to gain...

What about killing fields

Is there a time

What about all the things

That you said was yours and mine...

Did you ever stop to notice

All the blood we've shed before

Did you ever stop to notice

The crying Earth the weeping shores?

Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah

What have we done to the world

Look what we've done

What about all the peace

That you pledge your only son...

What about flowering fields

Is there a time

What about all the dreams

That you said was yours and mine...

Did you ever stop to notice

All the children dead from war

Did you ever stop to notice

The crying Earth the weeping shores?

Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaah

I used to dream

I used to glance beyond the stars

Now I don't know where we are

Although I know we've drifted far



Етап, мета, прийом

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Кінець уроку




Підсумок уроку.

Мета: систематизація та узагальнення знань.

Прийом: складання пазлів

T. Our lesson is going to be over and let’s do the summing up. I want you to have in your hearts eternal melody and before you’ll go into the exciting world of music I want you to pack a special suitcase. Look at the screen. On it you

can see the word puzzles. Solve the puzzle and after this you will be able to put the thing hidden in it in our suitcase.

(Pupils get the cards with the letters and pictures to make up  puzzles and stick them on the blackboard.) The key words are: nice mood, favourite CDs, walkman.

5 хв


Домашнє завдання

Prepare a report about your favourite style of music and its representatives.

1 хв





16 липня 2018
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