Виховний захід "В гостях у Королеви Англійської Мови" (5-9 кл.)

Про матеріал

Даний виховний захід можна використати у позакласній роботі з учнями 5-9 класів. Захід представляє різноманітні форми роботи: декламування віршів, інсценівки, пісні. За таким сценарієм провела захід під час семінару вчителів англійської мови із своїми учнями, який їм дуже сподобався. Підготовка для проведення цього свята потребує чималих зусиль, але воно того вартує. Успіхів у роботі!

Перегляд файлу








Виховний захід:
















                     вчитель англійської мови

                              Чечельницької ЗОШ І-ІІ ступенів

                    Цьомко Інна Олексіївна









Розвивати навички читання, аудіювання, діалогічного та монологічного мовлення;

Виховувати інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови.

Хід заходу

Queen. Hello, my dear friends! I am an English queen. Let me introduce my daughters Princess Phonetics and Princess Grammar (принцеси роблять реверанс). And this is our general "to be" (заходить маршем, вітає дітей).

General.Good morning, children! We are glad to see you. How are you?

Children. We are fine, thank you. And you?

Queen.Today we are going to celebrate our English holiday.

Princess Grammar. And our children will show us what they can do.

Princess Phonetics. Now I invite the smallest children of our school to this nice stage.

Children (читають віршики)

Серед звірів інтелігент

Слон, слонятко- elephant

Третю ніч слону не спиться

Бо ніхто йому не сниться.


Кіт учора з’їв омлет

Цю злодюжку звати - cat

Любить спати він на ліжку

Охоче зїсть сметани діжку.


Стріляли у вовка: піф, пуф

Вовк англійською-це wolf.


Crocodile-це крокодил

Він живе у річці Ніл

Він зелений і зубастий

І не любить зубну пасту.


Жабка англійською-frog

Дуже любить холодок.

Hop-стрибнула у ставок

Й хутко двері на замок.


Мавпочка-це monkey

Дамо їй миску манки

Не любить манкуmonkey

Бо їсть банани зранку.


Mouse-це мишка

Маленька і сіренька.

Вміє читати книжку

І спить в ліжку тихенько.


Курка  англійською - hen

Дуже схоже ручка - pen

Навчимо курку писати,

В інтернеті ігри грати.


Англійську мову любимо

Вивчаємо старанно:

Лисичка - fox, коробка - box,

Good morning - Добрий ранок !


Hello, hello, hello

How are you?

We are fine!|3

Thank you.

Hello, hello, hello

How are you?

I'm tired! I'm hungry!

I'm not so good!

Hello, hello, hello

How are you?

I'm good!

I'm great!

I'm wonderful!

Hello, hello, hello

How are you?

We are fine?|3

Thank you.


General: Now I want to see how you are ready for a long trip to the wonderful country of English language. Do my commands:

   Clap your hands!

   Wash your hands!

   Wash your face!

   Hands up!

   Hands down!

   Hands to the sides!

   Bend left!

   Bend right!

   One, two, three, hop!

   One, two, three, stop!

   Stand still!

Queen. Fine. I see you are ready. Welcome to our country.

Princess Phonetics. Now show us how well you know the English rhymes.

         Welcome, welcome to the party

         Welcome, welcome please today.

         We are so happy to see you here

         We are so beautiful today.


          I like to read,

          I like to play,

          I like to study every day.

          I like to run,

          I like to jump,

          I like to play

          It’s fun.


I want to be a teacher

 And teach my children nice

To read, to write, to listen

 And give them good advice.


 My country, your country

 Travel east or west

 If north is good and south is better,

 Which land is the best?


In my land, it’s very sunny

In my land, the sky is blue.

In my land, the grass is green

In my land, we are happy too.


Spring is green

Summer is bright

Autumn is yellow

Winter is white.



I like flowers that are bright

I like flowers that are white

I like flowers with a smell

I like flowers very well.


Princess Grammar: Children, you like sing songs. Let’s sing a song.

(звучать пісні“Lot’s of thing I do”, “The song of people”)

Queen: You are really good singers.

-Attention! Attention! Many quests from different tales come to our holiday.(Cinderella, Snow White, Little Red Ridding Hood, Malvina)

Dear teacher! Guess who they are?

Cinderella: Hello! I’ m a beautiful girl. I have a long hair. My eyes are blue and big. But I don’t have a nice dress. I don’t have beautiful shoes.I sleep in the kitchen. I don’ t have a mother.I have a stepmother. Her daughters have nice dresses and shoes. Who am I?

Red Ridding Hood: Hello! I’m a nice little girl. I love my mother And grandmother. I have a white shirt and a red skirt on. I have a nice red hat on. I have a basket in my hand. Who am I?

Malvina: Hello! I am a very nice girl I have a round face. My eyes are large and blue. My hair is blue and long. My dress is blue too. I am a very kind and clever. I can read and write. I help my friends.Who am I?

Snow White: Hello! I think you known me.

I have seven good friends. They are dwarfs. They live in the forest. Who am I?

Princess Phonetics: Our actors have prepared a fairy-tale for you. Let’s  show a tale “Seven kids”

Storyteller: It is morning. Kids are sleeping. Their mother is

waking them up.

Mother: It's time to wake up! The sun is shining brightly.

The sky is blue.

Storyteller: Kids are waking up. They sing a song.

Hello, everybody!

Hello, everybody!

Hello, everybody!

How are you?

Very well,

Very well,

Very well ,

Thank you!

Mother: Let's do morning exercises!

1Kid: I want to be strong!

2Kid: I want to be brave!

3Kid:I want to be healthy!

4Kid:I want to be clever!

5Kid: I want to be quick!

6Kid: I want to be beautiful!

7Kid: I want to be active!

Mother: Very well! You are clever, strong, beautiful and brave!

But to be healthy and strong you must eat fruit and vegetables.

1 Kid: I like carrots.

2Kid: I like beets.

3Kid: I like potatoes.

4Kid: I like sweets!

All together (with surprise): Really?

  1. Kid: No, no, I like apples.
  2. Kid: I like cabbage.

6Kid: I like lettuce.

7Kid: And I like milk.

I want some milk now.

Mother: Oh, I haven't got any milk. My dear children, I must go to the market to buy some milk for you. Goodbye, my dear kids!

Stay at home and be quiet, please!

Kids: Goodbye, Mummy! Don't worry!

Kid: Mummy is out. She's gone to the market. Let's play! I like to play very much!

  1. Kid: I like to jump.
  2. Kid: I like to run.
  3. Kid: I like to play tricks.
  4. Kid: I like to read.
  5. Kid: I like to skip.
  6. Kid: And I like to dance.

(The kids dance and sing the song )

Storyteller: Look! There is a big bad Wolf at the door. He wants to eat the kids.

Wolf: Knock-knock! Open the door! I am your mother. I have some milk for you.

  1. Kid: No, you are not our mother!

Wolf: I have some ice cream for you.

  1. Kid: We don't want any ice cream!

Wolf: I have a lot of toys for you.

  1. Kid: We don't want your toys! 

Wolf: You, silly kids, open the door!

  1. Kid: We are not afraid of you, big bad Wolf!

Wolf: I shall break the door! Do you give up? One, two...

Kids: Let's sing a song!

Storyteller: The kids start singing a song and the Wolf breaks the door.

A song

We can play the big bass drum,

The big bass drum, the big bass drum.

Boom-boom-boom, on the big bass drum.

Listen to us play it!

We can play the piano.

The piano, the piano.

Plink-plank-plonk, on the piano,

listen to us play it!

Wolf: Wow! What's that? I want to play the drum too!

Kids: Let's be friends! Let's sing and dance together!

Mother: Oh! my dearkids!Are you all right?

Kids: Yes, Mummy, we are fine!

Storyteller: All is well that ends well!


Queen. It's so wonderful! Thank you. Welcome to our holiday. You are very smart and friendly.

Princess Phonetics. Oh,   my   god.   It's   terrible!   It's a tragedy!

General.What has happened?

Princess Phonetics. The pirates have caught Princess Grammar. We must save her. It's terrible!

Queen. Calm down, Princess Phonetics. What do they want?

Princess Phonetics. They want children to do some tasks.

Pirate 1. Hello, bad and naughty children! Listen to me! Don't go to school! Don't study English! It's boring.

Pirate 2.Do you want to save Princess?

Pirate 1.Do our tasks. Read the anecdots about the children.

A bright boy

Teacher: When was Rome built?

Pupil: At night.

T: Who told you that?

P: You did. You said Rome wasn’t built in a day.


Without a name

T: What is your younger brother’s name?

P: I don’t know yet. We can’t understand a word he says.


                             Way out of a situation

Mother: You understand me, John you must not eat any more tonight. It is dangerous to sleep on a full stomach!

John: Never mind about that, mother dear, I can sleep on my back!


               Good and bad boy


Mother: Do you know you are playing with two very naughty little boys, Johnnie?

Johnnie: Yes.

M: You do! I’m surprised. Why don’t you play with good little boys?

Johnnie: Because their mother won’t let them.

Pirate1. You are great! Now let’s dance.

Pirate1. Now let’s sing a song ”Up in the sky”.

General: Meet the world-known designers MyhailoVoronin and Alexander McQueen.

Designer1: This model is wearing a nice white blouse, a blue suit and black shoes. You can see the clothes for secretaries and teachers.

Designer2: This model is wearing a beautiful yellow blouse, a short black skirt and black shoes. You can see the clothes for sellers and waitresses.

Designer1: Look at my model. She is wearing a wonderful long evening red dress. Dancers can wear it too.

Designer2: Look at this model. She is wearing a pretty long dress for evening parties. Singers can wear it too.

Pirate2: Sing a good song “The future’s in our hands”.

Pirate2. Ok. Here is your Princess. You are so clever and friendly. We want to stay with you and learn English too because it is useful.

General.Ok. We invite you to the wonderful country of English language.

Queen. I'm glad that we have a happy end and we are all together again.

Princess Phonetics. Children, your journey to the English country has started well.

Princess Grammar. I wish you to be happy, healthy and friendly.

Dear teachers! We wish you:


good health;



good children;


many flowers;

We wish you all the best!

Good luck!

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5 травня 2018
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