Урок "Захист навколишнього середовища. Національні парки США."

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 9 класу на тему"Захист навколишнього середовища. Національні парки США." Для того, щоб зберегти природу, створюють національні парки. Учні познайомляться з правилами поведінки в таких місцях.
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Тема: The National Parks of the USA


Мета: -розвивати навички та вміння монологічного мовлення

           -вчити вживати модальне дієслово must.

            -розширити кругозір учнів про Національні парки Америки.

            -познайомити учнів з флорою та фауною парків.

            -вчити працювати в парах і групах

            -презентація учнівських робіт (групова робота)

            -розвивати пам’ять, уяву.

            -розвивати вміння та навички роботи за комп’ютерними програмами.

            -виховувати в учнів самостійність та

Тип уроку: урок-презентація проектів

Обладнання: диск з проектами, картки, фотографії, підручник.



Хід уроку:

I  Вступ


  1. Привітання.
  2. Повідомлення мети уроку.

Today at the lesson we shаll speak about the National Parks of the USA, about different animals that live there, about the wonderful views of these parks. At home you have prepared the projects on this topic, you had worked hard. So, today you will present your projects: you will show the pictures of parks and give us short information about the places. But first let’s recollect some general information about the animals and birds, learn some park rules you have to know before visiting these places.


  1. Warming - up.

Робота в групах

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

   1) Have you ever visited a national park?

   2) Are there any parks in the place where you live?

   3) Why are they so special?

   4) What can you do and see there?

   5) Do you think we should protect national places? Why?


II Основна частина


  1. Listening. p.184




“Reasons for Protecting Nature.”


          Our world is full of wonders. People always admire the beauty of landscapes in their countries and all over the world. We can go walking in the mountains and have a nice rest at the seaside. We can enjoy our free time in the forest, breathe in fresh air and hide off the straight sun rays in the shadow of the green trees on a hot summer day. Nature is beautiful in all the four seasons of the year.

          Many people like visiting the national parks and forests. These places are the homes of wild animals and birds and the places where are plants grow. That’s why bird - watching and wild animal - watching have become popular hobbies with tourists nowadays. You can see many Americans tacking pictures of a moose or a beaver in Yellowstone National Park. But this place can become a dangerous place for animals to live, if people don’t protect nature. That’s why it’s a wonderful idea to have a Junior Ranger Programme for children. It gives the young visitors a chance to learn more about the wildlife and teaches them to think of the surrounding world.


a) pre-listening.

              Введення нових лексичних одиниць.

                   1. wonders [             ] - чудеса

                   2. landscape [              ] - пейзаж

                   3. beathe [              ] - дихати

                   4. protect [                   ] - захищати

                   5. beaver [           ] - бобер

         Listen to Laura Cournic taking to Jean Morris about reasons for protecting nature.


          b) while - lietening

              Decide, how many of these reasons she mentions.Ex.1,p.170

  • a beautiful view
  • an unusual place
  • the home of wild animals
  • the home of rare plants
  • the home of certain groups of people
  • an isolated place
  • a dangerous place


         c) post - listening

             Arrange the letters in the jumbled words in the correct order. Match the words with their definition.

                  1) treafalwl  waterfall

                  2) omoes __________

                  3) rergeneve ________

                  4) rgilyzz __________

                  5) egseysr __________

                  6) ptha ____________

                  7) khie ____________


                 a) A line along which somebody moves ( path )

                 b) A large aggressive brown bear that lives in North America. ( grizzly )

                 c) To do for a long walk ( hike)

                 d) A place where a stream or river falls from a high place, for example over a cliff or rock. (waterfall)                                                                                                                                                                  

       e) A large deer that lives in North America. (moose)

       f) A natural spring that sometimes sends hot water or steam up into the air. (geysers)

       g) A tree or bush that has green leaves all through the year. (evergreen)


  1. Ok. Well-done.

Now before visiting national park let learn some park rules.

Complete the park rules with “must” or “mustn’t”


1) You _______ feed the wild animals.

2) You _______stay on board-walks and trails.

3) You _______throw anything into got springs.

4) You _______pick wildflowers.

5) You _______place all trash into the special garbage cans.

6) You _______ come to the bears closer than 91 meters

7) You _______ stay at least 23 meters away from the other wild animals.


  1. I think, now it’s time to present your projects about the National Parks of the USA.
    • Voyageurs National Park
    • Acadia National Park
    • Glacier National Park
    • Yellowstone National Park


               Дитячі проекти. (див. додаток 1)


  1. Thanks for your projects

They are OK.

We received new facts about the National Parks in America.


III. Заключна частина.

      At home you have to write a shot composition about the beauty of your region: its nature, animals, birds, and things we can do in summer and winter.

 Самі виставляють оцінки за проекти.


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