Урок на тему: "War in Ukraine. Destruction and ... Development."

Про матеріал

У цей складний для нас та країни час, важливо зберегти відчуття емоційної рівноваги, підтримувати та розвивати віру у краще майбутнє.

Даний урок спрямований на те, щоб дати дітям можливість оцінити ситуацію з іншої сторони, усвідомити, що іноді труднощі, з якими ми стикаємось, можуть загартувати нас, навчити цінувати нашу країну, наше життя, проявити кращі якості особистості, розвинути бажання до змін на краще.

Урок проводився для учнів 10-11 класів. Як показала практика, дітям важливо висловити свою думку щодо подій в країні, цікаво подискутувати на тему розвитку нашого суспільства, показати своє бачення "ідеальноі" Батьківщини.

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Урок англійської мови в 11 класі

На тему:


War in Ukraine.

Destruction and … development.


вчителя іноземних мов

Підгурської Нелі Віталіївни



 імені Лесі Українки









Урок спрямований на активізацію комунікативної компетенції

Тема. War in Ukraine. Destruction and … development.

Мета. 1) Практична:

  • удосконалювати навички монологічного мовлення;
  • удосконалювати навички вживання  Conditional I and II в усному та писемному мовленні;
  • розвивати вміння самостійно знаходити потрібну інформацію і передавати зміст;
  • практикувати вживання лексики, вивченої на попередніх уроках.


2) Розвивальна:

  • розвивати навички сприйняття на слух;
  • розвивати вміння ефективно співпрацювати під час парної роботи;
  • розвивати комунікативні навички.


3) Освітня:

  • розширити знання учнів про Україну та світ


4) Виховна:

  • формувати критичне мислення;
  • виховувати почуття патріотизму;
  • формувати способи позитивного мислення.


  • to practice extended use of active vocabulary on the topic;
  • to develop students listening, speaking and writing skills;
  • to introduce some information about positive thinking;
  • to teach students responsibility for their country.

Equipment needed: a smart board or a projector with a notebook and a blackboard

Material needed: special attributes for delegations (banners, flags), a microphone, cards with exercises, cards of different colours (yellow, green, blue and red), cards with letters, the cards with the words typed on them, a presentation, videos, interactive links.


I. The beginning of the lesson


  1. Greetings.


Hello everybody! Hi there, we are from Ukraine! (Slide 2)

We are going to start our lesson.


  1. Bringing into the sphere of foreign language


T: To start with I would like you to watch a short video. (Slide 3) Be very attentive while watching. Try not to miss the background information. (Pupils watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQ05lGwugto )

What was the video about? (War in Ukraine)

What words can you use to talk on the topic? (stricks, flee, siren, military operation, troops,…). These words are typed on the sheets of paper and are hung on the blackboard. (Slide 4)

What other words connected to the topic do you know?



II. The main part of the lesson


  1. Introducing the topic of the lesson


T: We’re going to continue our work on the topic “War in Ukraine. Destruction and development.” (Slide 5) Previously we were talking about the destruction it caused to the country. But today we will try another way of seeing.

 First we are going to dwell on the vital problem we face today in our country by participation in a political talk show. After the presentation and discussion part of the lesson, all of you will have a short test. So, listen to the presenters carefully and be ready to answer some questions afterwards. Then we will proceed to the second part of the topic, the “Development” itself.



  1. Home task checking. A talk show (Slide 6)


T: We are going to start the political talk show. “War in Ukraine. The reaction of the world.”

You were divided into 3 groups of 5, and were given a home task to do a research on the foreign websites on what the position and reaction of the world organizations on the situation in Ukraine is. And today the groups are ready to present their results. (Представлені 3 делегації: Росія, НАТО, ЄС. Групи учнів розташовані за різними столами з відповідною символікою, розставленими по колу. Кожна група представляє свою позицію від «1-ої особи» у довільній формі (відео, презентація, доповідь тощо.)).


  1. RF (Slide 7)

T: First of all we are looking forward to hear the Russian Federation delegation explanation. Let’s listen to what they say. (Students’ speech)

T: Now, all of you have an opportunity to ask a few questions to the delegation. (Students ask their questions to the group and the presenters of RF answer them)

T: Thank you very much for speaking.


  1. NATO (Slide 8)

T: And now we are going to hear the position of NATO. (Students’ speech)

Thanks a lot for presenting your position.

Have you got any questions to the group? (Students’ questions)


  1. EU (Slide 9)

T: Now, we’ll turn to the European Union. What is the reaction of the European countries’ leaders? (Students’ speech)

And again, fell free to ask your questions to the group. (Students’ questions)


T: Thanks a lot to all the delegations for speaking and presenting your position and reaction on the conflict. Thanks to the participants for asking and answering the questions.

 Let’s summarize what we’ve heard. Please, share your own thoughts about the situation. (Slide 10)

(Possible answers: We understand that the whole world is watching us. They are worried. And no one wants the people to be killed. We appreciate their support. But it seems, we cannot count on anyone…We have been left alone with the enemy in this fight. Everybody wants to help, but nobody wants to be involved in this conflict in order not to let it to be escalated and spread all around the Europe.)

Thank you very much. Well done.


  1. Doing a test (Slide 11)

T:  Now let’s check how attentive you were during the presentations. Please, follow the link (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScLUyqj2PhDvZlul_15kNDMqSWmocrU53Cylq0iL0GfknATYQ/viewform?usp=sf_link)   sent to your class group in telegram, and do a very short test in the google forms.


  1. Watching a video and discussing


  1. Preparation. Dividing into groups. (Slide 12)


T: For the next part of the lesson I would ask you to be divided into groups. You are to choose one of the cards of different colours: 1- green, 2- yellow, 3- red or 4- blue.  Now, please, move around the classroom to find the members of your group by the colour. (Students join their groups)


  1. Leading to the main idea of the topic of the lesson (Slide 13)



T: Today we had an opportunity to listen to different points of view on the subject and to see the attitude of the world organizations towards the war. However, there are still a lot of questions with no answers.

But we know that everything is not forever. And we hope this evil war will come to the end soon and everything  will be OK with our country, with our nation, with all of us.

Look at the topic of the lesson written on the board again. What does it say? (War in Ukraine. Destruction and … development.)

We can obviously see a lot of destruction caused by the war. How can it bring development? (Students’ answers)

At this part of the lesson we are going to discuss some ideas of growth we can get during the war. You will watch a motivational video. And we’ll also elicit some important lessons this war can teach us.

You have to work actively during the lesson answering the questions and doing tasks. You will be given a letter for each answer as a reward for your participation in discussions. Each group has to collect the letters of its colour and you will be able to read the key words. 


  1. Pre-watching. Speaking.


T: I want to draw your attention to the quotation.

 “What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger ” (Slide 14)

What do you think about it? Try to explain. Think about our country. (Students’ answers)

Sometimes we have to go through struggle to become stronger, wiser,…. To become much better.

(Slide 15) When a child is being born, he thinks his life is over. But then his new life begins. And it is much better, much more beautiful, full of light!

(Slide 16) When a caterpillar is dying, it seems like the end of its life. But again, it is born as a butterfly at that very moment!

And everything in life comes at the right time. At the time we are ready (even if we don’t think so), when we are strong enough to overcome this.


  1. While watching task.


T: You are to watch a motivational video. (Slide 17) While watching it pay attention to the verbs. Write down as many verbs as you can hear. Be very attentive while watching. Try not to miss the background information. (Pupils watch the video “A butterfly” and write down the verbs.)


  1.  After-watching activities.


  1. Group work. Discussion (Slide 18)


T: In groups discuss the video and share the verbs you have written down between the members of your group. (2 min)


  1. Group work. Writing


T: In groups divide your list of words into two categories: Positive and negative. (The students write their ideas down  into two columns.) (Slide 19)

Read your lists. Start with negative ones. (Possible answers: stop, stuck, cut off, sit waiting, not understand)

What is the other way to choose? Find the verbs to describe positive actions. (Possible answers: hatch, struggle, emerge, support, enlarge, prepare to flying, develop, grow, tackle challenges, go out)








  • Write the sentences using these verbs in Conditional I and II. (Slide 20)

Group N1 -  write positive sentences in Conditional I

Group N2 -  write negative sentences in Conditional I

Group N3 -  write positive sentences in Conditional II

Group N4 -  write negative sentences in Conditional II

  (Students write and then read the sentences.)


  1. Speaking


T: Now think about the caterpillar again. What would happen to it if it chose a negative way? – (It would die without struggle)

What should people do when they have problems? (Act in the way of growth)


Sometimes there is no growth without pain. When everything is OK, then why to change?


“A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing growth there.” (Slide 21)


Sometimes obstacles are given to you for your development. And sometimes they are given to the nation for it to become developed.

Now think of your country as a butterfly. Tell your thoughts to the class. (Students’ answers)


  1. Discussion. Important lessons that the war can teach us.


T: Comment the quotation: (Slide 22)

“At school you are taught a lesson and then are given a test. But life gives you a test that teaches you a lesson”

What does this proverb mean? What lessons can we learn from the situation in our country? (Students’  answers)


At the previous meeting we were talking about the lessons this war can teach the Europe. (“Seven lessons we must learn from Ukraine” video)

Today I want you to think about the development personally you and people of our country can get when we overcome this troubles, when we go through all of this.

Think. What lessons can this war teach us as a nation? – (Students’ answers)

What lessons does it teach us as individuals? – (Students’ answers)

“When you really pay attention, everything is your teacher” (Slide 23)


 I want to present a few points to you. A few lessons that we can learn from this overwhelming test.


  • The lessons the war can teach us: (Slide 24)


  1. Lesson №1. (Slide 25)  Unity (Slide 26)

Say your ideas about this lesson. (Students’ answers)


T: Every individual person in a nation is like a cell in a body. They can live individually, doing their own tasks. But everybody should understand that he or she is an important part of the environment they live in, the society they belong to. And only being united they are able to do great things, to overcome the obstacles they can’t do alone. A lot of people in the world and in our country particularly can clearly understand it now. Everybody should understand. We are all one. Only acting together we can withdraw, struggle, go through this and gain a victory. And I believe we will.


  1. Lesson №2. (Slide 27) (Kindness)

For lesson N2 I would like it to be the quality of being helpful or showing empathy. What is it? (Kindness) (Slide 28)

T: How can the war teach us kindness? Can you give the examples of kindness during the crisis? I’m sure you can list a lot of. What personally you or your friends do to help the country or the people? (Students’ answers)

T: The people became kinder to each other. We share love with others through kind acts such as a smile, a nice word, an unexpected deed. When we offer these acts to others, we make people feel good; we pass along hope; we promote peace; we show the power of kindness.

“Good always overcomes evil”. (Slide 29) Remember this!

Choose the side you are standing for.

“Good or bad, what you put out, comes back to you.” (Slide 30)


  1.      Lesson №3. (Slide 31) (Reassessment)

For the next point I want to ask the group N1 to look at the letters you have collected during the lesson and make up the word. (If pupils weren’t active at the lesson and haven’t collected all the letters, they try to guess.)

Reassessment (Slide 32)

What is it about? (Students’ answers)

 T: Only a month ago you were worrying about marks at school, were dreaming about new clothes or smartphones…

And so many of us now understand that we have so much to be thankful for…

We have the sun, the moon, the water, food, shelter, friends, love, music, art…

Now we appreciate it much more than ever.

Do you agree? What are you thankful for? (Students’ answers.)


  1.  Lesson №4. (Slide 33) (Awareness)

Now, the group N2, read your word. (Awareness.) (Slide 34)

What is this lesson about? (Students’ answers.)


T: It is easier for the leaders of any government to take control over uneducated people. But it is much more important for you to be able to think, analyze and understand who or what is right. These only educated people can. Knowledge and awareness give power.



  1.  Lesson №5. (Slide 35) (Independence)

The group N3, please say your word. (Independence.) (Slide 36)

What does this lesson teach us? (Students’ answers.)


T: Since the existence of our country our ancestors were fighting for it. And now we can feel the value of it in full. We are independent people of the independent country. And the fear of loosing it makes us appreciate it to bits.


  1.   Lesson №6. (Slide 37) (Nationality)

And one more lesson we should learn is…? (the group N4 say their word )

Nationality (Slide 38)

Say your ideas about what this “lesson” stands for? (Students’ answers.)


T: You can feel yourselves as a part of the great community, a wonderful nation with beautiful people.

Feel proud of being Ukrainian. Because it’s a nation of love and kindness, freedom and independence!


  1.   Lesson №7. E……… (Slide 39)

Now let’s look at all the lessons we have learned. (Slide 40) What word can you find here?

UKRAIN.. Yes, that is what Ukraine means. And there is one more letter left. I want you to say what it should be. (Possible answers: enthusiasm, environment, encouragement, empathy… )

Think of more lessons you can learn from the war. (Students’ answers)


III. Summary of the lesson.


  1. Inter-active task


A map of Ukraine. (Slide 41)

T: Now think of the people of Ukraine. What are they like? (Students’ answers)

Follow the link (https://wordart.com/swqiuvjpo6l1/ukraine )  to write as many adjectives as you can to identify your nation with. (Pupils write their words and then they can see a map of Ukraine filled with the positive qualities of the nation. (Або ж учитель записує вислови учнів)). (song “Pray for Ukraine” by Zlata Ognevich feat Brutal Kids (You Tube))


T: Look at this map and feel.

Ukraine is much more than just a word.

Ukraine is more than just a country.

Ukrainian people are more than just a nation.

And as far as you are Ukrainian – you are more than just a person.


Everything will be UKRAINE! (Slide 42)


  1. Evaluating


You were very active today. Thank you for your participation.

You will be evaluated with the appropriate marks…


  1. Home assignment


We were talking a lot about the lessons we should learn from the war.

I hope, it was insightful for you. Was it? How can the war bring development? Tell your thoughts to the class. (Students’ answers)

At home write your insights as a blog-post: “How has the war influenced the country and the people?” (Можна також записати відео-розповідь в TikTok) (Slide 43)



  1. End of the lesson


Now, the lesson is coming to an end. I wish you peace and safety. See you next time! Glory to Ukraine! (Slide 44)





Handout 1

  1. Listen and write the verbs



  1. Put the verbs into two categories



















  1. Write conditional sentences



  1. Write adjectives









Appendix 1




  1. green
  1. yellow
  1. red
  1. blue











































































































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