Виховний позакласний захід з теми:
“Funny British Humour”
вчитель-методист Горбач О.В. та
вчитель вищої категорії
Шупило О.М.
Чернігівський ліцей №22
Тема: Funny British Humour
Практична: підвищення рівня володіння іноземною мовою та якості знань учнів; стимулювання самостійної роботи учнів над мовою; надання кожному учневі можливості реалізувати себе;
Розвиваюча: розвивати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, творчі здібності учнів; сприяти формуванню художнього та музичного смаку, артистичних та дикторських здібностей; вчити самостійно підбирати та опрацьовувати матеріал за заданою темою;
Виховна: ознайомити учнів зі зразками британської художньої класики; формувати позитивну мотивацію до пізнавальної діяльності; підвищувати увагу до предмету іноземної мови; формувати морально-етичні якості.
Funny British Humour
Part 1
Presenter1: Good afternoon our dear guests!
Presenter 2: We are glad to see you in this hall!
Presenter 1: Today we are going to talk about humour, laughter and comedy. What makes something funny?
Presenter 2: Why do we laugh?
Presenter 1: What’s the purpose of laughing?
Presenter 2: Well, people study this. They are called gelotologists.
And we don’t have all the answers yet. What we do know is that you are thirty times more likely to laugh when there are other people around.
Presenter 1: We also know that babies laugh before they learn a language and the babies born blind and deaf can laugh.
Presenter 2: There are thousands of languages, hundreds of thousands of dialects but yet we all laugh in much the same way
Presenter 1: The capacity to smile and laugh is hardwired in us. But what is the nature of that cognitive experience that draws a smile on our face or drives us to a burst of uproarious laughter?
Presenter 2: Our brains are constantly looking for patterns, the ways of understanding the world and predicting what’s next and so when something begins in the way we expect and all of a sudden changes, surprises us, and delights us we often react with laughter because we have just learned something. We’ve learned a new logical order. So it is the element of surprise that triggers laughter.
Presenter 1: Besides, we laugh when we find others in an embarrassing situation. That is what all slapstick comedy is about. Most comedians put themselves in such situations to make others laugh. A person can be funny by behaving in an unusual way, by being in an unusual place or by being the wrong size.
Presenter 2: So the unusual, the weird, the unexpected, the embarrassment of others-all these go to make one laugh.
Presenter 1: Now enjoy the unusual way of hanging a picture in the episode from the book “Three Men in a Boat” by Jerome K Jerome.
From “Three men in a Bummel”
Uncle Podger, his wife Maria, their children Betsy, John, Tom and Bill.
Uncle Podger: I wonder how long I am going to stand here. Open the door, your daddy has come! Oh, you leave everything to me. Don't you, any of you, worry yourselves about that. I'll do all that myself! Now I’ll be hanging up this piece of art! (He puts the picture down) Well, Maria, take my jacket! (He took his jacket off.) Well, I am ready. Now, Betsy, go and bring me some nails.
Betsy: Yes, Daddy
Uncle Podger: Well, the ladder is here. John, help your daddy to put down the ladder.
John: Yes, Daddy
Uncle Podger: And stop getting in my. You’d better run after Betsy and tell her to get two hooks. Now, Tom and Bill, come to me. Who is Tom? Who is Bill? Every time it’s a real torture to identify you. Well, answer quickly: who is Tom and who is Bill
Tom: I’m Tom
Bill: I’m Bill
Uncle Podger: Well, Tom, go and get me my hammer. And you, Bill, bring me the ruler. (He begins to climb up the ladder)
Mother: John, help Daddy!
The boy tries to support the man
Uncle Podger: Ah, don’t do that. It’s tickling. OK, let’s climb. Your daddy is an alpinist. So the hole will be here. (points to some mark on the wall). Well (comes down, the wife tries to support) Don’t touch me! It’s irritating! Oh, I am cold a bit. Maria, give me my jacket. (puts on the jacket). Don't you go, Maria, because I shall want somebody to hold the light for me; And Tom! Bill! Where are you? Where are these bandits? Bandits?
Tom and Bill: Here we are
Uncle Podger: They respond to the bandits. Well, a ruler, a hammer. Tom, you stand on the right. Bill – on the left. I’m in the middle. Let’s hand up this piece of art. Carefully, all together, all the family, let’s lift it up, higher, yes, higher, oh, how beautiful. As if in the museum. Step aside! What a beauty! Ah!(drops the picture) I am always dropping everything. Hold the ladder! It’s late to hold the ladder. Why are you sticking to this ladder? Pick up the shards of glass! Well, who picks up the shards like that? Here’s how you should pick up the shards! Ah! I was showing Tom how he shouldn’t pick up the shards and I cut my finger! Well, give me a handkerchief! Be quick! Where’s my handkerchief? It’s in my jacket! And where’s my jacket? Doesn't anybody in the whole house know where my jacket is? I never came across such a thing in all my life - upon my word I didn't. Six of you! - and you can't find a jacket that I put down not five minutes ago! Tom, Bill, where’s my jacket? Ah, here it is. But there’s no handkerchief here. It’s in my trousers. And where are my trousers? Ah here they are. And here’s my handkerchief at last. That’s nice. Year, that’s nice. Now, where’s the nail? Oh, I’ve lost the nail. Find it immediately! Be quick! Are you going to keep me here all the evening? Everybody, look for the nail! I’ve lost the nail! Where’s the nail?
Betsy: Daddy, you were holding it in the mouth!
Uncle Podger: My sweet girl! Your daddy has swallowed it! Your daddy is a clown! Oh, I feel sick! Nothing to worry about. We’ll find it later! Well, how long am I going to stand on this damn ladder? Where’s the hammer? What did I do with the hammer? Seven of you and you don't know what I did with the hammer! Am I a parrot to stand here all my life? Where’s the hammer? I ask you?
The children: Here it is
Uncle Podger: Why are you all standing around me and nobody can tell me where the hammer is.
The children: Here it is. Daddy
Uncle Podger: Well, what nice children I’ve got! They are stupid but nice. Well, the hammer is here, the mark is here but where to hammer I can’t see. Help me to find the mark, please. Where’s the mark? Everybody, look for the mark, immediately!
The children: Here it is!
Uncle Podger: Put me here. Where is the mark?
The children: Here it is!
Uncle Podger: No, no, put me there. Where is the mark?
The children: Here it is!
Uncle Podger: Where is the mark? oh, no, put me in the previous place, and leave me alone. I will do everything myself. Look and learn while I am alive! One, two and everything is done!..
Maria: That’s horrible! I hope next time when you are going to hammer a nail into the wall, you will let me know in time, so that I could go and spend a week with my mother while you are doing it.
Uncle Podger: Oh, You women, you make such a fuss over everything
Presenter 1: Our school life is serious and rather hard but still there are a lot of funny and humorous situations in it
Presenter 2: Especially when it comes to checking students’ homework.
What about your homework?
Teacher: Ok, students, now let’s come to our homework. Well… Did you do your homework? Peter?
P.1: Before I answer the question, “Did I do my homework?”, I’d like to take this opportunity to say: You are the greatest teacher that I’ve ever had, understanding and forgiving especially today.
P.2: And if they gave a Nobel Prize for really cool teachers we’re sure you would win it because you’re really cool.
P.3: Especially how nice you are when someone doesn’t do their homework. That makes you the greatest teacher in this whole great school
P.4: Just as an example of how you’re the coolest teacher if someone told you right now they didn’t get their homework done, you’d probably give them extra, extra, extra credit just for being honest and then say go have fun
P.5: Now we can’t remember the question that you asked us, but you look really nice today (of course, you always do). Anyway I guess we should let you get back to teaching. All the kids are waiting but it was great talking to you. Yes, all the kids are waiting to learn from a great teacher like you
Teacher: Well, today we spoke about travelling and your hometask for the next lesson is…
The bell rings. Pupils say goodbye.
Teacher: But what about your hometask?!
Part 2
British humour and culture.
Presenter 3: One of the most interesting aspects of every culture is its humour. If you understand the humour of a nation you will understand its culture. And if you understand the culture you will understand the people. Someone said that humour has a way of bringing people together. It unites people.
Presenter 4: Charles Chaplin, Benny Hill, Rowan Atkinson as Mr Bean are famous international comedians – and all of them are British. What is so funny about British humour? One of the reasons is that it visual.
Let’s watch famous Mr Bean and have some fun.
(extract from Mr Bean video)
Presenter 3: It’s really true that everything is funny as long as it’s happening to someone else.
Humour and laughter are very important to the British people. They use it in different situations – professor start their lectures with a joke, doctors tell jokes to relax patients, businessmen mix humour and statistics and, of course, there are a lot of teacher-pupil jokes. Let’s listen to some jokes and try to understand their humour.
№ 1
TEACHER: Where is your pencil, Tom?
PUPIL: I ain't got none.
TEACHER: How many times have I told you not to say that, Tom? Now listen: I do not have a pencil. You do not have a pencil. They do not have a pencil. Now, do you understand?
PUPIL: Not really. What happened to all the pencils?
№ 2
Mrs. Johnson asked the class to write a composition about what they would do if they had a million dollars. Everyone except Fannie began to write. Fannie looked out the window and did nothing.
When Mrs. Johnson collected the papers, Fannie's sheet of paper was blank. "Fannie," said Mrs. Johnson, "everyone has written two pages or more, but you've done nothing. Why is that?"
"Nothing is what I'd do," replied Fannie, "if I had a million dollars."
№ 3
TEACHER: Your poem is the worst in the class. It's not only ungrammatical, it's rude and in bad taste. I'm going to send your father a note about it.
PUPIL: I don't think that would help, teacher. He wrote it.
№ 4
TEACHER: Your spelling is much better. Only five mistakes that time.
PUPIL: Thank you.
TEACHER: Now let's go on to the next word.
№ 5
TEACHER: Ellen, give me a sentence starting with "I."
PUPIL: I is . . . .
TEACHER: No, Ellen. Always say "I am."
PUPIL: All right. "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet."
№ 6
TEACHER: Will you two please stop passing notes!
PUPIL: No,No,No. We're not passing notes. We're playing cards.
№ 7
TEACHER: Can you spell "banana"?
PUPIL: Banana. B A N A N A N A N . . . . I can spell it, all right I just don't know
where to stop.
№ 8
Teacher: Did your father help you with your homework, Sam?
Pupil: No, teacher, he did it all by himself.
№ 9
Sam: Dear teacher, I want to ask you something.
Teacher: Yes, Polina, ask me, what do you want?
Sam: Teacher, do you punish anyone for something they did not do?
Teacher: No, Polina. Why should I?
Sam: Thank you, teacher. That’s a relief. I haven’t done the homework.
№ 10
MOTHE RTO JONNY: “How was your exam, were all questions difficult?”
JONNY: “No mom, the questions were simple, the answers were difficult.”
№ 11
Station Master and a Lady Passenger
A lady was running to catch a train to London. She reached the station and was looking for the train.
Passenger: (Asked to the station master) Sir, is this my train?
Station Master: No Madam, this is not your train, it’s railways department’s train.
Passenger: (Annoyed) That’s a good joke. Don’t act too smart. What I meant was, can I take this train to London?
Station Master: No ma’am, you cannot! This train is so BIG and you can’t take it.
Passenger: Its really funny! Now say me, will this train take me to London?
Station Master: NO ma’am. The train can’t take you. The train driver will drive it to London!
The passenger fainted!
Presenter 3: Frank A. Clark once said:
“The next best thing to solving a problem is finding humour in it.”
Presenter 4: We want you to find humour in a difficult situation one young writer got in. Somerset Maugham and his famous “Lunchen”.
Презентация видов Парижа и какого-нибудь бедного парижского квартала. Звучит франц. узнаваемая мелодия
(Звучит голос автора).
It was twenty years ago. I was a young writer and was living in Paris. I had a very small flat and was earning very little money. Once some lady read my book and wrote me about it. I answered thanking her and later received another letter saying that she was going through Paris and wanted to meet me. She asked me if I could give her a luncheon at Foyot’s restaurant. Foyot’s was a very expensive restaurant and only rich people could eat there but I could not say no to a woman who read my book and liked it. So we went to the restaurant.
Main characters: the waiter, the writer and the lady.
Презентация вида дорогого ресторана. Выходят на сцену и садятся за стол. Таже мелодия.
Lady: I never eat anything for luncheon.
Writer: Oh, don’t say that.
Lady: I never eat more than one thing. I think people eat too much nowadays. A little fish, perhaps. I wonder if they have any salmon.
(подходит официант)
Writer: Oh, it’s early in the year for salmon but OK. (to the waiter) Do you have any salmon?
Waiter: Yes, we have a beautiful salmon. It’s the first we have had. Will you have something while it’s being cooked?
Lady: No, I never eat more than one thing. But if you have a little caviar. I like caviar.
(Писатель расстроен. Но старается не подавать вида. Голос за кадром)
My heart sank. I knew that caviar was too expensive for me, but I could not tell her that.
Writer: Of course, bring caviar. And a mutton chop for me, please.
Lady: I think it’s not wise to eat meet. I don’t know how you will work after eating such heavy things like chops. I never overload my stomach.
Waiter: What will you drink?
Lady: I never drink anything for luncheon.
Writer: Neither do I.
Lady: (не обращая внимания на слова писателя) Except white wine. These French white wines are so slight. They are wonderful for digestion.
Writer: What would you like?
Lady: My doctor wouldn’t let me drink anything but champagne.
Writer: Half a bottle of champagne. My doctor had absolutely forbidden me to drink champagne.
Lady: What are you going to drink, then?
Writer: Water.
(голос за кадром)
She ate the caviar and she ate the salmon. She talked of art, literature and music. But I worried about the bill. (the chop arrived)
Lady: I see that you like eating a heavy luncheon. I’m sure it’s a mistake. Why don’t you follow my example and just eat one thing? I’m sure you would fill much better then.
(waiter comes up and looks at them inquiringly)
Writer: I am only going to eat one thing. (to the waiter)
Lady: (to the waiter) No, no. I never eat anything for luncheon. Just a bite. I never want more than that. I can’t eat anything more. Only if you have some of those giant asparagus. I should be sorry to leave Paris without eating some of them.
Writer: Madam wants to know if you have any of those giant asparagus.
Waiter: (smiling) Oh, yes, we have some so large, so splendid, so tender that it is a marvel.
Lady: I am not hungry but if you insist I don’t mind some asparagus. Aren’t you going to have any?
Writer: No, I never eat asparagus.
Lady: I know, there are people who don’t like them.
(голос за кадром)
And now I was in panic. I was worried if I had enough money to pay the bill. It was terrible.
Приносят спаржу, они едят, играет музыка
Writer: Coffee?
Lady: Yes, just an ice-cream and coffee.
Writer: Coffee for me and an ice-cream and coffee for the lady.
Lady: You know, there’s one thing I really believe in. You should always get up from a meal feeling you could eat a little more.
Writer: Are you still hungry?
Lady: Oh, no. I’m not hungry. You see I don’t eat luncheon. I have a cup of coffee in the morning and then dinner, but I never eat more than one thing for luncheon. I was speaking for you.
Writer: Oh, I see.
(голос за кадром)
Then the terrible thing happened. While we were waiting for the coffee, the head waiter with a smile on his face came up and brought a large basket full of big wonderful peaches. Peaches were not in the season then and were terribly expensive. And to my horror my guest took one.
(официант с персиками подходит, дама берет один)
Lady: You see, you’ve filled your stomach with a lot of meat and you can’t eat any more. And I’ve just had a snack and I’ll enjoy my peach.
(голос за кадром)
I had just enough money to pay the bill and the whole month before me and not a penny in my pocket.
Lady: Follow my example, and never eat more than one thing for luncheon.
Write: I’ll do better than that. I’ll eat nothing for dinner tonight.
Lady: Oh, humorist.
Presenter 3: I hope you enjoyed this play.
Presenter 4: It’s really good when you can find humour in a difficult situation. Sasha, is it hard for you to study English?
Presenter 3: Not really.
Presenter 4: But for some students it’s a real problem. And now the girls from our class will show us that studying English can be a real fun.
(пісня PPAP)
Part 3
Presenter 1: Humour and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, kill pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress.
Presenter 2: Laughter Benefits Physical Health
Presenter 3: Laughter relaxes the whole body
Presenter 4: Laughter boosts the immune system
Presenter 1: Laughter triggers the release of endorphins
Presenter 2: Laughter protects the heart
Presenter 3: Laughter Benefits Mental Health
Presenter 4: Social Benefits of Laughter
Presenter 1: Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, it’s free and easy to use. So laugh to your heart’s content.