Weather in summer (for fifth form)

Про матеріал
Повний план-конспекту уроку з англійської мови для 5-го класу. Матеріал стане в нагоді учителям-предметникам загальгоосвітніх шкіл, студентам педагогічних ВНЗ.
Перегляд файлу

Дата: 11.02.2019

Урок № 81

Клас: 5-Б

Тема: Weather in summer.


Практична: формувати артикуляційні навички, удосконалювати навички письма, тренувати у вживанні ЛО, повторити граматичний матеріал, удосконалювати навички усного мовлення.

Освітня: познайомити з різними видами активного відпочинку улітку.

Розвивальна: розвивати фонетичний слух, увагу, память,  діалогічне мовлення, мовну здогадку, культуру спілкування.

Виховна: поваги до свого товариша, цікавитися різноманітними видами активного відпочинку улітку.

Обладнання: підручник 5 клас (Оксана Карп’юк), роздатковий матеріал, мультимедійна презентація.

                                           План уроку

  1. Початок уроку
    1.        Організаційний момент – 1хв.
    2.        Фонетична зарядка – 2 хв.
    3.        Мовленнєва зарядка – 3 хв.
  2. Основна частина
    1.        Перевірка домашнього завдання – 7 хв

2.1.1. Розігрування діалогу в парах

                2.2. Тренування у вживанні вивченого матеріалу – 10 хв.

                           2.2.1. Вдосконалення граматичної навички

                2.3. Практика мовленнєвої діяльності – 15 хв.

                           2.3.1. Робота з текстом

А) Передтекстова робота – 2 хв.

Б) Читання тексту – 6 хв.

В) Післятекстова робота – 4 хв.

  1. Заключна частина – 7 хв.

3.1 Підсумки уроку – 2 хв.

3.2 Повідомлення домашнього завдання – 2 хв.

3.3 Виставлення оцінок, мотивація роботи – 3 хв.


                                                         Хід уроку

  1. Початок уроку


  1.        Організаційний момент

Т: Good morning, pupils.  I’m very glad to see you. How are you?

P: Good morning, teacher! We are fine

T: Sit down, please! Who is absent today?

T: Today we will continue to study our unit ‘Weather”. Also you will do many exercises, practice your writing, reading and speaking skills. Today we will speak about summer. I am sure that many of you like this season of year. Let’s start our lesson.

  1.        Фонетична зарядка (слайд 1)

Let’s train our pronunciation a little bit. Repeat all together.

She sells shells on the seashore [ ʃi selz ʃelz ɒn ði: ‘si:ʃɔ:]

The shells that she sells are seashells [ði: ʃelz ðæt ʃi selz ɑ: ‘si:ʃelz]

I’m sure. [aɪ:m  ʃʊə(r) ]

 Repeat after me line by line. Pronounce all the sounds correctly!

Who can translate?

( Вона продає морські черепашки на березі моря,

Морські черепашки, які вона продає морські,

Я впевнений)

Say the poem one more.

Good job!

  1.        Мовленнєва зарядка
  • Brainstorming.

What words are associated with the word “summer”? Write them on а blackboard and then make up sentences with these words using Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, and Present Continuous. Please, raise your hands. Well done!

  1. Основна частина (30-35 хв.)
    1.        Перевірка домашнього завдання
      1. Розігрування діалогу в парах (с.149, впр. 5)

So, children your home task was to read and translate the dialogue at page 149, ex. 5.  And be ready to act out it. So, who is ready?

  1.        Тренування у вживанні вивченого матеріалу.

2.2.1 Вдосконалення граматичної навички.

I have 10 sentences. But the words in them are mixed. You should put the words in the correct order and say what Tense is it. Do it orally. Look at the screen and listen to me.

  1. Sea, likes, to, swim, in, the, Mary.

(Mary likes to swim in the sea. Present Simple)

  1. Swam at ocean they yesterday the.

(They swam at the ocean yesterday. Past Simple)

  1. Betty gathering is flowers many now.

(Betty is gathering many flowers now. Present Continuous)

  1. Tomorrow will they to forest go the.

(They will go to the forest tomorrow. Future Simple)

  1. Ice-cream like she does to eat hot in weather?

(Does she like to eat ice-cream in hot weather? Present Simple)

  1. They are breakfast cooking now?

(Are they cooking breakfast now?  Present Continuous)

  1. Yesterday we in the lied sun.

(We lied in the sun yesterday. Past Simple)

  1. Bill John and not swimming are river the in now.

(Bill and John are not swimming in the river now. Present Continuous)

  1. Summer next Odessa to will we not travel.

(We will not travel to Odessa next summer. Future Simple)

  1.  Fly Egypt did they to summer last?

(Did they fly to Egypt last summer? Past Simple)

Very well!

  1.        Практика мовленнєвої діяльності
    1.  Удосконалення умінь говоріння

Now, one of you will go to the blackboard and get a little picture of any season of year. The pupil’s task is to describe the picture (3-4 sentences) and the class should guess what season it is.

 Go to the blackboard.


(P: the trees are in blossom. The grass is green. ) It is spring.


(P: There a lot of snow. Children make a snowman) It is winter.


(P: There is sunny and warm weather. The trees are green) It is  summer.


(P: There is rainy weather. A lot of yellow leaves on the ground) It is autumn.

Well done!

Робота з текстом для читання

Передтекстова робота

And now we’ll read the text. But first try to guess what season the text will be about. Look at the screen and say what season is associated with such things.

Картинки по запросу summer


Читання тексту з перекладом

Well one. Out text will be about summer. Let’s read it and translate.

It is summer now. Summer has three months. They are June, July, and August. In summer the sun often shines. It sets late and rises early. The air is hot. The weather is warm. There are many colourful flowers. We can see them everywhere. Children like to swim, go to the river and travel to different interesting places. It’s the time to have the longest holidays in the year. Children like summer very much. As for me, I like to travel with my parents to different countries. Frankly speaking, summer is the most beautiful season of the year.

В) Післятекстова робота.

Now, I will read you all wrong sentences and you should correct me according to the text you read. Try to use the expressions that you see at the screen.

I totally disagree because…   (Я взагалі не згоден тому що…)

I disagree because… (Я не згоден тому що…)

I don’t think so because… (Я так не думаю тому що…)

No way because (Не може бути тому що…)

I’m afraid, I’m disagree because…. (Я боюсь, я не згоден тому що…)

  1. It is autumn now.

(It is summer now.)

  1. Summer has five months.

(Summer has three months.)

  1. In summer the sun shines not so often.

(In summer the sun shines often.)

  1. The air is wet.

(The air is hot)

  1. The streets are green because of flowers.

(The streets are green because of trees)

  1. It is time to have winter holidays.

(It is time to have summer holidays)

  1. Pupils go to school in summer.

(Pupils don’t go to school in summer.)

  1. Children don’t like summer very much.

(Children like summer very much.)

  1. The weather is very cold in summer.

(The weather is hot in summer.)

  1. As for me, I like to play snowballs and make a snowman.

(As for me, I like to swim and travel with my parents to different countries.)

Well done!

Now, children ask your classmates what he or she likes to do in summer.

E.g.  – What do you like to do in summer?

- I like to go fishing and lie in the sun.

Now, let’s play the game. I will read you the word’s line twice. You should clap your hands if you hear odd word.

Umbrella, sun, sand, snowflake.

Flowers, green trees, Father Frost, sunshine.

Butterfly, warm, computer, summer.

Blossom, snow, stormy, hot.

River, sea, ocean, foggy.

To swim, windy, to lie in the sun, to rest.

Independence Day, Easter, Christmas.

Seashells, sun, hot, frosty.

Forest, mushrooms, garden, snowballs.

Apples, snowman, raspberry, pears.

  1. Заключна частина.

3.1.Підсумки уроку

T: Today we have done a great job. You were very active today.

3.2. Повідомлення домашнього завдання

Be ready to retell the text that we read and translated today.

3.3 Виставлення оцінок, мотивація роботи.

And now I will give your  marks for your work. So, your marks are…

Thank you for lesson! You may be free.






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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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