Урок "Заходи безпеки для запобігання розповсюдження коронавірусу"

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Урок розроблений для дмстанційного навчання. Граматичний матеріал-модальні дієслова.
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Safety measures for preventing spreading the COVID-19

Level: intermediate.

Type of the lesson: Skills. Speaking. Grammar: Practising modals


  • to integrate common knowledge into the frames of a particular school discipline
  • to introduce vocabulary on the topic
  • to practice grammar: modals
  • to teach speaking


Materials and equipment: video about COVID -19, class-board and leaflets with new words, grammar exercises and a sample text.

The Procedure:


  1. Greeting. Introducing the topic of  the lesson.

T: Good morning! At today’s Zoom conference we are going to discuss some problems of staying at home due to the quarantine.

  1. Warm-up. Refreshing the vocabulary. Speech practice

  T: But first let’s do some exercises to raise our spirits. Think of some warm words to say to your classmates.

S1:  Polina, you look great today!

S2: You avatar in Instagram is fantastic!

S3: The video you’ve sent is out this world! Thanks a lot!

S 4: Thank you for the link to English club site. I enjoyed watching a series of “Friends”. The main characters have changed a lot since a last saw the movie.

T: That’s enough, children. I see you are enjoying staying at home. But let’s stick to the topic. We mustn’t forget why we are staying at home. So, what is the reason why we study online?

S1: Because of the quarantine, of course!

T: Do you know the name of the disease that caused the quarantine?

S2: COVID-19.

T: Well, it is its short name. But what is the full name? Do you know? If not, let’s watch the presentation. But first, learn some words.

  1. Introducing new vocabulary

T : You know, that to discuss the topic  we need to remember some useful words:

< Ss read the words on the class-board or display>

Virus - a very small, non-living particle.

Defeat – to win a victory over

A cough - a sudden expulsion of air through the large breathing passages that can help clear them of fluids, irritants, foreign particles and microbes. 

A sneeze, or sternutation- a semi-autonomous, convulsive expulsion of air from the lungs through the nose and mouth, usually caused by foreign particles irritating the nasal mucosa. 

Tissue - a type of thin, soft, disposable paper used for nose-blowing.

Sanitizer - chemical agents designed to inactivate or destroy microorganisms on inert surfaces

Sicknesses – a condition of being ill

A disease is a particular abnormal condition that negatively affects the structure or function of all or part of an organism, and that is not due to any immediate external injury

 SARS- CoV - severe  acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

  1. Vocabulary practice

T: And now try to find the correct ending of the sentence.

  1. Virus
  2. Defeat
  3. cough
  4. sneeze
  5. Tissue
  6. sanitizer
  7. sicknesses
  8. disease 
  9. SARS- CoV
  1. severe  acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
  2.  a particular abnormal condition that negatively affects the structure or function of all or part of an organism, and that is not due to any immediate external injury
  3. a condition of being ill
  4. chemical agents designed to inactivate or destroy microorganisms on inert surfaces
  5. a type of thin, soft, disposable paper used for nose-blowing.
  6. a semi-autonomous, convulsive expulsion of air from the lungs through the nose and mouth, usually caused by foreign particles irritating the nasal mucosa.
  7. a sudden expulsion of air through the large breathing passages that can help clear them of fluids, irritants, foreign particles and microbes. 
  8. to win a victory over
  9. a very small, non-living particle.
  10. severe  acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus .


S2: The correct answer is: 1-I, 2-h, 3- g, 4-f, 5-e, 6 –d, 7 –c, 8 –b, 9 –a.

T: That’s right!

  1. Watching and listening for peculiar information.

T: But can we avoid the danger of being infected? Let’s  watch a video and decide what we should do not to be ill.

To discuss the topic we have to learn some scientific facts that can be new to you. Watch the video about COVID-19.

<Ss watch the video>

The summary of the episode is the following:

The majority of confirmed cases of Coronavirus has been reported from mainland China. The Coronavirus has managed to affect lots of countries.The lucky news is that the prevention of its spread can’t be prevented. You have to know the following rules .Keep in mind that people infected with Coronavirus experience mild fever and manage to recover in some time, if they follow some simple rules. Coronavirus is an illness which can be cured in a short period of time. But the main problem with the Coronavirus is that it is constantly looking for new victims. Don’t be scared! .A few simple safety measures will help you defeat Coronavirus. Remember: You don’t need to worry if you have a mild fever, cough and sneeze. Still, if infected you have to see the doctor , to tell them about your recent travel and  take your medicines on time. Don’t forget:

If infected ,you must

  • stay at home….
  • wear a face mask when you leave home….
  • If you don’t have soapy water at hand, you can use alcohol-based sanitizer.
  • help your parents to disinfect the frequently touched  surfaces with cleaning spray.

If you have the symptoms of COVID, you should

  • Visit a doctor or (if you have strong fever) call a doctor
  • Cover your mouth with a flexed elbow
  • Take aspirin
  • Use a tissue to disinfect your hands, nose or wipe your face
  • Don’t forget to throw your used tissue into a dustbin
  • Wear a mask in public places
  • take the prescribed medicines
  • Stay at home
  • Share information with other people
  • Take the prescribed medication
  • Drink a lot of water
  • Raise awareness about the dangers of catching COVID
  • Stay calm
  • Do not worry

6. Grammar practice. Modals should, must.

T: As you can see, simple advice can help save people’s lives. Can you tell me, how can we give advice, instructions or orders.

S1: We can use ‘should’ to give friendly advice.

T: Great! What advice about COVID could you give to your friend?

S1: You should stay at home, if you have the symptoms of COVID.

T: That’s right. We can also use ‘must’ in that occasion. Who can tell the difference between ‘ should’ and ‘must’?

S2: ‘Must (mustn’t )’ is used to orders or in written instructions, especially if you are obliged or forbidden to do something. ‘Should’ is a recommendation, advice.  We can substitute it for ‘it’s a good idea to’.

T: You are right! When do we use ‘mustn’t’?

S3: It’ s strong prohibition. It is forbidden. It is against the law. You can be punished , if  you do that. For example, ‘You mustn’t smoke in public places. It’s forbidden’.

T: Excellent! Can you give an example concerning the quarantine measures?

 S4: Sure! “You mustn’t leave home if you have fever”.

T: I see, that you have the idea of what you have to do during the quarantine. Now have a look at the list of options given in the box. In ten minutes, make a leaflet what you should (must, shouldn’t, mustn’t ) do if you are infected with COVID or you are not sure if are infected.

Words and expressions

take the prescribed medication, drink a lot of water, raise awareness about the dangers of catching COVID, stay calm, do not worry, tell the doctor about your recent travel and  take your medicines on time, stay at home, wear a face mask when you leave home, use alcohol-based sanitizer, cover your mouth with a flexed elbow, take aspirin, use a tissue to disinfect your hands, wash your hands with soapy water, nose or wipe your face.




S1: You must take the prescribed medication, if you have the symptoms of COVID.

S2: You should wash your hands with soapy water for twenty –thirty seconds.

S3: You should drink a lot of water.

S4: You must wear a face mask when you leave home.

S5: You should measure the temperature of your body every morning.

S6: You must tell the doctor about your recent travel and  take your medicines on time.

S7: If you cough or sneeze, you should cover your mouth with a flexed elbow and use a tissue.

S8: You should throw used tissue into a rubbish bin.

S9: You should raise awareness about the dangers of catching COVID.

S10: You should stay calm, you should not worry.

T: OK, that’s enough! I see, you can give advice, and you will follow that piece of advice if you catch cold or be infected with the virus.

  1. Reading for fun

T: And now some interesting facts as for the etymology of the term COVID. Did you know, that……

  • “Corona” means “crown.” The coronavirus is covered with spikes
    that look like crowns.
  • The “CO” in “COVID” stands for “corona.”
  • The “VI” stands for “virus.”
  • The “D” stands for “disease.”
  • The “19” comes from the year this Coronavirus was first detected,
    in 2019.   

The story of the etymology of virus’ name is rather interesting, but more important is the fact that you are not afraid of it now. You are aware of the dangers and, of course, you will follow the rules that you learnt at today’s lesson.

  1. Giving marks, home-task, saying good-bye.

T: Your home-task is to write an email to your friend giving advice about safe behavior during the quarantine. It has to be at least 60 words, start and finish the letter in an appropriate way. Bye! See you.

19 травня 2020
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