Відкритий урок з англійської мови 10 клас " Is the Earth in danger? The ways of preventing the natural disasters

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Відкритий урок – коференція в 10 класі на тему ” Is the Earth in danger? The ways of preventing the natural disasters”. Урок – конференція сприяє формуванню навичок вести конференції і брати в них участь, розвитку як діалогічного, так і монологічного мовлення. Також мета уроку розвити в дітей дбайливе ставлення до природи. В даній розробці представлені сучасні інтерактивні підходи такі як : інтерактивна технологія “Мікрофон”, “Mind map” , рольові ігри та ін. Можна використовувати не лише як урок , але й як тематичний інтегрований захід.
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27.01.2018           10 клас


Відкритий урок за темою: Is the Earth in danger?

The ways of preventing

the natural disasters


The topic of the lesson: Is the Earth in danger?

The ways of preventing

the natural disasters

The Aim of the lesson:

  • Determine the main natural disasters which damage our planet;
  • Find out the ways of solution the planet problem, to less pollution and protection the environment  and what some of us can do to give our Earth the chance to survive.


  •       Сприяти розвитку навичок вживання умовних речень;
  •       Сприяти формуванню навички вести конференції і брати участь у них;
  •       Сприяти розвитку діалогічного та монологічного мовлення;
  •       виховувати в учнів дбайливе ставлення до природи.


Змістові лінії: Екологічна безпека та сталий розвиток, Здоров’я і безпека

Тип уроку: урок-конференція

Обладнання: підручник, телевізор, комп’ютер, мікрофон, підручник


  1.   Greeting:

Good morning dear children!

Good morning dear guests!

Today’s lesson is devoted to the most burning problem nowadays- the environmental protection of our planet.

Our people are worried about it. Really our planet is in great danger. People’s desire is to protect our planet, turn our planet into a green park with clean water, air and land. And we must take part in it.

  1.    Warming-up: інтерактивна технологія "Мікрофон”

T- Can you tell me what is a great harm to trees, people, animals, birds and fish?

PI- In my view the greatest harm is air pollution. Factories, plants, a great number of cars pollute the air.

P2- In my view it is water pollution. As far as I have read our oceans, seas and lakes are in great danger.

P3- It seems to me that it is land pollution. People don’t care about land, they throw rubbish every where, plants and factories pollute our land too.

T- What words can you describe our planet by?

P4- It’s wonderful. The are a lot of places in many parts of our Earth. It’s mountains, rivers, lakes and forests are the wealth of our world.

P5- Our planet is beautiful. Have a look at it. Blue sky, water of oceans and seas and green forests. Our planet is of different colours and looks really beautiful.

 P6- Our planet is full of different animals, fish, birds, trees and plants. I should say it’s really unique.

T- What should we do if we want to see our planet beautiful?

P7- We must take care of it. We can save it by riding bicycles instead of using cars and public transport.

P8- I think we should take care of it by preserving our Earth clean.

T- If you were a part of this wonderful world what would you like to be?

P9- I’d like to be the sun.

P10- I’d like to be an air.

PI 1- I’d like to be the water.

But we must be always together. Nothing can live without the sun, the air and the


T- Here is a quotation

"Only when the last tree has died

And the last river has been polluted

And the last fish has been caught

Will we understand that we can’t eat money".

These words are said by the American Indian in the 19th century

 Ps- discuss this quotation.


  1.    Vocabulary practice- making up "Mind up"


T- What environmental problems make damage to our Planet.





Matching the pair and making up sentences

  1.     rain
  2.     effect
  3.     problems
  4.    warmth
  5.     rain forests
  6.      hole
  1.    Match the words with the appropriate definition:
  1. drought
  2. typhoon
  3. volcano eruption
  4. flood
  5. tsunami
  6. earthquake
  7. tornado
  8. famine
  9. forest fire
  10. a disaster
  11. a hazard
  12. a threat
  13. Damage
  14. to underflood
  15. deforestation 
  •              Повінь
  •              Голод
  •              Ризик, небезпека
  •              вирубування лісів
  •              посуха
  •              цунамі
  •              лісова пожежа
  •              загроза
  •              затоплювати
  •              тайфун
  •              землетрус
  •              катастрофа
  •              збиток, шкода
  •              виверження вулкану
  •              торнадо



  1.                                         Conference "The world Youth Environmental Organizations"


Інтерактивна технологія "Press Conference"

Т- Though we are neither ecologists, nor scientists, we’ll try and hold a conference dedicated to the environmental protection.

We have representatives from England, the USA, Canada.

P- I’m glad to greet you, ladies and gentlemen!

Today’s conference is dedicated to the environmental protection.

You’ll have a chance to represent your organizations.

Our goal is to intensify your activities. So represent your emblems and answer the questions.

At the end of the conference we’ll pass a resolution. So let’s start with the organization "Kids for a Clean Environment"- from Canada.

P- Our organization is the world’s largest youth organization. This is our emblem.

Membership is free to children and teachers.

P- What’s your mission?

P- Our mission is to provide information on environmental issues for children, to encourage youth’s involvement with effective environmental action.

P- When did it start?

P- in 1989

P- Is your organization big?

P- Today there are more than 300000 members.

But the first club had only six members.

P- Now let’s remember "Green Peace"

P- Our organization "Green Peace" has been founded in 1971.

P- What do you do?

P- We protect the environment from damage by industrial processes and all parts of our Planet.

P- How do you protect it from damage caused by military activities?

P- We prevent governments from testing nuclear weapons.

P- It’s turn to speak about "The World Wide Fund for Nature"

P- "The World Wide Fund for Nature" is one of the world’s most popular and independent organization.

P- How many members has it got?

P- It’s got almost five million members and a global network active in more than 100 countries.

P- What do you want?

P- We want to stop degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

P- So having share the information about your activities let’s outline our plans for the future work. Let’s vote for them.

P- Inspect all dumping operations.

P- Encourage waste recycling.

P- Reduce the burning of coal, oil and gas.

P- Develop alternative sources of energy.

P- Stop the pollution of air, water and land.

Р- Develop national and international programmes to preserve and develop forests.

P- Protect endangered species.

P- think your offers are right. Let’s vote, who is for?

Is anybody against? The resolution is adopted unanimously. Thank you for attention, the conference is over.

  1.    Role play — Mother Earth, her assistant.

M- Dear people! I have a message for you. Listen to me please!

"Dear Brothers and Sisters!"

Plant a tree a year. Remember from one tree a forest will be. It’s very easy for you to do. Never throw plastic bags and bottles. You pollute the land!              ,

Take only what you need from me, you are my parts. So you duty is to defend me, to keep me clean and healthy for future generations.

Mother’s assistant - You have to give "Pledge of Allegiance to the Earth".

I pledge of Allegiance to the Earth

To its flora and fauna and to human life that the Earth supports I know that our planet indivisible with safe air, water and land.

  1.    Т- Let’s us listen to the poems dedicated to our planet. "Take care", "The Earth is our garden".

P- People of the world be aware

Listen please, listen please

It sounds like appeal.

P- Nature is crying and begging

Our protection is a great deal

SOS is spread all over the planet

People stop polluting, better save it.

P- It’s a pressing duty

It’s an alarm bell

Protect nature, save nature

We are begging you

Poem "The Earth is our garden"

P - The Earth is a garden

It’s a beautiful place

For all living creatures

For all human race

P- Helping mother land

We all deserve a place

We can peacefully roam

We can call our home

P- Mother Earth!

We’d like to see you dressed

In green and blue

We want to be loved by you

  1.    Summing up

So the lesson is over. Let’s summarize what are our duties before our Mother Earth. ,

P- The Earth is our home and we must keep it clean. There are many lakes, rivers green forests. Don’t pollute them please!

P-think nature is really a great wonder. We have to control it, keep it clean because it is in great danger.

P- We are all in one boat. It’s our planet. Let it to be beautiful, wonderful and unique. Our duty is to protect it.

P- People! Take care of our planet! Take care of animals and plants!

Plant trees, grow fruit and vegetables and enjoy nature!

T- I thank you for the fruitful cooperation.

Your marks are….

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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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