Вступний тест з англійської мови для 10 класу

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Вступний тест для 10 класу. Тест містить завдання за пройдений матеріал у 5-9 класах.
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                                  Entry test for the students to the 10th grade

  1. Choose the right answer.

1.She wasn’t able to carry all these suitcases by herself. Somebody  (help) her.

a) had helped;    b)must have helped; c) was to help;  d) should help;

  1. We had better (hurry up) if  we want to get there before dark.

a) to hurry up;   b) hurry up;     c) hurried up;  d) hurrying up;

  1. What made you (do) such a stupid thing.

a) to do;  b) do;  c) did;  d) have done;

  1. I’d like him (go) with us to see Granny.

a) would go;  b) going;  c) go;  d) to go;

5.Jenny kept on (talk) although her husband asked her to stop.

a) to talk;      b) talking; c) talked;   d) talk;

  1. If you (be) at a loose end last month, you (pass) your exam. But you failed it.

         a)hadn’t been; b) wouldn’t have been; c) were not;

        d) would have passed; e) would pass; f) will pass;

  1. John( bring) the papers immediately. His boss is very angry.

a) should;  b)  must; c) can;

  1. Hurry up! We (not get) good seats if we (arrive) late.

a) don’t get; b) won’t get; c) didn’t get; d) arrived; e) will arrive; f) arrive;

  1. I bought a calculator. It didn’t work. I wish…

a)  didn’t buy it;  b) hadn’t buy it ;c)hadn’t bought it; d) wouldn’t have bought it;

  1. Look! The bridge (repair).

a) is being repaired;  b) is been repaired;  c) has being repaired;

10.Neither Dad nor Mom (speak) English.

  1. don’t speak;  b)  speak;  c) speaks;  d) doesn’t speak;


2. Complete the text by choosing the correct option: A, B, C or D, to fill each gap.


What’s the point of family history?

Family history is (1)­ __ referred to as genealogy. It is one of the world’s most popular pastimes, and millions of people around the planet are investigating their origins as I write this. From (2) __ beginners to experienced genealogist, the attraction of (3) __ out more about the past through your own family is hard to resist. Once you have (4) __ out on the research road, the work can become absolutely fascinating. There are many reasons (5) __.

As you explore this route to the past, you’ll develop new skills, which you can use in many ways. You’ll also enjoy the excitement of the detective (6) __. The voyage of discovery into your family’s past often leads to a great understanding of history. It’s also a social network pastime, and will (7) __ you into contact with many new and like-minded people.


  1. A and            B too                  C also            D both
  2. A full            B complete         C whole        D thorough
  3. A finding      B meeting           C learning     D knowing
  4. A set             B done                 C put             D made
  5. A because     B since                C why            D so
  6. A course       B movement        C step             D process
  7. A send          B carry                 C give            D bring



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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
17 грудня 2021
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