Відкритий урок з анлійської мови для 3 класу "Частини тіла"

Про матеріал
Метою уроку є вивчення нових лесичних одиниць з теми "Частини тіла"; практикувати вживання дієслів “ have/ has got ”; розвивати навички читання, аудіювання, письма, говоріння; стимулювати креативне мислення через проектну роботу; виовувати ввічливість.
Перегляд файлу

Date 27.11.2018                                                                                          Form 3A

Topic: The parts of the body


  • to introduce the vocabulary on the topic “The parts of the body”;
  • to practice using the verbs “ have/ has got ”;
  • to develop reading, listening, writing and speaking skills;
  • to stimulate creative thinking through the project work;
  • educate politeness.

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson pupils  will be able to:

  • talk about the parts of the body;
  • describe people, animals, monsters;
  • use the verbs “ have/has got “ in their speech.

Equipment: pupils’ books, flashcards, а computer, additional materials.


1. Greeting

Good morning! Take your seats. Take your magic pens, close your eyes and count: one, two, three. Open your eyes! Welcome to «The English Planet»! How are you today?

Check on homework

2. Warming up

Now, I’ll read you the rhyme and you’ll repeat after me:

Two little hands go сlap, clap, clap !

Two little feet go tap, tap, tap !

One little head goes side to side.

Two little eyes are open wide.

The students repeat the rhyme and do the proposed actions. Look at the blackboard and guess: What is the topic of our today’s lesson?

(перегляд відео This is me Song)


3. Aim

You are right, the topic of our lesson is “The parts of the body” and that means that we’ll  start discussing appearance. You’ll learn how to describe people, toys and monsters, get to know some new words, and practice them in games, exercises and rhymes. 

Now look at the pictures and  repeat new words.  Spell these words. 

! Remember: a tooth – teeth, a foot – feet !

4. Game "Disappearing cards"

Stick five-six flashcards “The parts of the body” on the board. Do choral repetition of the words. Then remove one of the flashcards in the sequence. Pupils chant the whole sequence of five words, including the missing one. Repeat the words, removing another flashcard. Continue till there are no flashcards on the board and pupils are saying the whole sequence from memory. You can also play the game by writing five words on the board, then rubbing them out one at a time. (teeth, arm, hair, foot, leg, hand)

5. Listening

 (Describing the toys: a doll, a robot, a dragon) . Look at the pictures on the blackboard. What can you see? I”ll read the descriptions of these toys and you have to guess what toy it is. 


6. Say. And now open your books on page 60. You can see the names of the parts of the body. Make up the sentences about yourself and say. For example, I have got ten fingers and ten toes.


7. Writing. Game “Bugs”. 

The bugs who likes to eat the letters have attacked the words. You have to save them. Clean the bugs and write the letters.  (HeaКартинки по запросу жуки картинки для детей, fКартинки по запросу жуки картинки для детейКартинки по запросу жуки картинки для детейt, hКартинки по запросу жуки картинки для детейnd, fingeКартинки по запросу жуки картинки для детейs, knКартинки по запросу жуки картинки для детейКартинки по запросу жуки картинки для детейs, shКартинки по запросу жуки картинки для детейuldeКартинки по запросу жуки картинки для детей)


8. Physical activity.

Listen the song and do exercises (Head and Shoulders) .


9.  Game “Elbow to elbow. Let’s play game in pairs. I’ll give you commands, for example, elbow to elbow, and you have to do them.



10. Reading.  Find a monster by description. You have to read the description and find the picture of a monster. (Additional material)



11. Doing the project and Speaking 

Let’s divide into groups. I’ll give you the monster’s parts of the body and you have to make your own monster. After doing this task every team must describe the monster.


12. Ending the lesson

Game Mannequin”. You’ve got the stickers with the words. Your tasks are to read the words and stick the parts of the body on the mannequin. I need two ‘mannequins’.



Complete and write p.61, ex. 5




What topic did we practice to describe today?

What task did you like most?





Похожее изображение

 ÐŸÐ¾Ñ…ожее изображение


Похожее изображение





  1.               This is Ann’s toy. It has got three heads, three mouths and six eyes. And it has got two legs. It’s green.



2.  This is Kim’s toy.  It has got a round face, a small nose and rosy cheeks. Its hair is blonde. It’s pretty.



3. This is Tom’s toy. It has not got a head, a nose and a mouth. But it has got two big eyes.  And it has got two arms, eight fingers, two legs too. It’s grey.


















Monster  Illustration stock photography Monster Devil Vector Illustration stock photographyMonster Vector Illustration stock photographyGreen Monster Vector Illustration stock photography 

Monster Vector Illustration stock photographyMonster  stock photography Monster Vector Illustration stock photographyGreen Monster with Hair Vector Illustration stock photography

Monster Illustration stock photographyMonster Alien  Illustration  stock photographyGreen Monster Vector Illustration stock photographyDevil Monster Vector Illustration stock photography 


Monster Alien Illustration stock photographyMonster Vector Illustration stock photographyMonster Illustration stock photographyMean Running Monster  stock photography

Monster  Illustration stock photographyGreen Alien Monster  Illustration stock photographyMonster Vector Illustration stock photography
Green Cute Monster  Illustration stock photographyMonster Vector Illustration stock photographyGreen Monster vector Illustration stock photographyMonster Devil Vector Illustration stock photography


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