Урок з теми «Спорт» (урок-змагання)

Про матеріал
Розробка узагальнюючого уроку з теми "Спорт" для шостого класу розрахована на тріадну систему викладання (90 хв.) Елементи розробки будуть корисними протягом всього терміну вивчення подібної теми.
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Узагальнюючий урок

з теми «Спорт»


6 клас англійська мова




З досвіду роботи

вчителя англійської мови

ЗШ№9 м.Павлоград

Юровських Світлани Миколаївни



м. Павлоград


Тема: «Спорт»

Підтема: «Мій улюблений вид спортку»

Мета уроку:

1. Закріпити та автоматизувати вживання вивчених структур у знайомих та нових ситуаціях. Практикувати монологічне і діалогічне мовлення.

2. Удосконалювати вміння та навички учнів у чотирьох видах мовленнєвої діяльності.

3. Розвивати пам’ять, мовну здогадку, логічне мислення учнів.

4. Акцентувати увагу учнів на необхідністі активного способу життя та занять спортом.

Мовний матеріал: лексика і структури по темі.

Засоби навчання: підручник О.Карпюк «Англійська мова – 6 клас»

картки з лексикою, із завданням для роботи в парах і групової роботи.

План уроку

  1. Організаційний момент

T. Good morning, chlildren! I am glad to see you!

Ps. Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you, too!

2. Введення в мовне середовище.

Бесіда з учням про важливість занять спортом

  • Sport plays an important role in our life. It is the most popular physical activity in the world. Sport helps us to maintain good health, it makes people strong and fit. Sport and physical exercises help us to develop a strong character.

Answer my questions:

Запитання до учнів :

  • Do you like to go in for sport?
  • Is your family sporting?
  • Do you do your morning exercises?

3. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Our today’s topic is “Sport”. Today we’ll continue our talk about your sports activities, your attitude to sport, your favourite sport, the sport clubs.

We’ll remember the words on the topic and practice them in tests, games, dialogues and exercises.

Our today’s lesson is the competition between your 3 teams, at the end of our lesson we’ll  know the winner. Учні на уроці працюють в групах. Після кожної вправи вчитель підводить підсумок і рахує бали.

4. Мовленнєва зарядка.

Фонетичне опрацювання висловів.

Listen and repeat after me

  • “A sound mind in a sound body”
  • “The first wealth is health”
  • “Health is better than wealth”

5. Інтерактивна вправа Mind map”. Мозковий штурм.

What words and word-combinations do you associate with the word “Sport”?

Учні записують на дошці слова, які асоціюються зі словом спорт


  • player                                                                                       
  • athletics
  • karate
  • judo
  • tennis
  • aerobics
  • boxing
  • gymnastics
  • wrestling


  • sportsman
  • trainer
  • stadium
  • swimming-pool
  • match
  • football
  • basketball
  • volleyball
  • swimming






6. Лексичні вправи
a) Match the parts of world – combinations:

     Учні з’єднують частини словосполучень




  1. to go in
  2. to be
  3. a favourite
  4. to attend
  5. to take part
  6. to win
  7. to play
  8. sport
  9. to be fond of
  10. to do
  11. summer
  12. to keep


  1. kind of sport
  2. a sport centre
  3. for sports
  4. healthy
  5. basketball
  6. activities
  7. in competitions
  8. sport contests
  9. kinds of sports
  10. in a good form
  11. sports and games
  12. physical exercises


1 – 3

2 – 4

3 – 1

4 – 2

5 – 7

6 – 8

7 – 5

8 – 6

9 – 11

10 – 12

11 – 9

12 – 10




b) Make up sentences with these word – combinations.
     Учні складають речення, використовуючи ці словосполучення.

 Варіанти відповідей учнів:
1. I like to go in for sports.
2. Sport helps me to be strong and healthy.
3. My favourite kind of sport is basketball.
4. I attend a Sport Centre three times a week.
5. Our team always takes part in competitions in basketball.
6. We often win different sport contests.
7. Our trainer teaches us to play well basketball.
8. The competitions in basketball and volleyball are the most popular sport activities in our school.
9. My family is fond of sports and games.
10. We do physical exercises every morning,
11. My family prefers summer kinds of sports.
12. Sport keeps me in a good form.                              

c). Write the right word and name the missing letter.

Учні називають пропущену букву і записують слово правильно.



1 sw…mming

2 tenni..

3 fo…tball

4 k..rate

5 a…robics

6 volle…ball

7 basketb…ll

8 j…do


9 cy…ling

10 at…letics

11 s…ateboarding

12 bo…ing

13 run..ing

14 hocke…

15 gymnasti…s



1 – i

2 – s

3 – o

4 – a

5 – e

6 – y

7 – a

8 – u

9 – c

10 – h

11 – k

12 – x

13 – n

14 – y

15 – c

16 – a






d). Do the crossword. Find and circle the words on the topic «Sports and games» (12 words)




































































































c). Fill in the table:

Заповнити таблицю:

-swimming, -skating, -gymnastics, -football, -hockey, -karate, -volleyball,  -skiing,

-boxing, -basketball, -figure skating, -wrestling, -horse riding, -tobogganing,

-judo, -water polo, -bobsleigh, -biathlon, -cycling, -fencing, -running, -surfing,

-aerobics, -tennis, -athletics, -parachuting, -boating

Summer sports

Winter sports






d). Fill in the table:

Заповнити таблицю:

-football, -karate, -basketball, -skiing, -volleyball, -running, -cycling, -hockey,

-tennis, -aerobics, -swimming, -wrestling, -golf,-figure skating, -skating, -boxing,

-chess, -parachuting, -water polo, -judo, -handball, -fencing, -horse riding,

-biathlon, -surfing, -athletics, -canoeing, -jumping


Individual sports




e). Fill in the table:

Заповнити таблицю:

Indoor sports

Outdoor sports




f) Match the sportmen`s names with their kinds of sport :

Поєднати види спорту та ім’я спортсмена


  1. Yana Klochkova
  2. Vitaliy and Volodymyr Klychko
  3. Lilia Podkopayeva
  4. Kateryna Serebrianska
  5. Serhiy Bubka
  6. Vasyl Virastiuk
  7. Oksana Baiul
  8. Andriy Shevchenko
  9. Alexander Volkov


  1. weightlifting
  2. gymnastics
  3. swimming
  4. pole vault
  5. boxing
  6. figure skating
  7. gymnastics
  8. basketball
  9. football





1 –3

2 – 5

3 – 7

4 – 2

5 – 4

6 – 1

7 – 6

8 – 9

9 – 8











g) Match English proverbs with their translations:

Поєднати англійську приказку та її переклад:


  1. “A sound mind – in a sound body”.
  2. “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”
  3. “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away”
  4. “The first wealth is health”
  5. “After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile”
  6. “Laughter is better that medicine”
  7. “Health is above wealth”
  8. “If your health is good, you are always in a good mood”
  9. “Wealth is nothing without health”


  1. “Кто яблоко в день съедает, у того докторов не бывает”
  2. “Первое богатство – это здоровье”
  3. “Смех – лучшее лекарство”
  4. “Богатство  - ничто без здоровья”
  5. “Хорошее здоровье – хорошее настроение”
  6. “В здоровом теле – здоровый дух”
  7. “Кто рано ложится и рано встает здоровье, богатство и ум наживет”
  8. “Здоровье дороже богатства”
  9. “После обеда немного посиди, поела ужина милю пройду”


1 – 6

2 – 7

3 – 1

4 – 2

5 – 9

6 – 3

7 – 8

8 – 5

9 – 4



h) What sport is it?

1. F L O G                        (golf)

2. S N I U G R F              (surfing)  

3. N N E I T S                  (tennis)

4. E T A R K A                (karate)

5. W G E R T S N I E       (wrestling0

6. G N I A O T B              (boating) 

7. I T S S A G M Y N O   (gymnastics)

8. N I G F N E                  (fencing)  

7. Інтерактивна вправа “мікрофон”

  • Imagine that a reporter came to you. He wants to interview you about your favourite kind of sport. Use the words from the table and answer his question.

Учні відповідають на запитання “репортера”.

Варіанти відповідей учнів:

  • What is your favourite kind of sport? Why?
  • My favourite kind of sport is…, because I want…
  1. To be strong and healthy
  2. To be active and lively
  3. To keep fit
  4. To look good
  5. To have enough energy during the day
  6. To have a strong character
  7. To control my body
  8. To be more organized
  9. To be better disciplined
  10. Physical activity is good for my body, for my mind, for my muscles
  11. To maintain my health

8. Рольова гра “My new classmates”

Вчити учнів вести діалог-розпитування з використанням інтерактивної методики.

  • Imagine that N. is your new classmate, Meet her/him. Ask her/him your questions.

Учні ставлять запитання новому однокласнику”.

Варіанти відповідей учнів:

  1. What is your name? – My name is…
  2. How old are you? – I am 11.
  3. When is your birthday?
  • My birthday is on the 12th of April.
  1. Do you like go in for sport?
  • Yes, I do. I like go in for sport.
  1. What is your favourite kind of sport?
  • My favourite kind of sport is swimming.
  1. Where do you usually swim? Do you attend any Sports Centre?
  • I attend a swimming-pool.
  1. How often do you train?
  • I train three times a week (twice a week, once a week).
  1. Have you good results in swimming?
  • Yes, I have. I have good results in swimming.
  1. Do you take part in any sport competitions?

- Yes, I do. I always take part in competitions in swimming.

10) Does sport help you to be healthy?

- Yes it does. Sport makes me healthy and keeps me in a good form.

11) Is your family sporting?

- Yes, it is. I think my family is sporting.

12) What is your father’s favourite sport?

- My father’s favourite sport is football.

13)How often does he play football?

-Every weekend in summer he likes playing football with his friends. He also watches all football matches on TV

14)What is your mother’s favourite sport?

-My mother’s favourite sport is fitness. She trains her body in a Sport Centre.

15)Do you like your school PT lessons?

-Yes, I do. I like our school PT lessons.

16)What do you usually do at your school PT lessons?

-We run, jump, do gymnastic exercises, throw balls, climb the rope, play sport games.

17)What sport activities are the most popular at our school?

- The competitions in basketball, volleyball, football are the most popular sport activities at our school.

18)Who is your favourite sportsman?

-My favorite sportsman is Andrey Shevchenko

He is a famous sportsman in football

19)What summer kinds of sports do you know?

-I know a lot of summer kinds of sports: swimming, running, cycling, surfing, boating, football, golf, horse riding, water polo and others.

20)What winter kinds of sports do you know?

-I know a lot of winter kinds of sports: hockey, skating, skiing, figure skating, ski-jumping, tobogganing, biathlon and others.

21)Do you recommend to your friends to go in for sports?

-Yes, I do. I recommend to my friends to go in for sports.

9. Гра – пантоміма “Quess my favourite sport” ,“Вгадай який мій улюблений вид спорту”.

  • And how let`s play. Show us without words your favourite kind of sport.

Учні показують свій улюблений вид спорту в формі пантоміми. А клас запитує:

  • Do you like swimming?

-Yes, I do.\ No, I do not.

10. Аудіювання тексту

«Sport in my family»

  • Виконання тестів.
  • Бесіда за змістом.
  1. Sport plays a very important role in our life.
  2. If you want to be healthy, strong and beautiful you should go in for sports.
  3. I think my family is sporting.
  4. My father`s favourite sport is football.
  5. Every weekend in summer he likes to play football with his friends.
  6. He also watches all football matches on TV.
  7. My mother prefers to go in for swimming.
  8. She attends the swimming-pool.
  9. This kind of sport helps her to keep fit and to be healthy.
  10. My sister`s favourite sport is aerobics.
  11. She takes part in competitions of our school team.
  12. As for me, I go in for basketball.
  13. Three times a week I train for basketball at the sports school.
  14. Our trainer teaches us to play well.
  15. I always take part in competitions in basketball and our team often wins them.
  16. When we go in for sports, we feel wonderful!

Тест до тексту:

  1. True or false:
  1. The girl’s name is Jane.
  2. She lives in Lviv.
  3. Her family doesn’t like to go in for sports.
  4. Her father’s favourite sport is karate.
  5. Every weekend in summer he likes to play football with his friends.
  6. Her mother’s favourite sport is swimming.
  7. This kind of sport helps her to keep fit and to be healthy.
  8. Her sister’s favourite sport is gymnastics.
  9. She is a member of a school team.
  10.  Sandra goes in for basketball.
  11. She attends a sports school three times a week.
  12. Sport helps Sandra to be strong, healthy, beautiful and to feel wonderful.


1 –

2 –

3 –

4 –

5 +

6 +

7 +

8 +

9 –

10 +

11 +

12 +


Бесіда за змістом.

  1. Answer the questions:
  1. Is Sandra’s family sporting?
  2. What is her father’s favourite sport?
  3. What is her mother’s  favourite sport?
  4. What kind of sport does her sister go in for?
  5. What kind of sport does Sandra prefer to go in for?
  6. Why does Sandra enjoy sport?

11. Тренувальна вправа на повторення порядку слів в питальному реченні.

  • Put the words in the correct order and answer the question.

Учні складають запитання і відповідають на нього.

  • What | do | you | usually | do | at | your | school | PE | lessons?
  • What | summer | kinds | of | sports | do | you | know?
  • Did | you | take | part | in | any | sport | competitions?

12. Робота з підручником .

  • Читання тексту про спорт в Україні, виконання тесту, бесіда за змістом тексту.
  1.  Робота в зошиті.
  • Виконання лексико-граматичних вправ на повторення вивчених часів.
  1.  Домашнє завдання.
  • Написати листа другові про свій улюблений вид спорту.
  1.  Підсумки уроку.
  • Вчитель рахує бали, оголошує яка група набрала найбільшу кількість балів, виставляє оцінки.
До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
27 січня 2020
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