Сценарій казки "Сніжна Королева"

Про матеріал
Сценарій позакласного заходу - казки "Сніжна Королева" допомагає урізноманітнити лексичний матеріал за темою "Свята", розвивати діалогічне мовлення та комунікативні компетентності, згуртувати класний колектив під час підготовки та виступу учнів на загальношкільному заході, заохочує дітей до розкриття своїх творчих здібностей.
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Розробка позакласного заходу з англійської мови - казки «Snow Queen»



  • Повторити й активізувати вивчений матеріал у мовленні учнів;
  • Формувати навички діалогічного мовлення;
  • Поглиблювати знання здобувачів освіти про культуру спілкування британців;
  • Виховувати бажання спілкуватися англійською мовою.


Обладнання: новорічна ялинка; декорації зимової вулиці; декорації Королівства

            Сніжної Королеви; запис пісень.


The storytellers are sitting on the pillows near the New Year Tree:

Storyteller: Once upon a time there lived one boy and one girl.

The boy’s name was Kay and the girl’s name was Gerda.

They were so happy to live in the neighborhood.

They were like brother and sister.

It was winter and everything was covered with snow.

Children are playing in the yard:

Kay: I’m so glad to be your brother.

Gerda: I’m so glad to be your sister.

Kay: It’s so great to play together.

Gerda: I hope we will be friends forever.

Storyteller: Far away in other country an angry troll lived.

And he decided to make a cruel thing for people.

Troll: I am angry-angry troll. I will make all people unhappy. Ha-ha-ha. I’ll break the mirror and send all the pieces to children’s heart.

(Troll is disappearing)

 Storyteller: All the pieces of the mirror flew away to the children’s hearts.

And children became cold and angry.

And they forgot their friends and families.

Such a piece flew to the Kay’s heart and he became cold and angry.

(The Snow Queen came to the Kay when he was walking in the street)

Snow Queen: Oh, so pretty child. What’s your name?

Kay: My name is Kay. But I don’t remember who I am.

Snow Queen: Go with me to my Kingdom. It is very beautiful. You will like it.

Kay: Ok. Let’s go. Will you play with me?

Snow Queen: Yes, of course. Let’s go my dear Kay.

Storyteller: Snow queen and Kay went to the Kingdom of Snow and Ice.

Gerda tried to find her brother but he wasn’t anywhere.

Gerda: Kay, Kay! Where are you? I can’t find you. Oh, my dear brother. I love you so much. I will find you. I will save you.

(Gerda went to look for her brother)

Storyteller: Gerda left home and went to look for Kay.

She heard that cruel Snow queen took children to her Kingdom.

At first she came to the palace where she met little Princess and Prince.

Gerda: Hello, my dear friends. Nice to meet you! I’m Gerda.

Prince: I’m prince. 

Princess: I’m princess.

Princess: What are you doing in our palace?

Gerda: I’m sorry. I’m looking for my brother Kay. Do you know where he is? I can’t find him.

Prince: I didn’t see him.

Princess: I didn’t see him. But you are so pretty. Stay in our palace. And be our sister. It will be so funny together. I want this.

Gerda: No. I have to find my brother. Let me go!

Prince: I let you go.

Princess: Take my mittens, my hat and my coat. They make you warm.

Gerda: Thank you very much!

Storyteller: Gerda left palace and continued her way and came to the forest.

Little Robber Girl: Hello, poor girl. You are so pretty. You have so nice mittens. Give me them. What are you doing in my forest?

Gerda: I’m sorry. I’m looking for my brother Kay. Do you know where he is? I can’t find him.

Little Robber Girl: I don’t know where he is. But you can stay with me in my forest.

Gerda: No. I have to find my brother. Let me go!

Little Robber Girl: It’s pity. But I let you go. Go, go and find your brother.

Gerda: Thank you very much.

Storyteller: Gerda went for a long time and came to the beautiful garden filled with the beautiful flowers. She was very tired.

Granny: Good day, my dear child. You are so tired. You have to sleep now and I will sing this song for you.

(Gerda was asleep and flowers were dancing)

Gerda: I slept so much time. Who I am? Where I am?

Granny: You are in my beautiful garden.

Gerda: What is this? This is a rose. We had such a rose on my window. Now I remember everything.

Granny: Who are you, my poor child?

Gerda: I’m sorry. I’m looking for my brother Kay. Do you know where he is? I can’t find him.

I don’t know and I don’t want you go. Stay with me.

Gerda: No. I have to find my brother.

Granny: Oh, no!

Storyteller: Gerda went further and came to the Land covered with Snow and Ice. And there she met unusual woman.

Her name was Lapland Woman.

Lapland Woman: Oh, my little child. What are you doing on the Land covered with Snow and Ice?

Gerda: I’m Gerda. I’m looking for my brother Kay.

Lapland Woman: Oh, Kay. I heard about him. He lives in the Kingdom of Snow Queen. Take my deer and this fish. They show you the way.

Gerda: You are so kind to me.

Storyteller: And Gerda came to the Kingdom of Snow Queen.

It was so exciting but it was so cold there.

(Kay is making a word from the pieces of ice)

Kay: Who I am. Where I am from. I don’t remember anything. What I am doing here.

Snow Queen: Kay, have you collect the word ETERNIT?

Kay: E T E R N I T Y.

(At this moment Gerda came into the room)

Gerda: Oh, my dear brother. This is you! I miss you so much.

(Gerda ties to hug Kay but Kay pushes her)

Kay: Who are you? I don’t know you!

Gerda: I’m your sister. Gerda! Why are you so cold?

Storyteller: Gerda’s tears melt Кay’s heart.

And he remembered everything.

Kay: My dear sister! I remember you. This is you! It’s so cold here. I want to go home.

Snow Queen: No way! You will live with me! Go away, Gerda!

Kay: No! We will go home together! Let’s go.

Storyteller: Snow Queen stayed alone in her huge Kingdom from Snow and Ice. Children came home and lived happy for many-many years.


The End




Спицька Ганна
До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
27 січня 2020
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