Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку по теме: ”Animals” для учащихся 2-4 классов.

Про матеріал
Цель: совершенствование приобретенных навыков и знаний устной речи, расширение кругозора учащихся, воспитание доброго отношения к животным.
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  Внеклассное   мероприятие по английскому языку по теме:  ”Animals” для учащихся 2-4  классов.

 Цель: совершенствование приобретенных навыков и знаний устной речи, расширение кругозора учащихся, воспитание доброго отношения к животным.

Оборудование: маски различных животных , карточки с заданиями, медиаресурсы. 






D:\мама\РАБОТА\отк.уроки\концерт 09.04.15\DSCF2724.JPG


































 Ход мероприятия. Приветствие.Teacher: Good morning, children.Pupils: Good morning.The theme of today′s lesson is ”Animals”. We will play today.  we ‘ll speak about animals. they are our best friends, and we are always there for them. Let’s begin…

I.Загадки о животных. Учащиеся выбирают карточку, читают. Они должны правильно выбрать маску по описанию.

  1. It is a domestic animal. It likes fish. It catches mice. A cat

  2. It is a wild animal. It likes bananas. It jumps well. A monkey

  3. It is very big and grey. An elephant.

  4. This animal likes grass. It gives milk. A cow

  5.This animal lives at home or in the street. It is a man’s friend. A dog

  6. It is green. It can swim and jump. It lives in the water. A frog.                                                                                  7.  It is red. It likes hens. It lives in the forest. It is cunning. А fox.

8.   This animal is small. It is grey. It likes cheese.  A mouse

9.It is the biggest animal in the world. It lives in the ocean but it is not a fish . A whale

 II. How long do these animals live?

  Rabbits—5,  sheep—12, cats—13, dogs—15, goats—15, cows—25,  pigs—25,  horses—30,

  camels –40 ( years).

  III. Расшифруй названия животных.

God /dog/                           noil /lion/                              bezra /zebra/

Gerti /tiger/                         sohre /horse/                        tac /cat/

Omuse /mouse/                   tar /rat/                                 nomeky /monkey/

  IV.What sounds do these animals make?

  1) pigs                   oink-oink                                 5)hens                   cluck-cluck

  2)dogs                   bow-wow                                4)cocks                 coca-doodl-doodl-do

 3) cows                  moo-moo                                6) chickens           cheep-cheep



 V. «Угадай кроссворд».

e l e p h a n t


Deer, lion, bear, hippo, hare, rat, snail, tiger

VI. Конкурс «Несуществующее животное». Каждый учащийся получает карточку и должен нарисовать животное по описанию.

1.It is not big. It has got a big head, three eyes, three legs, a small nose. It has not got a tail. It is grey

.2.It is  big. It has got a big head, two eyes, six legs, a big nose. It has got a long tail. It is grey.

3. 1.It is not big. It has got a head,  a small mouth, three legs, a small nose. three legs It has not got a tail. It is black

.4. It is small.. It has got a small head, two  green eyes,  a nose, no legs. It has got a long tail. It is white and black.

5. 2.It is  big. It has got a big head, four eyes, a  mouth .ten teeth, six legs. It has got a long tail. It is blue.

6.. It is small.. It has got a small head, two  green eyes, a  small nose. It has got a long tail. It is red.

VI. Конкурс стихов о животных. ( Домашнее задание)

VII.Песня « I love little Pussy».

VIII. Конкурс «Английские пословицы»

As busy as          a horse             As sly as                       a  donkey

As brave as       a  lion                 As strong as                  a wolf  As clumsy as        a fox 

IX.  Подведение итогов. Награждение победителей.

У 1: One, one, one, little dogs run.

        Two, two, two, cats see you.

        Three, three, three, birds in the tree.

        Four, four, four, rats on the floor.

У 2: Little mouse, little mouse,

        Where is your house?

        Little cat, little cat,

        I have no flat!

У 3: I saw, I saw, I saw

       A lion at the Zoo.

       I saw, I saw, I saw

       A baby tiger too.

       I saw, I saw, I saw

       A big grey kangaroo.

       I saw, I saw, I saw

       I saw them at the Zoo.

У 4: I’m a monkey, I’m very big.

        I like to climb trees, I’m clever and quick!

У 5: I’m an elephant, I’m big and strong!

        I like to eat twigs, my trunk is so long!

6. Right or wrong?


Write V if the sentence is right. Write X if the sentence is wrong.


1. Elephant can fly-


2. Pandas are from China-


3. Tigers can swim-


4. Big tortoises can live for too years-


5. Baby kangaroos can’t see-





7. Where are they from? Match the animals to the continents.


Tiger Africa


Zebra Antarctica


Black bear Asia


Koala Australia


Toucan North America


Penguin South America






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Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 2 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
4 травня 2020
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