Урок з презентацією в 11 класі з теми: "Future Job. What Is Your Choice"

Про матеріал
Урок розрахований на учнів 11 класу, які вже мають первний лексичний та граматичний запас знань з даної теми. В уроці присутні всі види мовленнєвої діяльності(читання, аудіювання, письмо та говоріння). Нові методи та технології тісно переплітаються із добре відомими, що сприяєє кращому засвоєнню матеріалу та реалізації мовного досвіду учнів.
Перегляд файлу

Клас          11                                                                                 Урок № 95



Тема уроку.   Future Job. What is your choice?

Мета уроку:

навчальна: поповнювати словниковий запас учнів; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення, читання, аудіювання, письма; поглибити знання учнів із теми «Професії»; практикувати учнів в усному мовленні; вчити учнів презентувати підготовлений матеріал; вчити учнів узагальнювати інформацію; сприяти формуванню навичок сприйняття інформації на слух (аудіювання); практикувати усне спілкування з використанням різних інтерактивних методів та прийомів; сприяти розширенню обсягу знань;сприяти формуванню критичного мислення.

розвиваюча: розвивати фонематичний слух, довготривалу, оперативну пам’ять,вміння логічно та послідовно висловлювати свої думки; розвивати мовну здогадку, інтелектуальну гнучкість, ерудицію, наполегливість, кмітливість та пізнавальні інтереси, вміння аналізувати процеси, що відбуваються у світі професій; формувати вміння працювати в групах, робити узагальнюючі висновки; створювати умови для розвитку культури спілкування; працювати над розвитком індивідуальних творчих здібностей учнів; розвивати критичне мислення; мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні;

виховна: виховувати прагнення до здобуття гідної професії; сприяти вихованню в учнів уміння захищати свої думки, прислухатися до думок інших, коректно вести дискусію; викликати інтерес до співрозмовника; виховувати почуття обов’язку, взаємодопомоги; прищеплювати любов до інтелектуальної праці; розширювати кругозір учнів, знайомити з реаліями життя; формувати етичну й естетичну культуру; емоційно впливати на учнів; прищеплювати працьовитість; формувати якості патріота та гідного громадянина своєї держави; вчити чітко виконувати інструкції викладача; формувати мовний такт і культурну толерантність.


Методи навчання:

  •             словесний – розповідь, діалог, бесіда, дискусія, дебати;
  •             наочний – таблиці, схеми, дидактичний матеріал, Power Point Presentation, аудіо запис;
  •             практичний – різноманітні практичні вправи, дебати, презентації, креалізований текст.
  •             частково-пошуковий – асоціації, проекти, обгрунтування думки у процесі дебатів;
  •             демонстративний – монологічне висловлення.

Інтерактивні методи навчання: мозкова атака, групова дискусія,  інтерактивні ігри, проблемно-пошукове завдання, асоціації, коло ідей, робота в групах,робота в парах, логічне мереживо, альтернатива, прослуховування аудіо додатку, вибіркове читання.

Форми, методи та прийоми роботи: індивідуальна, колективна, фронтальна, робота в групах, робота з дидактичним та мультимедійним  матеріалом.

Очікувані результати:

На кінець уроку учні повинні:

  •             вільно оперувати лексичним матеріалом;
  •             вміти висловлюватись монологічно;
  •             вміти вести дебати;
  •             мати позитивне ставлення один до одного та винести важливий висновок щодо вибору професії, яка буде корисною для держави.

Міжпредметні зв’язки: література, етика, психологія, інформаційні технології, географія, правознавство, образотворче мистецтво.

Компетенції: навчальна, соціальна, інформаційно-комунікативна,


Обладнання уроку: підручник, комп’ютер,мультимедійний проектор,  картки , дидактичні матеріали різного спрямування, таблиці, аудіо матеріали.



Хід уроку

  1.                   Організаційний момент. (Greeting)

Слайд 1. Good day, dear students, colleagues and guests! Im very glad to see that you are well and ready to work hard and to get knowledge.  Before the lesson I joined you into two groups (Blue and Green). So today you will work in two teams that  will be called Blue Team and Green Team). Each of you has your self assessment cards with all the activities.

Warming up

So, colors. Blue, green, yellow…There are some interesting facts about colors… For example…What does your favourite colour say about you? Choose and decide whether you agree or disagree...














Now find out what your favourite colour says about you.

yellow  imaginative, confident

orange  nervous, friendly

blue  thoughtful, quiet

grey  calm, careful

pink  warm, shy

cream  kind, relaxed

red  polite, optimistic

green  reliable, happy

black  pessimistic, sensitive

brown  serious, conservative

purple  temperamental, successful

Do you agree with the character analysis for your favourite colour? Look at other people in your class and think about their choice of clothes and colours.


For example

  • Men and women see the color red differently.
  • Worldwide blue is the most common favorite color.
  • Some people have a phobia of color.
  • Yellow and red together make you hungry.
  • Red is the first color a baby sees.
  • Color has a big impact on a first impression.

And of course color makes your career too. Wearing black makes you appear more powerful.

So, today we are going to speak about your future job choice.

  1. The main part.

And the aims of our lesson are the following:

  •                  To read the texts and describe the jobs.
  •                  To practise listening and vocabulary.
  •                  To practise grammar(modal verbs).
  •                  To speak on debates.

Activation of the lexical material

Here is our region. Tell me, What Professions Are In Demand In Ukraine?

Діалогічне мовлення

Read the following jobs and professions and discuss which of them you’d like to do and which ones not and give reasons.

Give at least three reasons why you’d like / hate to have these jobs / professions.

a) this job is prestigious;

b) this job is well-paid;

c) this job is required by the country;

d) this job is sometimes dangerous;

e) it needs too much writing;

f) it involves speaking to many people;

g) this job is thankless; 

h) this job is very hard.


— I’d like to become a geologist because I love travelling, I love geography and I think this profession is well-paid. And you?

— As for me, I’d like to become a nurse because I’d love to help people and this job is interesting. But I’d hate to be a journalist because this job is sometimes dangerous and it needs too much writing.

(a geologist, a journalist, a teacher, a doctor, a vet, a shop assistant, a bank manager, a waiter, a computer operator, a book keeper, a bookseller, a bodyguard, a cook, an interpreter, a bus driver, a farmer, a gardener, a fitter, a turner, a businessman, a clerk, a singer, a musician)


Listen to the sounds  and decide  in what profession they can be heard.


Group work

Read the texts and find out the following information and be ready to discuss its content with the help of a plan

1. Name of the job.

2. Sphere.

4. Description.

3. Responsibilities.

4. Personal characteristics.

Grammar Revision

When we speak about job we have to think about some regulations and obligations. In order to form your thought correctly we  need to revise some grammar, model verbs if to speak particularly. It’s time to revise their meaning and using.

(Can, might, should, must, have to)


Guess the job and make the sentence with modal verbs

  1.    A shop assistant A person who sells goods in a shop is a
  2.    A driver A person who travels in different distances to carry things and people
  3.    A cosmetologist A person who works in a beauty industry
  4.    A web-designer  A person who makes different computer programs
  5.    A chef A person who deals with different cuisine


Do you think modern young people should study and apply for work in their native region (Donetsk region) or they should get a job abroad?


Discuss the question using the following plan:

  1.    Educational establishments.
  2.    Placing in a job; prestigious / not prestigious professions.
  3.    Career.
  4.    Salary.

    5. Working hours/vocation.

Creolized Text . Make the image in the word.  Specialist /patriot. Stick them  to the blackboard.


  1. Final part


So, on the hands that are on your desks write what characteristic should a good employee possess and the other group should write what conditions of job place employers should suggest. And let’s put it on map.

Therefore, what final decision can we make?


Your homework is to write an assay about your dream job.


And don’t forget to put marks  on  your self assessment hands with the “+”if you were really active, “+-“ if you were not active enough and ” “ if you weren`t active and give them  to me.

Your future is in your hands!



Перегляд файлу

Web developer

 The line between real life and the Internet is becoming thinner. The World Wide Web has become a springboard for the implementation of many ideas of modern businessmen. It is impossible to present your product or service without a website, and web specialists are engaged in its development. The responsibilities of this web developer include the creation and maintenance of the site, taking into account all the needs of the customer.

The profession of a developer is not only adequately paid, but also allows you to work remotely, build your own life schedule, and travel freely. However, in order to get such an education, you need to come to grips with the exact sciences. A math tutor will not only provide comprehensive training for Final Assessment Test, but will also help to structure all the knowledge that will be useful during training in IT specialties.


Without a good accountant, not a single enterprise, small company or startup can do. Specialists in this industry are always in demand, but every year fewer and fewer school graduates are ready to receive such a profession. Yes, at first glance, bookkeeping seems boring and uninteresting, but for everyone who loves maths, with pleasure solves the most complicated equations, there is no better job! After graduating, be sure that you will not have a problem finding a job.













Sales Representative

 Every person now is a potential consumer who wants to receive the highest quality product and best service. A sales representative acts as a kind of manager who is called upon to advertise a particular product in the most favorable light. Having graduated in management, you can easily work in this specialty.

Work as a sales representative is suitable for those who can’t imagine their life without communication, new acquaintances and constant movement. It is worth noting that the constant growth and development in this area will not only bring pleasure to all extroverts, but will also become a good source of full income. Salaries of sales representatives are usually above average.





If earlier in large enterprises there were personnel departments in which employees were involved in document management, now HR-departments are gaining popularity. The responsibilities of the managers working in this structure include the selection of personnel, and the organization of corporate events, and the correct motivation of employees, and maintaining the psychological microclimate of the organization as a whole. Choosing such a specialty, it should be understood that laziness will not work! But if you approach the work responsibly and creatively, you will be rewarded with an interesting position and competitive salary.









 For everyone who feels the creative potential and craving for drawing, drawings, studying interesting computer programs, the profession of designer is suitable. You can choose the path of an interior designer, try yourself in the profession of a web designer, become an illustrator or do printing. Such a profession in the modern labor market is in demand and highly paid, therefore, if you have creative potential, you should seriously consider it.






SMM Specialist

 It's not enough to make yourself known on the Internet! You still need to find your buyer. An SMM specialist is a person who advertises a product or service on social networks, which has become one of the most important sales tools today. SMM specialists are not yet studying at universities; however, you can master this profession in special courses. Such work will become interesting to people who like to delve into psychology, study behavioral factors, and constantly interact with other people. Well, of course, having received enough knowledge and experience, you will be well rewarded financially every month!







No matter how popular the specialties from the world of the latest technologies are, Ukraine continues to be a resource country in which an agricultural niche is developed. Few of the young men and women today decide to connect their lives with the agricultural sector. Those who managed to seriously understand the profession, after graduation, always find decent work with high pay.










To become a really talented doctor, you need to adore medicine and be able to work with people. Good doctors are now worth their weight in gold, so if you feel the potential in yourself, you should definitely try to enter a medical university. The abundance of clinics and private centers makes it possible to earn good money doing your favorite thing!









An employee of the beauty industry

      15-20 years ago, not every woman could afford a manicure in a beauty salon, and there was no question of the services of eyebrows. But today, the beauty industry workers have become very popular specialists! Beauticians, lash makers, colorists, makeup artists regularly provide services to millions of women. To become in demand in this area, it is not necessary to have a higher education.

All you need is responsible approach and  mastery in the chosen business and sociability. Having received a secondary specialized education or having completed courses, you can get a job in a prestigious beauty salon, or try to work for yourself!

Modernity is multifaceted and amazing, and everyone has the opportunity to find the strength to do what brings the greatest pleasure! Dare to tell the world about your talents, hobbies and real impulses. Choosing a job to your liking, you will not have to work a day in your life!

Перегляд файлу

Картинки по запросу "accountant woman"Картинки по запросу "web developer woman"



Картинки по запросу "sale representative woman" Картинки по запросу "hr manager woman"

Картинки по запросу "designer woman" Картинки по запросу "SMM Specialist woman"




Картинки по запросу "doctor woman" Картинки по запросу "Agrarian woman"




Картинки по запросу "An employee of the beauty industry women"

Перегляд файлу

Total / Teacher`s mark


(Likes and dislikes of Job)





With modal verbs)



Creative work

(Creolized text)


(“good employee and perfect working conditions  hand”)

General activity 

Draw a symbol of the lesson











“+”      hardworking   and  active

“+ -“    not hardworking   and  active  enough

“-- “     not active     

A self-assessment card of   Name Surname___________________

Total / teacher`s mark

Answering the questions




(Present Simple passive voice sentence)





Creative work

(Creolized text)


( The “save animals”) hand

General activity

Draw a symbol of the lesson












“+”      hardworking   and   active

“+ -“    not hardworking    and  active  enough

“-- “     not active     


A self-assessment card of   Name Surname___________________


Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

«Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere» Chinese proverb

Номер слайду 2


Номер слайду 3

Future Job: What Is Your Choice?

Номер слайду 4

Learning Aims: To practise vocabulary and listening. To read the texts and describe the jobs. To practise grammar(modal verbs). To speak on debates.

Номер слайду 5

What Professions Are There in Ukraine?

Номер слайду 6

Vocabulary. Likes and dislikes in jobs. E.g.: I’d like to become a geologist because I love travelling, I love geography and I think this profession is well-paid. But I hate to be a doctor, because I cant stand blood.

Номер слайду 7


Номер слайду 8

1. Name of the job.2. Sphere .3. Description.4. Responsibilities.5. Personal characteristics of an employee. Reading

Номер слайду 9

Grammar. CANMUST / HAVE TOMIGHTSHOULD- ability- possibility- necessity- obligatione.g. I can work part-time.e.g. I might work overtime.e.g. I should work creatively.e.g. I must work hard.

Номер слайду 10

Guess the job and make the sentence with modal verbs. A shop assistant. A driver. A web-designer A chef. Make up sentences

Номер слайду 11

Debates. Do you think modern young people should study and apply for work in their native region (Donetsk region) or they should get a job abroad?Educational establishments. Placing in a job. Career. Salary.5. Working hours/vocation.

Номер слайду 12

Creolized Text. Specialist. Patriot. Image in the word

Номер слайду 13

Reflection What are the characteristics of a good employee?What conditions of a job place employers should suggest?

Номер слайду 14

Номер слайду 15

Homework. Write an assay about your dream job(130-150 words)

Номер слайду 16

Make the Right Choice!

Перегляд файлу

Картинки по запросу "флаги областей украины" 

Перегляд файлу

Похожее изображение 






























Похожее изображение 






























Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 2
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Захаревич Марина Петрівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Віра Руслана
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, академічний рівень) 11 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
11 березня 2020
Оцінка розробки
4.9 (2 відгука)
Безкоштовний сертифікат
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