Узагальнюючий урок "Family and Friends"

Про матеріал
Тестова робота для учнів 6 класу за підручником Карп`юк з теми Family and Friends. Щоб спростити перевірку роботи,більшість завдань в тестовій формі. Завдання подані на повторення the Present Simpl and Presene Continuous, ступені порівняння прикметників та текст про родину з запитаннями, для розуміння тексту.
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Test for 6 form “Friends and Family”

Variant 1


  1. Запиши речення у Present Simple or Present Continuous.
  1.               I... to school now.
  1. am going
  2. goes
  1. going
  2. am go
  1. She ... songs every day.

a) sing
b) sang

c) sings
d) am singing

  1.               They....football at the moment.

a)are play
b) are not playing

c) play
d) plays

  1.               You.... play chess every weekend.

a)do not
b) does not

c) not
d) are doing

  1.          ... she... homework now?

a)are ... doing
b) does... do

c) is...doing
d) am...doing

  1.               ...he... books every day?

b) does...read

c) do...read
d) is...read

  1.               They...a composition now.

a)are writing
b) is writing

c) write
d) writes

  1.          ... you... to school every day?

b) does... go

c) is...going
d) are....go

  1.               They... swimming every summer.

b) goes

c) is go
d) are going

  1.          She .... a picture now.

a)is painting
b) are painting

c) do paint
d) am painting



  1. Обери правильну відповідь. Ступені порівняння прикметників.
  1. Every morning I get up 15 minutes ... (early) than my sister.
  1. Earlier
  2. Earliest
  1. more early
  2. most early
  1. What are the ... (dangerous) animals in Australia?
  1. dangerouser
  2. dangerousest
  1. more dangerous
  2. most dangerous
  1. You should buy the blue sweater. Its suits you ... (good) than the red one.
  1.          gooder
  2.          more good
  1.          better
  2.          best
  1. I think the blue sweater fits you ... (perfect) than the yellow one.
  1.               perfecter
  2.               perfectest
  1.               more perfect
  2.               most perfect
  1. Bob run ... (slow) than his classmates.
  1.               slower
  2.               slowest
  1.               more slow
  2.               most slow


3. Прочитай текст та дай відповіді на запитання.


My Family

I am Hafizov Artem. Artem is my name and Hafizov is my surname. I am seventeen years old. I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is not large. I have got mother, father and grandmother. We spend much time together, go for a walk in the woods, visit theaters, museums, go to the cinema.

My mother is a teacher of biology. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair. She is 47 but she looks much younger.

My father is computer-programmer. He is forty-eight. My father often sings and when we are at home and have some free time I play the guitar and we sing together. When he was small he liked to take everything to pieces. My grandmother told me a story that one day my father tried to repair their kitchen clock but without success. They had to give it to a repairman. But it happened a long time ago. Now he can fix almost everything.

My grandmother is a pensioner. She lives with us and helps to run the house. She is fond of knitting.

I want to become a student. I’d like to learn foreign languages. I always try to be in a good mood. I have my duties about the house. I must go shopping, clean the rooms. It's not difficult for me. I like our home to be clean and tidy. I think home is the nicest place.


Answer the questions:

1) Does Artem want to tell a few words about his family or not?

2) How many relatives does Artem have?

3) How do they spend time together?

4) Who told the story about Artem`s father?

5) What do you learn about Artem`s grandmother?

6) Does Artem want to become a student?












Test for 6 form “Friends and Family”

Variant 2

  1. Запиши речення у Present Simple or Present Continuous.
  1.          I … to school every day.
  1.          go
  2.          am going
  1.          goes
  2.          is going
  1.          He … a book now.
  1.          read
  2.          is reading
  1.          reads
  2.          is read
  1.          Why … you … ?
  1.          are crying
  2.          crying
  1.          cry
  2.          cries
  1.          Brad usually … football in the evening.
  1.          play
  2.          plays
  1.          is plaing
  2.          is play
  1.          Stop talking! Ann … .
  1.          sleep
  2.          sleeping
  1.          is sleeping
  2.          sleeps
  1.          I … a very interesting book at the moment.
  1.          reading
  2.          am reading
  1.          is reading
  2.          read
  1.          … you … pizza?
  1.          Are … like
  2.          Are … liking
  1.          Do … like
  2.          Do … likes
  1.          Look! He … a nice picture.
  1.          draw
  2.          draws
  1.          am drawing
  2.          is drawing
  1.          I always … before I … to bed.
  1.          am reading… am going
  2.          read … go
  1.          am reading … go
  2.          reads … goes
  1.     … they … now?
  1.          Am … working
  2.          Are … work
  1.          Do … work
  2.          Are … working


2) Обери правильну відповідь. Ступені порівняння прикметників.

1. John is the ... (good) footballer in my team.

a) gooder

b) goodest

c) better

d) best

2. Bob run ... (slow) than his classmates.

a) slower

b) slowest

c) more slow

d) most slow

3. Vienna is the ... (large) town in Austria.

a) larger

b) largest

c) more large

d) most large

4. Juliia is the ... (pretty) dressed girl in this room.

a) prettier

b) prettiest

c) more pretty

d) most pretty

  1. What are the ... (dangerous) animals in Australia?

a) dangerouser

  1. b) dangerousest
  1. more dangerous
  2. most dangerous


3. Прочитай текст та дай відповіді на запитання.


My Family

I am Hafizov Artem. Artem is my name and Hafizov is my surname. I am seventeen years old. I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is not large. I have got mother, father and grandmother. We spend much time together, go for a walk in the woods, visit theaters, museums, go to the cinema.

My mother is a teacher of biology. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair. She is 47 but she looks much younger.

My father is computer-programmer. He is forty-eight. My father often sings and when we are at home and have some free time I play the guitar and we sing together. When he was small he liked to take everything to pieces. My grandmother told me a story that one day my father tried to repair their kitchen clock but without success. They had to give it to a repairman. But it happened a long time ago. Now he can fix almost everything.

My grandmother is a pensioner. She lives with us and helps to run the house. She is fond of knitting.

I want to become a student. I’d like to learn foreign languages. I always try to be in a good mood. I have my duties about the house. I must go shopping, clean the rooms. It's not difficult for me. I like our home to be clean and tidy. I think home is the nicest place.


Answer the questions:

1) Does Artem want to tell a few words about his family or not?

2) How many relatives does Artem have?

3) How do they spend time together?

4) Who told the story about Artem`s father?

5) What do you learn about Artem`s grandmother?

6) Does Artem want to become a student?










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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
11 жовтня 2020
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