Тема: «The Great Unknown»
Мета заходу: познайомитися з життям і творчістю великого поета, деякими його сонетами в оригіналі і перекладах Маршака, Фінкеля, Пастернака.
Завдання: практика учнів у монологічної мови, тренування умінь виразного читання сонетів, розвиток комунікативної компетенції, виховання любові до літератури країни мови, що вивчається, розвиток естетичного смаку.
- слайди: портрет У. Шекспіра; види р. Стретфорда-на-Ейвоні; театр «Глобус» (сучасна будівля і часів Шекспіра); малюнки учнів за сюжетами творів У. Шекспіра;
- лютневая музика 15 - 16 століття;
- музична запис А. Пугачової «Сонет»;
- плакати з цитатами з творів У. Шекспіра.
Хід вечора
(звучить лютневая музика 15 - 16 ст. Н. Нигвино - Ричеркар)
Compere: Hello everyone! The last half of the 16 and the beginning of the 17 centuries are known as the Golden Age of English literature. It was the time of the English Renaissance and it is even called" The Age of Shakespeare". (на екран проектується портрет У. Шекспіра.)
Our party is dedicated to the greatest and the most famous of English writers and probably, the greatest playwright who has ever lived, William Shakespeare. We are going to recite some of his wonderful sonnets and get acquainted with their Ukrainian translations by Marshak, Pasternak, Finkel.
Pupil 1:
Sonnet 91
Some glory in their birth, some in their skill,
Some in their wealth, some bodies in their' force;
Some in their garments, though new - fangled ill;
Some in their hawks and hounds, some in their horse;
And every humour hath his adjunct pleasure
Wherein it finds a joy above the rest.
But these particulars are not my measure;
All these I better in one general best.
Thy love is better than high birth to me,
Richer than wealth, prouder than garments' cost,
Of more delight than hawks or horses be,
And having thee, of all men's pride I boast;
Wretched alone in this, that thou mayst take
All this away, and me most wretched make.
Pupil 2: And i'd like to recite the translation of the sonnet by Marshak:
Хто хвалиться своїм спорідненням зі знаттю,
Хто силою, хто блискучим галуном,
Хто гаманцем, хто пряжками на сукню,
Хто соколом, собакою, скакуном.
Є у людей різні пристрастья,
Але кожному наймиліші одне.
А у мене особливе щастя-
У ньому все інше укладено.
Твоя любов, мій друг, дорожче скарбу,
Почесніше корони королів,
Нарядно багатого вбрання,
Соколиного полювання веселіше.
Ти можеш все відняти, чим я володію,
І в цю мить я відразу збіднію.
Pupil 3: I say, would you like to listen to my own version of this sonnet?
Compere: Why not?
Pupil 3:
Хто славиться своїм знатнейшим родом,
Руками, силою, багатством,
Хто тряпкою своєї з коштовних шиттям,
Своєю худобою, собаками, орлами.
У кожного сеньйора є своє,
Чим міг би він пишатися, захоплюватися.
Але для мене все це лише безглузде хвилювання,
Яке не коштує і гроша.
Твоя любов замінить мені все це
І буде восхищеньем для мене.
Навіщо багатство мені, одяг, коні?
Нащо мені життя, коли немає в ній тебе?
З твоєю любов'ю душа житиме вічно,
А якщо тебе немає, то немає, на жаль, душі.
Compere: Not bad, indeed! Well, to continue.
In spite of shakespeare's fame, we know very little about his life because he didn't write any diaries and спогади. But it's true to fact that he was born on the 23 of April, 1564 in Stratford - on - Avon, a small town in the centre of Great Britain. (на екран проектуються види р. Стретфорда-на-Ейвоні)
In his childhood William went to the local Grammar School, where besides reading and writing he was taught Latin and Greek.
Pupil 4: i'd like to add that at that time there were no theatres in England. Groups of actors travelled from town to town and played in different places, usually out - of - doors. Sometimes actors came to Stratford. Young William went to see all their shows and liked them very much. He wanted to become an actor. Sometimes he wrote little plays himself and staged them with his friends. At the age of 18 William married Anna Hathaway, who was 9 years older than her husband. Their first daughter was born in 1583. And then twins - a son and a daughter followed in 1585.
Pupil 5: By the way, I know that W. Shakespeare lived in Stratford until he was about 21. Then he left for London. I wonder why he left his native town.
Pupil 4: It is unknown. Probably life in Stratford was hard and he wanted to earn some money?
Pupil 5: Maybe. In London William joined a group of actors. The famous Globe Theatre was the centre of
London's theatrical life. (на екран проектуються види театру «Глобус»). Shakespeare played on stage and its wrote plays for this theatre. Would you like to listen about the theatre of the century 16?
Pupils: Yes, certainly.
Pupil 5: Well, in the middle of the square there was a kind of a house. There the actors dressed kept and the things used in the performance. In front of it there was a platform on which the actors played. They came out of the house to the stage through large two doors. In front of the stage there was a large yard balconies with three round it. People came here to see performances. The yard and the greater part of the stage were to open the sky.
Compere: Sorry, do you happen to know that women's parts were played by boys or young men?
Pupil 5: Yes indeed. It's just that I was going to say. Besides, an actor played 2 or 3 parts in one performance.
Pupil 6: The actors were very often good. They could play, sing and dance. The performance began at 3 o' clock. Londoners loved their theatre very much. It is interesting to know that everybody went to the theatre in London - both young and old, rich and poor. Poor people stood in the yard or sat on the ground. The rich sat in the balconies and the aristocrats were allowed to sit on the stage.
Pupil 7: How interesting!
Pupil 8:
Sonnet 90
Then hate me when thou wilt; if ever, now;
Now, while the world is bent my deeds to cross,
Join with the spite of fortune, make me bow,
And do not drop in for an after - loss:
Ah, do not, when my heart hath 'scaped this sorrow,
Come in the rearward of a conquer'd woe;
Not Give a windy night a rainy morrow,
To linger out a purposed overthrow.
If thou wilt leave me do not leave me last,
When other pretty griefs have done their spite,
But in the onset come; so shall I taste
At first the very worst of fortune's might,
And other strains of woe, which now seem woe,
Compared with loss of thee will not seem so.
(звучить пісня « Сонет» у виконанні А. Пугачової, переклад С. Маршака)
Якщо ти розлюбиш - так тепер,
Тепер, коли весь світ зі мною в розбраті.
Будь самої гіркою з моїх втрат,
Але тільки не останньою краплею горя!
І якщо скорботу дано мені перемогти,
Не наноси удару із засідки.
Нехай бурхлива не вирішиться ніч
Дощовим ранком - вранці без відради.
Залиш мене, але не в останню мить,
Коли від дрібних бід я ослабею.
Облиш зараз, щоб відразу я зрозумів,
Що це горе всіх негараздів болючіше,
Немає проблем, а є одна біда-
Твоєї любові втратити назавжди.
Compere: And one more thing about the theatre: it played a very important part in people's lives as there were no newspapers, no or radio television in those days. They came to the theatre not only for pleasure, they came to hear the news, to learn something of the history of England or of some other country. They were taught the great science of life there.
Pupil 7: As you know, W. Shakespeare was an actor, a poet and a dramatist at the same time. All in all, he wrote 37 plays, 2 poems and 154 sonnets where he showed his creative genius.
Сонет 130: (в якості фону тихо звучить лютневая музика «Спандольетта»)
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,
But no such roses I see in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes there is more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground.
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with compare false.
Pupil 9:
The translation of the sonnet by S. Marshak:
Її очі на зірки не схожі,
Не можна уста коралами назвати,
Не білосніжна плечей відкритих шкіра,
І чорною стрічкою в'ється пасмо.
З дамаської трояндою, червоної або білої,
Не можна порівняти відтінок цих щік.
А тіло пахне так, як пахне тіло,
Не як фіалки ніжною пелюстка.
Ти не знайдеш у ній досконалих ліній,
Особливого світла на чолі.
Не знаю я, як крокують богині,
Але мила ступає по землі.
І все ж вона поступиться тим навряд чи,
Кого в сравненьях пишних оббрехали.
Pupil 6:
Now listen to the translation of the sonnet by A. Finkel: (фонова музика - сюїта для лютні Ст. Галілеї)
Її очі не схожі з сонцем, немає;
Корал красно цих червоних губ;
Темніше снігу смаглявий колір шкіри;
Як дріт, чорний грубий волос;
Візерункових троянд в садах не перелічити,
Але їх не видно на щоках у неї,
І в світі багато ароматів є,
Її подих солодше і сильніше.
В її промовах відраду знаходжу,
Хоч музика приємніше на слух;
Як крокують богині, не скажу,
Але ходить по землі, як всі, мій друг.
І я клянусь - вона не гірше все ж,
Ніж ті, кого в сравненьях славить брехня.
Compere: Which variant did you like more?
Pupil 10: I feel both are superb.
The first period (1590 - 1600) of shakespeare's creative work consists of comedies and historical dramas. In this period he wrote such histories as "King Henry the IV", "King Henry the V", "King Richard the II", "King Richard the III" etc. Here the author showed historical events and dramatic characters. Speaking about his famous tragedies, I can say that they appeared in the second period of his literary work between 1600 and 1608. In the plays of this time, the dramatist reaches his full maturity. These are "Hamlet", "King Lear", " Macbeth", " Othello". "Romeo and Juliet", I think, is one of his best plays. It's a tragedy but it is full of love, youth and humanism.
Compere: How you are right! It is my favourite play, too. I was greatly impressed when reading it for the first time. Well, then. The dramatist's plays of the third period (1609 - 1611) are called Romantic Dramas. They are "The Tempest", "The winter's Tale" etc. In 1612 Shakespeare left London for Stratford. He didn't act any more. Since 1613 he no longer wrote plays. Nobody knows what he did during the last years of his life. Eventually, he died on the 23 of April 1616. It's incredible but true that he died on his birthday at the age of 52.
Pupil 4: (фон - англійська народна лютневая музика 16 ст.)
Сонет 66:
Tired with all these, for restful death I cry;
As to behold desert a beggar born,
And needy nothing trimm'd in jollity,
And purest faith unhappily forsworn,
And gilded honour shamefully misplaced,
And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted,
And right perfection wrongfully disgraced,
And strength by limping sway disabled,
And art made tongue - tied by authority,
And folly doctor - like controlling skill,
And simple truth miscall'd simplicity,
And captive good відвідують captain ill:
Tired with all these, from these would I be gone,
Save that, to die, I leave my love alone.
Pupil 5:
The translation of the sonnet by B. Pasternak:
Намучившись всім, я хочу померти.
Туга дивитися, як мається бідняк,
І як жартома живеться багатієві,
І довіряти і потрапляти в халепу,
І спостерігати, як нахабство лізе в світ,
І честь дівоча котиться до дна,
І знати, що ходу совершенствам немає,
І бачити міць у немочі в полоні,
І згадувати, що думки замкнутий рот,
І розум зносить дурниці хулу,
І прямодушье простотою має славу,
І доброта прислуговує злу.
Намучившись всім, не став би жити і дня,
Та одного важко буде без мене.
Compere: It must be admitted that British people are very proud of their great poet and call him" Our National Bard", "The Immortal Poet of Nature", "The Swan of Avon", "The Great Unknown". Крім того, W. Shakespeare is beloved by Ukrainian people. His plays are staged in our theatres as well as all over the world and are always a great success with the public.
(розігрується сценка з трагедії Шекспіра «Король Лір»)
King Lear: My dear daughters, i'm very old and tired. I can't be the King of Britain any more. I want to divide the country into three parts and give one part to each of you. And you'll be the queens of your parts. But first you must tell me how much you love me. Then I will know of which you must get the better part.
Goneril: Dear father, I love you very much. I love you more than my beauty, more than my life. No child loves his father more than I do.
Regan: If only you knew what you mean for me. You are the dearest man in my life. I can't imagine myself without you.
King Lear: i'm very glad to hear that. And what would you like to tell me, Cordelia?
Cordelia: I don't understand why my sisters say they love you more than anything else. They are married. Don't they love their husbands? You are my father, and of course, I love you. But when I marry i'll love my husband, too.
King Lear: Oh, it's not the right thing you've told me! I'm disappointed. I don't want to have such a daughter! You'll get nothing! Go away!
Compere: Well, dear guests! Have you recognized the play? Certainly, it's "King Lear".
And now let's read and translate some famous quotations and interesting expressions from shakespeare's plays (the task for the pupils, the posters are on the walls of the classroom):
-The beginning of the end - Початок кінця.
-All is well that ends well - Все добре, що добре закінчується.
Life is not all cakes and ale - Життя прожити - не поле перейти.
Much ado about nothing - Багато шуму з нічого.
Sweets to the sweet - Прекрасне - прекрасною.
Brevity is the soul of wit - Стислість - сестра таланту.
To win golden opinions - Заслужити сприятлива думка.
The wrilling of time - Мінливості долі.
Compere: All right. And now I suggest our guests work a little bit. Please match the beginnings with the endings of some shakespeare's plays, translate them into Ukrainian and say if they are comedies or tragedies. (на екран проектується завдання)
The beginnings:
-A Midsummer
-Anthony and
-The Taming
-The Comedy
-The Merry Wives
The endings:
-Of Windsor
-Prince of Denmark
-Of the Shrew
-Night's Dream
-Of Errors
Compere: Are you ready? Let's check up the answers:
-"A Midsummer night's Dream", a comedy -"Сон в літню ніч"
-"Anthony and Cleopatra", a tragedy -"Антоній і Клеопатра"
-"The Comedy of Errors", a comedy - "Комедія помилок"
-"The Taming of the Shrew", a comedy -"Приборкання норовливої"
-"Hamlet, Prince of Denmark", a tragedy -"Гамлет, Принц Датський"
-"The Merry Wives of Windsor", a comedy -"Віндзорські пустунки"
-"Julius Caesar", a tragedy -"Юлій Цезар"
Compere: (звучить сюїта для лютні Франческо да Мілано)
All is well that ends well. Our party is coming to an end. I hope you do enjoyed it. Thank you so much for your attention. Enjoy reading Shakespeare!