«Вправи, які відображають специфіку формування лінгвосоціокультурної компетентності в англомовному читанні країнознавчих текстів»

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Вправи, які відображають специфіку формування лінгвосоціокультурної компетентності в англомовному читанні країнознавчих текстів (для учнів 9-11 класів). Призначається студентам педагогічних університетів, учителям і викладачам англійської мови
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«Вправи, які відображають специфіку формування лінгвосоціокультурної компетентності в англомовному читанні країнознавчих текстів».


Тема: “Population of the United Kingdom”.

Мета активізувати мовний і мовленнєвий матеріал на базі прочитаного тексту.


Task 1. a) Read and translate the text “Population of the United Kingdom”.

         b) Answer the questions below and then check your answers.

  1.               What is the capital of Great Britain?
  2.               Can you name the main parts of London?
  3.               What kind of interesting places are there in London?
  4.               Are there any beautiful parks in London?



  1. a census of the population - перепис населення
  2. was estimated at - був оцінений в
  3. according to - згідно з
  4. in terms of - з точки зору
  5. represent - представляти
  6. percent - відсоток
  7. resident - житель
  8. densely populated – густонаселений
  9. constantly - постійно
  1. for the first time ever - вперше в житті
  2. people aged over 60 - люди старше 60 років


   Презентация на тему: "POPULATION The population of the UK of Great Britain  and Northern Ireland is over 57 million people. The population of the UK of  Great Britain and Northern.". Скачать бесплатно

      A census of the population in Britain has been taken every 10 years since 1801 (with the exception of 1941, when Britain was at war). The total population in the United Kingdom was estimated at 66.2 million people in 2018, according to the latest census figures. Looking back, in the year of 1960, the United Kingdom had a population of 52.2 million people. Britain ranks 18th in the world in terms of population size.

    The population of the United Kingdom represents 0.91 percent of the world´s total population which means that one person in every 111 people on the planet is a resident of the United Kingdom.

     Great Britain is heavily populated compared with many other countries. Britain is a relatively densely populated country: it is more than twice as densely populated as France, nine times as densely populated as the USA and 100 times as densely populated as Australia.

     The population is very unequally distributed over the four parts of the UK:

England more or less constantly makes up 84% of the total population, Wales around 5%, Scotland roughly 8.5 %, and Northern Ireland (since 1921) less than 3%.

For the first time ever, the UK has more people aged over 60 than under 16. Today there are five times more people aged over 85 than there were in 1951.

Population Timeline

1600 Population of Britain just over 4 million

1700 Population of Britain 5 million

1801 Population of Britain 8 million

1851 Population of Britain 20 million

1901 Population of Britain 40 million

1951 Population of Britain 50 million

1998 Population of Britain just over 57 million

2022      Population of Britain just over 68 million.

Середній рівень. Write out the underlined words and expressions, learn them for a vocabulary test.

Достатній рівень. Complete the sentences.

  1. The population of the United Kingdom was just over … million people in 1600 but in 1700 it grew by … million people.
  2. In 1801 the population of the United Kingdom was … million people, it became … as big as in 1600.
  3. From 1801 to 1851 the population of the United Kingdom grew by … million people. 
  4. In 1901 the population of the United Kingdom was … million people, it became … as big as in 1851.
  5. In 1998 the population of the United Kingdom was … million people, it rise only by … million as in 1951.
  6. In 2022 the population of the United Kingdom is just over … million people.
  7. The United Kingdom is more than …  as densely populated as France, … times as densely populated as the USA and …  times as densely populated as Australia.
  8. Nowadays the UK has more people aged over … than under … .
  9. Today there are … times more people aged over 85 as compared to 1951.

Високий рівень. Study the information in the table and describe how the population of Britain has changed over time of its history. Use comparative degree of adjectives and the words to help you (be careful to use the correct forms of words!):  grow by.... million people  /  from .... to....  /    became twice as big as in ......   /   rise only by .....  /         as compared to ...... .

Population Timeline


Population of Britain just over 4 million


Population of Britain 5 million


Population of Britain 8 million


Population of Britain 20 million


Population of Britain 40 million


Population of Britain 50 million


Population of Britain just over 57 million


Population of Britain just over 68 million


Текст 2 «ОКСФОРД»

Тема: “English Cities. Oxford”.

Мета розвивати різноманітні інформаційно-комунікативні уміння, пов’язані з умінням систематизувати і узагальнювати отриману інформацію.


Task 2. a) Look at the photos and guess what English city the information in the text will be about.

     https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOvfwUYTxPsGmOlWnp93ozXif80l3zIEYTQjzO1=w296-h202-n-k-no        https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/25vEdm-CYMMuwju6e_ssupc4Gkq4QrqFvWITprxMXZi1TxYd42lNZa9g6u4a0qP-A3vLJiw=s113                

The Story Museum                                          University

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPeSG3B6WWxxiaCmjrWHpO1vKrFhbtn8FkAl3U4=w296-h202-n-k-no              https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOVl4r3xnSEZXq0Bj6HVGPyUBNi2mcx16tk4YfZ=w296-h202-n-k-no

 City Sightseeing                                                 Pitt Rivers Museum


     b) Read and translate the text “Oxford”.



  1. to enroll [tə  ɪnˈrəʊl] - вербувати, записувати
  2. secretarial [ˌsek.rəˈteə.ri.əl] -  секретарський
  3. chapel [ˈtʃæp.əl] - [tə] - богослужіння в каплиці
  4. precious [ˈpreʃ.əs] - дорогий, любий


Oxford - the University Town

This university town is very beautiful. The oldest university there is Oxford. The first of its colleges was founded in 1249. The university now has thirty-five colleges and about thirteen thousand students, many of them from other countries.

There were no women at Oxford until 1878. When the first women's college Lady Margaret Hall, opened. Now most colleges are open to men and women. It is not easy to get a place at Oxford University to study for a degree.

But outside the university there are many smaller private colleges which offer less difficult courses and where it is easy to enroll. Most students in these private schools take business, secretarial or English language courses.

Oxford is, of course, famous for its first-class education as well as its beautiful buildings. Some of the most intelligent men and women in the country live and work here. Oxford gives them what they need: a quiet atmosphere, friendly colleagues and the four-hundred-year-old library, which has about five million books.

    Oxford has same of the finest architecture in Britain. Some of their colleges, chapels and libraries are there, four and even five hundred years old, and are full off books and precious paintings. You can see there many lovely gardens, where the students can read and relax in the summer months.

Середній рівень. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C)

  1.               The first of its colleges was founded in … .
  1.              1247   B.  1249   C.  1349
    1.               The university now has … colleges.
  1.  25       B.   35    C.  45
    1.       There were no women at Oxford until …. .
  1. 1878    B.  1788    C.  1877
    1.               Outside the university there are many smaller private …. .
  1.   schools   B.   colleges    C. institutes
    1.               Oxford is famous for its first-class … .
  1. healthcare    B.   education    C.  industry
    1.               Oxford library has about … million books.
  1.              four     B.   five    C.   six
    1.               Oxford has same of … in Britain.
  1.              the oldest buildings  B. the best shops  C.   the finest architecture
    1.               there many… , where the students can read and relax in the summer months.
  1.              lovely gardens   B.   big parks      C. beautiful squares

Достатній рівень.  Answer the questions.

1.       When was the first of Oxford colleges founded?

  1.               How many colleges does the University have?
  2.               When did the first women's college Lady Margaret Hall open?
  3.               Do the most intelligent men and women in the country live and work in Oxford?
  4.               Is it easy to get a place at Oxford University to study for a degree?
  5.               What courses do most students in the private schools take?
  6.               Does Oxford have the finest architecture in Britain?
  7.               What can the students do in the lovely gardens?

Високий рівень. You came to Oxford with your parents. This is your first visit to this city. Write a letter to your friend and share your impressions.



Тема: “English Cities”.

Мета: розвивати усне  мовлення учнів на основі прочитаних текстів.

Task 3.

  1.                       You live and study in Great Britain. Your Ukrainian friend is going to visit this country too. Tell what cities in the UK you know.


   b) Read and translate the text “Cities of England”.


  1. be mentioned [bi ˈmen.ʃənd] – бути згаданим
  2. gradually [ˈɡrædʒuəli] - поступовно
  3. impressive [ɪmˈpresɪv] - вражаючий
  4. glittering [ˈɡlɪt.ər.ɪŋ] - блискучий
  5. fabric [ˈfæb.rɪk] - тканина
  6. admission [ədˈmɪʃ.ən] - прийом


The largest cities of England are London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester and Coventry. Among smaller towns Windsor, Oxford and Cambridge should.

Лондон — Википедия London is the capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom. The River Thames travels through the city. London is the biggest city in Western Europe and the world's largest financial centre.

London is about 2000 years old. London was founded by the Romans. It was called Londinium by the Romans. For a long time, London was a small city. All its people lived inside the walls that were built by the Romans. This area is still called the City of London. There were many villages around the city. Gradually, more people came to live there. Then, step by step, the villages joined together into one huge city.

London is one of the world's most important cities for business, finance, and politics. It is also important for culture: media, entertainment, fashion, and art.

The population of London is 8.7 million. Most people in London are British. However, London also has many immigrants. These people come from many different countries. They speak many different languages and have different religions and cultures. There are also many people from different countries who stay in London on business. Many people visit London as tourists. They may see the famous "Sights of London". These sights include palaces, churches and museums.

Бирмингем (Алабама) — Википедия  Birmingham is situated in the Midlands. It has the population over a million. This industrial region is called the Black Country. Birmingham is impressive: glittering with ultramodern giant factories, hotels, restaurants, cafes, brilliant stores, beautiful cars and smart people. There is a fine art gallery in it. The public gardens are well kept, and there are lots of flowers there. Birmingham comes next in importance after London.

The 10 best things to do in Coventry | CN Traveller   Coventry was greatly destroyed during World War II. Now it is quite modern. Coventry is of great interest because of the new cathedral (the old one was destroyed in 1940). The cathedral is a masterpiece of modern art. Coventry is the centre of the motor vehicle industry – the largest in the UK. The plants of Birmingham, Coventry and Sheffield produce motor cars, railway carriages, light engineering products.

Ліверпуль — Вікіпедія   Liverpool is one of the largest ports in the world. It is situated on the Mersey river. It is also an industrial centre of Great Britain. Enterprises of nearly all branches of industry are situated in Liverpool: shipbuilding, textile industry, engineering, automobile industry, etc.

 Манчестер — Википедия  Manchester is a city in North West England which was given city status in 1853. It is the fifth largest city in the United Kingdom and a very important city in England, which is often called the "Capital of the North". Manchester has many places for the arts, places for learning, businesses as well as lots of shops. In 2006, Manchester was named the best place in Britain to have a business. It has two well-known football teams, Manchester United and Manchester City. Manchester was the first city to industrialize during the Industrial Revolution. It became the main place for making cloth and fabric. During the 19th century it had the nickname Cottonopolis, because it had so many cotton mills.

Windsor Castle, garden - Изображение Лондон, Англия - Tripadvisor   Windsor is one of the most charming towns in England, and the Windsor Castle is the summer residence of the Queen. Construction of the Castle began in the eleventh century. The tourists are allowed to visit the Castle when the Queen is not in residence here. Just opposite the Castle the Eton College is situated. This College was intended for the 70 poorest orphans of the country. It soon became and is the most exclusive, the most aristocratic, the most famous and the most expensive school in the world.

Which Should I Visit: Oxford or Cambridge?  Oxford and Cambridge are known all over the world as university towns. Both great universities are less than two hours journey from London by fast train. Admission to these universities is very difficult, but if a young man or a girl gets admission, gets through the exams, gets the degree – they are made for life! An Oxford or Cambridge degree is accompanied by all sorts of privileges. Oxford is not only an educational centre. It is the centre of motor car industry. Recent industrial development has so altered Oxford that Cambridge, as a city of fine architecture, is now more beautiful. In spring Cambridge is like a garden of flowers. Cambridge is also a great centre of research.


Середній рівень.  For statements choose T if the statement is true according to the text, F if it is false.

  1. London is the biggest city in Eastern Europe.
  2. The population of London is 8.7 million.
  3. Liverpool is one of the smallest ports in the world.
  4. Manchester is the sixth largest city in the United Kingdom.
  5. Construction of the Castle began in the eleventh century.
  6. Oxford is only an educational centre.
  7. In spring Cambridge is like a garden of flowers.

Достатній рівень. Match choices. There are two choices you do not need to use.

  1. … is situated in the Midlands.
  2. …  is situated on the Mersey river.
  3. … is the most attractive city in England.
  4. … are known all over the world as university towns.
  5. … was called Londinium by the Romans.
  6. is one of the most charming towns in England and the Windsor Castle.
  7. … was a city of narrow dirty streets.
  8. …  is the centre of the motor vehicle industry.

Високий рівень. Write a report about cities of England, using the following facts:

-         the capital and largest city of England;

-         be situated in the Midlands;

-         was greatly destroyed during World War II;

-         the largest ports in the world;

-          the fifth largest city in the United Kingdom;

-          one of the most charming towns in England;

-         the world university towns.



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