"Wild Animals. Animals Map" 2nd grade

Про матеріал
Цікавий урок під час вивчення лексичного матеріалу за темою "Дикі Тварини" в 2 класі. Урок насичений цікавими іграми та інтерактивними формами організації роботи класу для продуктивного вивчення нової лексики за темою.
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КНЗКОР «Київський обласний інститут післядипломної освіти педагогічних кадрів»










Методичні матеріали для проведення уроків англійської мови з теми «Wild Animals» у 2 класі





                                                  слухачка курсів ПФК

                                                  вчитель англійської мови

                                                  Яценко Н.Г.

                                                  Броварська спеціалізована школа №5

                                                  ім. В.Стуса

                                                  Термін курсів 11.08 – 14.12.20

                                                  Керівник проєкту:

                                                  Крупа А.В.

Біла Церква



Topic:  Wild Animals. Animals map.

Lesson aims:

  • identify and use new words:  animals and countries;
  • practise grammar structure :  Are there any  …..?  Yes, there are / No there aren’t
  • develop listening , speaking, reading skills.

Age:  primary , 2nd grade. (8-9 years)

Materials:  flashcards(animals), animals map, presentation; song  “Hello!”;  phonics reading (card);

  1.  Warm-up:
  1. Greeting:  - Let’s remember our “Hello” song.

 Listen , sing and act.

  1. Phonics Reading: Letter combination “SH” we pronounce like the sound [ ∫]

Wordlist - sh, ch, th, words | Teaching Resources

2) Work in 4 groups . Make up a list  of animals as many as you can.  Read out the names to the class.

3) Look at the map. 

  • What countries can you see on the map? What country would you like to visit?


  • What animals can you see on the map? Are they home or wild animals?


  • Today we’re going to talk about wild animals in different countries in the world.


    II.  Basic Part: 


  1. – Listen to the new words and look at the pictures.
  • Look at the flashcards and repeat after me.


  1.  - Listen and point to the correct pictures.
  • I point and you name the animal. Try to read the name of this animal.
  1. Play a  game “ What’s missing”
  • Look at the pictures and repeat the animals. Close your eyes and I take out one card, then pupils open the eyes and guess the missing animal.
  • What’s missing?

     3) – Play the audio. Have the children listen and point to the pictures.  Point and repeat. 

  • Listen and number the animals as you hear them.
  • For feedback, say the number and the class call out the word.  Read the words in number order individually.

     4 )  - Look at the map and answer :  Yes there are  /  No, there aren’t: 


-  Are there any crocodiles in Ukraine?  No, there aren’t

- Are there any wolves in Ukraine? Yes, there are.

              - Answer the questions about the map.

Are there any crocodiles in China?


  • Work in pairs. Ask each other and answer. Use the model to ask and answer.
  • Perform your dialogue for the class.
  1.   WB p 8 Ex 1  -

 Find and circle 8 words in the line. Read them. Repeat it all together.

  1. WB p 8 Ex 2 – Read the description of some animals and circle the correct picture.


III. Summary: 

1)  “Mime game” 

  • Show the animal on the picture without words and others guess and name this animal!


  1. “What’s the next picture?”
  •  Look at the vocabulary in your books.
  • Hand the flashcards and mix. Then rearrange in the order the vocabulary in your books.
  • Read out the  words on your flashcards when I clap.



6 січня 2021
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