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Градизька гімназія

імені Героя України Олександра Білаша









Розробка позакласного  заходу

 з англійської мови.


(4 клас).






Учитель: Лотиш І.В.











Мета: Розвивати навички говоріння, аудіювання; розвивати пам'ять і увагу. Сприяти підвищенню інтересу учнів до вивчення англійської мови. Виховувати почуття взаємовиручки.

Dear friends, guests, today two good teams “Caramels” and “Chocolate” will compete. Today we shall know “What team is the best?” Now our teams will introduce themselves.

1) Our name is “Caramels”. Our motto is: “We are clever “Caramels” .We can play and win the game”.

2) Our name is “Chocolate” Our motto is: “Chocolate” is very sweet. The Victory will at our feet”.

Now, it is the first task for our participants.

I. I’ll read wrong sentences. Please, correct them. (Учитель читає речення по черзі кожній команді. За кожну правильну відповідь учні отримують цукерки і так в подальших завданнях)

1)We goes to the park.

2) He sleep at night.

3) Who do goes to school?

4) When you buy bread?

5) He have a pen.

6) We is in the room.

7) I write this text yesterday.

8) Do you cleaned the room yesterday?

9) He is read a book now.

10) What are she doing?

11) Who have bought a book?

12) I has saw this film.

13) I did not wrote this exercise.

14) Did you came into the room?

II. The second task is to read words and find the unnecessary word. (Учасники кожної команди витягують по черзі із скриньки записки).

1) Sink, stool, sofa, mirror.

2) Stove, sofa, armchair, carpet.

3) Wardrobe, cupboard, table, floor.

4) Bed, TV set, chair, blackboard.

5) Kitchen, living-room, classroom, bedroom.

6) Traveling, journey, tourist, voyage,

7) Small, big, light, little.

8) Classroom, bed, desk, blackboard.

III. Guess in what countries these people live.

1) The Americans live in …

2) The Japanese live in…

3) The Germans live in…

4) The Chinese live in…

5) The French live in…

6) The English live in…

7) The Italian live in…

8) The Canadians live in…

9) The Greeks live in…

10) The Ukrainians live in…

IV. Translate the proverbs into Ukrainian.

1) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

2) A dog barks, the caravan goes on.

3) A friend is need is a friend indeed.

4) After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.

5) A good beginning makes a good ending.

6) As is well that ends well.

7) Better late than never.

8) A new language -a new world.

9) Business before pleasure.

10) Who doesn’t work, doesn’t eat.

11) East or West home is best.

12) Live and learn.

V. Guess the holiday.

1) This holiday is celebrated on the 25 of December. The traditionally dish is turkey.

2) This holiday begins a year.

3) On this holiday we decorate the eggs.

4) It is a holiday of all sweat-hearts.

5) This holiday is in November. People thank the God.

6) On this October day children wear carnival suits and come into the houses and ask sweets.

VI. Guess “Who is the author of the book?”

1) “Alice in Wonderland” (L. Carroll)

2) “Robinson Crusoe” (D. Defoe)

3) “Gulliver’s Travels” (J. Swift)

4) “The Jungle Book” (R. Kipling)

5) “The Happy Prince” (O. Wild)

6) “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” (Mark Twain)

VII. The end. Winner is the team that has got more candies.

15 лютого 2023
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