Урок-заняття в мовному таборі "Food Pyramid and Eatwell Plate"

Про матеріал
Матеріал є розробкою заняття з англійської мови в мовному таборі і має пізнавально-практичний характер. Урок побудований на інтерактивних завданнях без використання підручників і націлений на активізацію та узагальнення лексики з теми "Здорова їжа" на основі групової та парної роботи.
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          Інтерактивний урок з елементами моделювання на тему  

                        «Food Pyramid and our Eatwell Plate»

Цілі: активізувати лексику по темі «Їжа», тренувати її правильну вимову та вживання в усному мовленні, навчити критично мислити, аналізувати та розв’язувати проблеми;

 розвивати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, комунікативні компетентності;

виховувати бажання бути здоровими, дружнє ставлення, вміння працювати в парах.


  1. Introduction

Teacher: Good morning, kids. I`m glad to see you. How are you?

Ss: Fine. Thank you. And you?

T: I`m very well today. I woke up at 7 o`clock, did my morning exercises and then I had good breakfast. I wonder what you usually have for breakfast, for dinner and for supper. In other words – What do you like to eat?

  1. Brainstorm “What do you like to eat?”

Kids answer and choose flashcards with their favourite food.

T: Look! This food is tasty for you but which of it is better and healthier? Let`s make Food Pyramid and learn more about our everyday products.

  1. Discussion “Food Pyramid”

T: Match up the words to the parts of the food pyramid:

 Protein (Fish, Meat)


    Fats, Oil and Sweets











  1. Drawing the pyramid and making it alive.

T: Now you know all parts of the food pyramid, and I am sure you can draw it on the blackboard (some pupils do it). Then the teacher suggests students to complete the pyramid with the pictures of their favourite food and get to know if it is healthy or not.


D:\документы\Рисунки\Фотки\ШКОЛА\ССШ №10\Лагерь\Урок\P6060570.JPG


T: I think now you understand a saying “You are what you eat”. And when you make poor food choices, your body does not get what is needed for good health. So, let`s select healthy food and make our eatwell plates.

  1. Food Quiz

T: Guess a riddle, take a plate and ask somebody to be your partner in its designing

      “WHAT AM I?”

  1. I am round and red.  Some people think I am a vegetable but I am really a fruit.  People like to put me in salads.


  1. I am white.  You can drink me.  I am very good for your bones.  I am in the dairy group.


  1. I am bad for you.  I am at the top of the pyramid.  I have a lot of fat and I am round.  I am made from potatoes.


  1. I am sometimes brown or white.  I am yellow and white inside. I come from a chicken.


  1. I am yellow and long. I am a fruit. Monkeys eat me.


  1. I am green. When you cut me open I am red. You eat me in the summer. I am healthy and yummy.


  1. I am very soft. I am very goоd on pizza.  I am in the dairy group.


  1. I am made of flour. I am soft. You can make sandwiches with me. I am a grain.


  1. I have a lot of sugar. I am bad for your teeth. I am very sweet.


  1. I am orange. My top is green. I am a Halloween vegetable.


  1. Making eatwell plates

Students discuss their ideas in pairs, choose a set of products and make their plates with supplied material (a set of colour paper, pictures from supermarket booklets, felt-tip pens, scissors, a bottle of glue).

T: Working together, don`t forget to say polite words and phrases, please.

  1. Presentation of plates

Ss: We have some … or  There is/are some … on our plate.

  1. Summing up

Choosing the best or the healthiest plates, making up the exhibition.

T: Well, thanks everybody. It was a great pleasure. Try to make a good choice and don`t forget another proverb “Bad food in your belly turns your brains into jelly”. So, be smart and healthy!





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11 липня 2019
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