Виховний захід "Love makes the world go round".

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Позакласний виховний захід до Дня Святого Валентина з елементами п'єси. Розрахований на здобувачів освіти старшої школи віком 12-16 років.(Для учнів з рівнем англійської B1-B2).
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PI Dear ladies and gentlemen. I'm very glad that you have come to the party dedidated to the most wonderful holiday of the year — St-Valentine's Day. In is a English () speaking countries, February 14 is a special day for people in love.

P2 1 know many holidays Christmas New Year Fool's Day, Halloween But I don't know what holiday it lets ask children about it.Children what do you know about this holiday?

(four girls — (hearts)

Heart 1. Every February we celebrate Valentine Day by giving flowers candies and cards to those we love. We do this in honour, of saint Valentine. You may be wondering,

« Who is St. Valentine?»

Heart 2. Legend has it that, Valentine, was a priest who served during the third century in, Rome. There was an Emperor at that time, by the name of Claudius Il. Emperor Claudius the decided that single men made better — soldier, than those that were married. With this thought in mind he outlawed marriage for young, men in hopes of building a stronger military base.

Heart 3. Maybe, Valentine decided this decree just wasn't fair and chose to marry young, couples secretly. When Emperor Claudius Il found out about Valentine's actions he had him put to death.

Heart 4. Another legend has it that Valentine was an imprisoned man who fell in love with his jailor's daughter. Before, he was put to death he sent the first «valentine himself when wrote» her a letter and singed it « Your Valentine», words still used on cards today.

PI As you know — nothing like love!

P2 Why should you be so sure?

PI Rack your brains You've fallen from the moon. Happy holiday my dear. Today is Valentine's Day it's the day of lovers. And their watch world is love above all. You remember the moment of your love and first amorous glances, don't you? Because love works wonders.

P All right all right, I give in, you win I remember a beautiful moment Where do I begin

To tell the story of how great the love can be?

The sweet love story

That is older than the sea,

The simple truth about love she brings to me. PI Where his do I start?

With her first «Hello»?

He She gave the meaning to this empty world of mine

There'll never be another love, another time.

She came into my life

And made my living fine

She fills my heart

With very special things — With world imaginings.

P She fills my heart with so much love

That anywhere I go

I'm never lonely with her along

Who could be lonely I reach for her head It's always there.

PI How long does it last? Can love be measured

By the hours in a day?

I have no answer now

I know I need her till the starts

All burn away

And she'll be there

P Where do I begin to tell the story of how great the love can be? Well I'd rather start with the first love confession in our life. Who has got experienced it? Who can forget the very first time you dared to say love you»?

PI Love... It's the most beautiful feeling mankind has ever known. It fills our hearts and thoughts and deeds It's a, strong feeling, but it's needs protection.

P Love... It's a very complicated feeling. Sometimes it needs sacrifice and it's fills incompatible with hypocrisy, lie and insincerity.

PI Ok we've unburden [be.dn] our hearts. But what will we do next?

P Why should not we tell a little story? PI It's worth trying?

P Look here. Let me introduce the characters of our story. Our hero is rather marvelous

[ma:veles] JIVIBOBH)KHHM. He is one of the fair haired boys. His life is all game and glee. ( The Hero enters dancing)

PI And fancy! Fancy that? One day he fell in love and decided to write a letter to this sweetheart.

P Can you imagine that? And pigs might fly. He had a white night writing the letter to his beloved

PI But there's no joy without alloy. At such divine night the evil genius dropped in on him. He has a bee in his bonnet and he is always busy body

(The evil genius enters dancing) P To cut it short, the evil genius had a chat with our hero about love.

Hero It is extremely sweet of you to call on me.

But may I ask a favor of you my dear friend. Go away, you are nuisance today I am busy.

The Evil Genius. What are you doing?

Il I am writing a love — letter to may sweetheart?

EG The, don't be fussy [fusi] MeTY111HTHC51 and relax. The work will serve no purpose. Why shouldn't we chat a little? To my mind the better get to know women, the more I find myself loving dogs.

H       Oh, oh, I am smelling a rat. You cannot be serious: you are mad. You are talking through your hat. Because when we love we are in the seventh heaven and we can have the time

of our life. As for me, love is a sight for sore eyes. You know, love works wonders Do you remember a story about Romeo and Juliet?

Act of the Capulet orchard

Romeo It is my lady; O, it is my love

O, that she knew she were —

She speaks yet she says nothing: what of that? Her eyes dis'courses I will answer it — I am too bold; is not to me she speaks.

See, now she leans her cheek upon her hand O, if I were a glove upon that hand, That I might tougch her cheek.

Juliet: Ah, me

Co          O, speak again, bright angel

Juliet: O, Romeo, Romeo. Wherefore art thou Romeo? Or, if I'll no longer be a Capulet.

Romeo Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this? (aside)

Juliet T is but thy name that is my enemy —

O be some other name

What's in a name. That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet: Romeo, doff thy name;

And for that name, which is not part of the Take all myself

Romeo I take thee at thy word

Call me but love and I'll be new baptized

Henceforth I never will be Romeo

Juliet How camest than hither, tell me, and Where fore?

The orchard walls are high and hard to climb.

Romeo With love's light wings did I o'er fly these walls.

For stony limits cannot hold love out.

Juliet If they do see thee here, they will murder thee I would not for the world they saw thee here

Romeo I have night cloak to hide me from their sight. And but thou love me, let them find me here.

Juliet O gentle Romeo,

If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully Romeo What shall I swear by?

Juliet Do not swear at all.

Good-night, good-night as sweet repose and rest Go me to thy heart as that within my breast.

Romeo O, with thou leave me so un satisfied?

Juliet       What satisfaction canst thou have tonight?

Romeo The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine.


My love as deep the more I give to thee,

The more I have for both are infinite

I hear some noise within dear love, adieu


O, blessed, blessed night. I am afeard

Being in night, all this is but a dream


Every day the same old thing

A man, a woman and a wedding ring

He loves her she loves him

Every day the same old thing

Every day the same old thing

A man, a woman and a wedding ring.


Cupid shoots his arrow at him

He falls in love with her

Cupid shoots his arrow at her She falls in love with him

Same old thing

Same old thing He loves her

She loves him.


Oh, my poor fellow. That is the hearts and flowers, a simple whimper. In the and, Romeo killed himself, and then Juliet killed herself. They killed themselves for love It sounds dumb to me. God rest their souls!

image I, talk about Thomas and you talk about Jonas. You're as a post, you block head OK, OK. I know there is a black sheep in every family, out the darkest hour is just before the dawn. Love is a passion, sometimes violent, sometimes tender Look.

EG Oh, my poor passion ration! There are simply shrewish women. Believe me, they can drive whoever into a corner. Fall in love with them and they put you on the rack. Though every man is mad on some point.

H           The wolf may lose his teeth but never his nature.

EG         Never offer to teach fish to swim. Tell me better, how your mad lover can declare his love to such a girl ( a song L love you like a love song)

H          It is elementary, my stupid doctor Watson! Love is all powerful!!!

EG      I am fed up-with, you showing. Let's hold a shooting by questions-anwers. H         Ok, forward, you'll begin EG        What's love?

H         Love is blind

EG      Good What does love do?

H         Love makes the world go around

EG        Who does a young man fall in love with?

Il          With the Only Girl in the World.

EG When do they fall in love? Il At first sight.


11         Madly.

LG      They are then said to be? Il     Victims of Cupid's darts EG        And he?

Il          Whispers sweet nothings in her ear.

IG      When the Only Man falls in love, radly, with the Only Girl, what, does he do? Il    He walks on air

EG        Describe the Only Girl in the World

EG      Her eyes are like starts, her teeth are like pearls, her lips are ruby[rubi], her cheeks are damask, her form is divine.

EG       Have you forgotten anything?

H        Eyes, teeth, lips, cheeks, form —no sir. I don't think so. EG Her hair?

H       Oh, certainly. How stupid of me. She has hair like gold.

EG Very good. Now, will you describe the Only Man?

H         He is a blond Viking, a he-man and a square shooter who plays the, game.

The sort of Only Man has a devil in his every But he is not a cad. He, has a heart of gold. And he falls in love with her.

EG And marries him?

H        And marries him! As you can see it is absolutely fantastic.

EG The is another side of love.

H        It there? What side?

EG The seamy side. There, are, you know, men, who are wolves in sheep clothing and there are, alas, lovely women who stoop to fall

H       My goodness! Describe these men you speak at please

EG They are snakes in the grass who do not place a woman upon a pedestal. They are cads who kiss and tell who trifle with a girls affections. They are cynics who think that woman is not only a woman, but also a good cigar to smoke. Their motto is Love them and leave, them and catch, them young, treat them rough, tell them nothing.

H Oh, my God. I've lost my temper. You're disgusting Let's drop this subject. I'm sick and tired of you and your thoughts. Mind you're on business.

EG Why worry? I won't take any more of your time. My best regards to your beloved Bye-bye.

H I'm completely run down. Who helps me to send my love letter?

Pupils We! Valentine. That's why, I am here! Hello, pupils! H Make it snappy. Delay are dangerous

V What poems about love do you know

l. Sonnet 130 by W. Shakespeare

My mistress eyes are nothing like a sun: Coral is for more red them her lips, red:

If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun.

If hair be wires black wires, grow on her head I have seen roses damask red and white, But no such roses see I in her cheeks:

And in some perfumes is there more delight

Than in the breath that from my mistress red love to hear speak, yet well, I know.

That music hath a far more pleasing sound I grand I never saw walks treads on the ground And yet, by heaven, I think my love as race. As any she belied-with false compare.

2. Robert Burns

O my Love's like a red, red rose, That's newly sprung in June:

O my Love is like the melody That's sweetly play'd in tune.

What songs about love do you know? Celine Dior «My heart will go on».

V Tell me, please, what do you know about me?

Girl You, are the symbol of love and people exchange valentine cards to snow their feelings. And each has its special meaning. A fan shows that you shows that you want to be tied to be tied to another special person. A ring is a symbol of love and binding to another person.

l. It's nice to have a friend like you

I'll tell you what I'm going, to do.

Because you make me fell so fine,

I'll take you for my Valentine

2.     You are my sun shine, My only sun shine

You make me happy when skies are grey

You'll never know dear,

How much, I love you

Please, don't take my sunshine away

3.     Roses are red  Sugar is sweet

Violets are blue And so are you!

4.     If, apples are pears

And peaches are plums,

And if the rose had a different name, And fingers were thumbs,

I'd love you just the same.

5.     Let me give you my hand

May it ever be there for you

Let me give you my shoulder

My it always comfort you

Let me give you my arms May they, only hold you Let me give you my heart

May it only love you

6.     My heart to you is given, Oh do give yours to me:

We'll lock them up together And throw away the key

7.     My love is like a cabbage:

De vided into to

The leaves I give to others,

The heart I give to You

8.     Dear heart, on this celebration day,

And them my sweetheart be

The rose of love shall bide always Upon the red-rose tree

9.     And I will bid them wing and sing To all good winds that blow, That to, the little feet they bring All blessings, even so.

10.Then here's a kiss!

And there's a kiss!

Sweet kisses one two, three!

I send them all to you, I miss

And hope, that happy we'll be!

11.And in the garden of, my heart

So brightly it shall shine, The little birds will know the art

Mine own true Valentine

12.Love doesn't make the world go round, Love is what makes, the ride worth wile.

A valentine is nothing like

A chocolate or a rose

For in a week these shall be gone.

But valentines remain —

V     Very good so, drop all your valentine cards into this box. On give them to your sweethearts.

PI All is well that ends well. And we would like to close our party with the words of gratitude to our dear teachers. We love you and care.

image To be or not to be!

That is the question

We want to know

How can we live without the passion

To hear dear teacher's speech

And raise the light

That teachers switch on in our souls

PI We have a dream for other times

And our love remains for ages

As now, you see you always shine

At school as if you're on stage

imageAll we really need is your voice in the heart Inspiration in mind

And my teachers are kind

All we really need is the strength in the soul, for love, encouragement, and hope.

PI We thank you, our dear teachers for perfect knowledge, for the wonders in the soul, for love, encouragement, and hope.

With in the class room or inside the school

My friends and I will always live by rule

To love, and help the teachers of the school

Who give us chance to think and be on move

imagePI We wish you to have the whole world in you heads

We wish you a need of a song, in your lands

We wish you to follow your, stars in your life

We wish you to have pupils love in your school life, We wish you to win a fortune in a game And may your life never be the same. All We are happy, to see you here!

We love you!

We give you our hearts! HAPPY VALENTINE!

13. Wake put on this special day,

And read these words from me It's not a dream. My love is true Look in my heart and see.

14.February the fourteenth day It's Valentine. They say

I choose you from among the rest The reason is I love you best.

15. Sure as the grape grows on the vine

So sure you are my Valentine The rose is red, the violet is blue, Lilies are fair and so are you.

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